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BBECK DeChamp Offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 45
  1. Eternal
    August 7th 2011 11:56 PM - permalink
    Oh I see what your saying. Yeah... its just his personality I suppose.
    And nooo I bet others would agree its a good name
  2. Coffee.
    August 7th 2011 11:36 PM - permalink
    I'm majoring in Psychology, I think I want to do counseling. If not, I've thought about law, which would be an easy switch after first year.
    And nobody cool comes from AZ. Example: John Mcain. My point is won.
    Hahaha. And vegans are awesome. I wish I was. But I really like cheese and nutella.
  3. Coffee.
    August 7th 2011 11:21 PM - permalink
    Well, it'd be very hard to be vegan without any corn. xD Are you vegan? If so, that's awesome. I have a lot of respect for vegans.
    Frodo from Lord of the Rings? That's awesome, we don't have anybody that cool. Lol.
    And that's cool. I barely do. Just trying to figure that out. Haha.
  4. Eternal
    August 7th 2011 10:26 PM - permalink
    give what?
    And nooo its not!
  5. Eternal
    August 7th 2011 10:21 PM - permalink
    no its not!
    And he's gonna kill you when he sees that
  6. Coffee.
    August 7th 2011 09:53 PM - permalink
    Haha, we have a few bands coming from Arizona. Scary Kids Scaring Kids comes from AZ and I think they're decent. Paul McCartney now lives in AZ, though he's obviously from England.
    Actually, even if you don't eat a lot of corn, you still eat a lot of corn. xD Nowadays, they feed animals corn, so you're still getting corn via your meat. You also eat corn in most sweetened beverages. That's why Iowa is the food capital-everything eats corn!
    And I understand not wanting to go back to school. Is there a certain profession you want to do?
  7. Coffee.
    August 7th 2011 09:42 PM - permalink
    I'm not a big fan of Slipknot, but I think it's cool that they came from there.
    Yeah, the corn thing is pretty scary. Haha, we eat sooo much of it!
    And that sucks, have you thought about going back to school?
  8. Eternal
    August 7th 2011 08:49 PM - permalink
    I think its cute
  9. Coffee.
    August 7th 2011 08:39 PM - permalink
    Hahaha, the Slipknot thing is cool! And everything is made of corn. When you test our hair folicles, you find corn particles. I'm not even joking. xD
    And yes, we have one community college in my city as well. It's very nice, my twin sister and my best friend go there.
  10. Eternal
    August 7th 2011 05:16 AM - permalink
    But whyyy its amazingly awesome

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    I am the guy with cloud envy
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    Sigur Rós and VNV Nation :D
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    Don't cry, open your eyes, look around you, the world's still here and the past is past. Give yourself another chance and I will, too


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