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Welcome me, I'm new!

Avaleine Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. DeletedAccount12
    February 13th 2014 04:50 AM - permalink
    Happy Birthday!
  2. Ral.
    February 12th 2014 10:49 AM - permalink
    Happy Birthday!
  3. Amorphous.
    June 1st 2013 05:59 AM - permalink
    Hehe yeah, I am eligible to change it soon, in like a couple of weeks . And hopefully my username colour is different then too . How are you? .
  4. Lamia
    May 31st 2013 08:50 PM - permalink
    I'm fairly good
  5. Lamia
    May 31st 2013 06:43 PM - permalink
    No problem! How are you?
  6. Amorphous.
    May 31st 2013 05:45 AM - permalink
    I LOVE your name, it's so unique . Welcome to the team by the way, my name's Hamed . P.S. LOL I just read your About Me section.... I love your SCREEN name ..
  7. Lamia
    May 31st 2013 01:48 AM - permalink
    Hey there Avaleine, I'm Kat, and to TeenHelp! Hope you're finding everything ok, if not, let me know


About Me

  • Basics
    United States
  • About
    About me
    Hello. My name is Avaleine. I mean, it isn't really, but that's what you can call me, and if we ever talk one-on-one and you care to ask, it's quite likely that I'll tell you my real name. What shall I say about myself on here? Well, I'm in the tenth grade, I dropped chemistry class because it murdered my GPA. I don't have my picture on here because I don't want people I know in real life to somehow recognize me, because for some reason, that freaks me out. Maybe if I talk to you a lot you will someday get to see what I look like. Maybe. I have long-ish hair, and it's blonde. My eyes are blue. I like playing the piano, and I love writing. I bite my fingernails even though I try really hard not to. I live in the country and we have some chickens and ducks and typical country-farm-things, but I am not one of those people who is like "Yay! Getting dirty=Fun!" Because getting dirty actually equals "Oh gosh. I need to wash my hands again now. Ew.". My favorite color is pink. I have a few lovely friends, several lovely people who I almost consider friends, and even more lovely acquaintances. I'm learning French, which is good. I like singing but I'm not good at it. I like dancing. I like laughing and social situations freak me out. I love people though. I really do. Even strangers. There's this guy who works at one of the Kohl's stores near me who is always really nice to me when I go there, but he seems like he hates his job and maybe life. So I would absolutely love to talk to him about something other than what great deals Kohl's offers and how I saved so much money. Because I bet he's an interesting person. I think I could probably be friends with just about anybody if I really talked to them. I'm trying to think of other things to say about myself. I hate bugs. I probably like you. (Probably, I mean I love a lot of people, and so I might very possibly love you, but I don't know you so I'm not sure.) You can message me if you'd like. Messages are pretty sweet. It's raining at my house right now. Like the hard rain. I love it. My picture up there looks like a drawing. It was from when I curled my hair, and was wearing a lovely hair bow. I do not usually look well, but I think I look kind of good in that picture, considering that you can't see my face and my hair is so very curly.
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    High School
    I don't have one.
    Liberal... or like, kind of. I don't know.
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Writing, playing the piano, learning French, singing, texting, tumblr, taking pictures, experimenting with cute things to do to my hair
    The Beatles, Lana Del Rey, Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert, Justin Timberlake, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, sometimes Nicki Minaj, sometimes anything, really. Things from Les Miserables and The Phantom of the Opera
    Mean Girls, Brokeback Mountain, Titanic, My Girl, House of Wax, Forrest Gump, Big Fish, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Hobbit, Les Miserables
    Degrassi, Friends, Scrubs, That 70's Show, Dance Moms
    The Sims, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy X, Plants vs. Zombies, Candy Crush Saga
    To Kill a Mockingbird, Dandelion Wine, Life as We Knew It, Thirteen Reasons Why,The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
    Non-competitive things. Anything as long as it's just for fun. Pretty things, like ice skating and dance.
    No one.
    Favorite quotes
    'I know, up on top you are seeing great sights, but down here at the bottom we, too, should have rights.' - Dr. Seuss


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General Information
  • Last Activity: May 4th 2014 04:47 PM
  • Join Date: May 30th 2013
  • Referrals: 0


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  • Points: 6,639
  • Level: 11
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  • Points for User: 6,562
  • Per day: 6,321
  • Friends: 3
  • Visitormessages: 8
  • Filled profile: 230
Points for posts
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  • Posts: 44
  • Average Posts per Day: 0.01
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  • Points for Misc: 34
  • vBulletin Blog: 34


View Avaleine's BlogRecent Entries
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Posted March 12th 2014 at 05:50 AM by Avaleine Comments 1
Posted in Uncategorized
I found this website again. I always forget about it for months and months and then rediscover it. I took me about four years to find out how to make a new post. It's spring break for me! Yay! But my mother won't let me buy a ferret, which I find a bit ridiculous because I have enough of my own money to buy one. When I get my license, I'll bring one home after school someday. I'll hide it in my closet, and she shall never know. My head hurts from throwing a fit because my lack of ferret. Also I...

Posted June 24th 2013 at 11:10 AM by Avaleine Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
It is 6:01 a.m., and I should be asleep. Why am I not asleep? I don't know. Actually, that's a total lie. I do know why I'm not asleep. I am not asleep because it is summer and I have little responsibilities right now, so I never have to go to sleep at a certain time, or wake up at a certain time. That may sound lovely, but it isn't really. I mean, to a certain extent, it is, yes. However, in this situation, on this particular day, it isn't. My mother is going to wake me up in at least six hours....

Posted June 21st 2013 at 11:50 PM by Avaleine Comments 2
Posted in Uncategorized
There are blogs on this website? What? How come I didn't notice this before? Okay. All the other times I've tried to write a blog that wasn't a 'tumblr' blog, I have failed. We can attempt this one, but it will probably just be an embarrassing failure.

So... let's see what happened today. I woke up and had to go to the dentist. The dentist cleaned my teeth and asked "Have any of your teeth been bothering you?" and I lied and said "No." So then they announced I...
Recent Comments
Well, welcome back to...
Posted March 12th 2014 at 10:35 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ is offline
Yep, TeenHelp has blogs!...
Posted June 22nd 2013 at 12:33 AM by Coffee. Coffee. is offline
haha, well that sounded...
Posted June 22nd 2013 at 12:05 AM by justdatdude justdatdude is offline

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