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Astar Offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 16 of 16
  1. bringmethehorizon♥
    June 15th 2015 11:06 PM - permalink
    Hey thanks for your reply on my thread. How are you doing?

    Take care ~Justin~
  2. Astar
    May 31st 2015 04:47 PM - permalink
    Having suffered with anxiety and low self esteem for ages and nothing seemed to improve my confidence, I decided to try to to help myself. So ive spent a while watching self help videos and doing hypnosis sessions online and although I've only completed a few weeks of on and off treatment I do actually feel better. This is mainly because I'm forgetting what other people want to think about me and remembering who I am and what make me amazing. And I know I am a brilliant person and so is everyone else. I put a list together of things I told myself to make me believe I'm great. Hope this helps anyone else who's going through similar problems ����
    1) I’m beautiful��
    2) I’m a good friend����
    3)I’m loyal and faithful often a lot more than I should be����
    4) I really really (times 100) care about people and I always will do as long as they act the same to me��
    5) I’m stronger than I think- it’s true! Even on the days that I want to give up, some how I’ve got out of bed and got on with the day proving that I can do it��
    6) I mean a lot to people even if I don’t know it I’m very valuable ����
    7) I’m talented��������⚽️��������✏️������
    8) ive got great taste in clothes. My fashion sense suits me perfectly and is amazing!����������
    9) my life won’t end today and I don’t need to hurt myself to get through a day����
    10)I’m determined and I know what I want��
    11) I can do anything I want to if I try����
    12) ive got great taste in music����
    13) I make people laugh����
    14) I make people happy ��
    15)I can try again- yes things go wrong but I’m brilliant enough just to try again��
    16)Ive got a stunning smile ��
    17) I’m valuable ��
    18) I’m unique- I may not be the exact clone of society but I am what makes me ME. And I wouldn’t change it ����
    19) I’m kind. I’m a lovely person, and I always was and always am even on the bad days!����
    20) I’m in control of my life- even when you feel like everything’s going crazy I’m the one who can make the decisions and put it back on track����
    21) I have ambition and however much I want to stop trying, would never give up on my dreams��
    22) I have dreams and I can make them come true������
    23) I’m supportive and a good listener ����
    24) I’ll never give up- on a friend or on myself��
    25) I’m loving ��
    26) when I’m happy others will be happy��������
    27) I’m smart and I understand what’s going on��✔️
    28) I’m here for a reason ��
    29) in loving, lovable and loved��
    30) it doesn’t matter what people think of me, I know I’m amazing and it’s not my fault if people want to try to find fault in perfection ����
    31) I’m the best I can be! And always will be��������
    32) today’s a new day and I can try again��⏰��
    33) I’m fearless ��
    34) in a fighter and I’ll NEVER GIVE UP❤️
    And most of all whatever gets thrown my way, however hard, tiring, boring, scary, upsetting.. I will be able to get through it!
  3. kirito
    April 24th 2015 11:06 AM - permalink
    thanks for the friend request
  4. hocus pocus
    April 9th 2015 08:34 PM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    Thanks for the friend's request!
  5. coolkid98
    February 25th 2015 03:27 PM - permalink
    You're welcome and now worries How are you finding the site so far?
    I love Geogre Erza too! That is a good song!
  6. coolkid98
    February 17th 2015 04:38 PM - permalink
    Hiya, welcome to the site My name is Jenny and I'm a Buddy on here. I would suggest looking at this thread which explains all the ways which you can support and advice on here, and looking at the chat room and support forums.
    I see you like George Erza, what is your favourite song by him?
    Feel free to contact if you have any questions.

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    Hi! I'm a very dramatic 18 year old from England who loves acting and musicals and wants to work at a nursery or school. I also like bands such as green day and MCR, as well as musical theatre soundtracks.
    I go to college, which I do mostly enjoy and I have some fabulous friends��
    I also have bad anxiety and panic attacks which affect a big part of my life, making daily events.. not so much fun!
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    who knows? Not me!
    Sixth form / college (UK)
    Nursery assistant
    Not really interested
    Again, not really interested
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    main hobbie is acting, and going to performing arts classes and performing in shows �� I also like drawing- especially cartoons, as well as chatting to my friends. I love going to new places, particularly theme parks and theatres. I also love shopping and fooood (who doesn't!)
    bands like green day and MCR are fabulous. All musical theatre tracks are also fabulous. Particularly 'dear Evan hansen' and '13' do like some pop music as well��
    Any musical, various ones really
    most reality programme and dramas, shows like X factor and Britains got talent are fun to! Also like some TV Series and horror films
    so many! Any car racing game, bowling, mission type games. Tbh most games really.. have so many downloaded on my phone it's not even funny
    I'll read most 'teen' books really. If they are dramatic or funny then that's particularly good!
    the only sport I'm good at Is texting really fast!!
    i don't really know
    Favorite quotes
    Our lives begin to end when we become silent about the things that matter
    Don't cry cos its over smile cos it happened
    Everything will be ok in the end if its not ok its not the end
    Other interests
    computer games! Reading, going places..sleeping, eating. Yes I clearly lead a very 'exciting' life..
  • Signature
    I can do it and I can get through it. So can you xx


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