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Junior TeenHelper

Apollo Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 150
  1. Lil'OrphanAnnie
    May 12th 2010 12:02 AM - permalink
    thank you. so what do you do for fun?
  2. Lil'OrphanAnnie
    May 11th 2010 11:55 PM - permalink
    I took my placement test for college today, i am no where near confident. i have been out of school since 2007 so im really rusty in math. . i start school in august
  3. Lil'OrphanAnnie
    May 11th 2010 11:31 PM - permalink
    im doing a LOT better. i just got out of the pysch hospital. im doing so so right now. anything new going on with you?
  4. Lil'OrphanAnnie
    May 11th 2010 10:32 PM - permalink
    hey, how are you?
  5. BabyGirl767
    May 11th 2010 08:09 PM - permalink
    i agree your forgiven as long as you can forgive yourself first. and dont worry, by the way if you dont mind me asking, are you a girl? something about you tells me you may be a girl. i type long messages sorry! and i am constantly getting off topic! GAH! so what do you want to do after you graduate college if you havent already
  6. BabyGirl767
    May 10th 2010 07:40 PM - permalink
    i'm christian as well, probably not the best christian but i do try
  7. BabyGirl767
    May 9th 2010 07:51 PM - permalink
    it is awesome isnt it? i saw on your profile you answered your religon question as christian are you christian?(if you dont mind me asking) and as long as its funny haha joke playing silly nice immaturity like for fun nice to people kind of immatureity then i am fine, but if it is someone being mean and immature then i have a problem, as long as its, nice immaturity then im okay, i need to stop repeating myself :X
  8. BabyGirl767
    May 9th 2010 05:49 PM - permalink
    oh! well hank you it means "Gods promise", yes i get irritated when people get so mean too, and thanks,, im over it, i refuse to let some immature boy get to me
  9. BabyGirl767
    May 7th 2010 07:34 PM - permalink
    by the way i'd like to thank you for defending me in my post about the argument i had with my brother, that keady character is so mean , again thank you for helping me out
  10. BabyGirl767
    May 7th 2010 04:48 PM - permalink
    oh i see, well dont worry unless your comfortable telling me the story i wont pester you to tell me, elizabeth is my first name and ashley is my middle, smash is the nick name my eldest brother stephen gave to me, and babygirl is the pet name my good friend bobbie gave to me, shes one of my closest friends and one of the only friends that i have that is a girl, i have a few others but i have more guy friends

About Me

  • Basics
    Somewhere over the rainbow. =)
  • About
    About me
    I love to write, read, learn new things, expand my prior knowledge, and experiment with things in a new perspective, specifically with different types of mathematics and sciences.

    I love helping people, so I suppose that is why I love TeenHelp so much. I meet incredibly nice and genuine people here, and you make friends that are there for you even if it's only over the internet.

    I am always looking to meet new people and make new friends, so do not hesitate to talk to me if you see me around. I leave a lot of random visitor and private messages.

    See you around, and ALWAYS feel free to VM, PM, and add me as a friend.

    Smile. You're beautiful. :)
  • Details
    Here for
    The fun stuff.
    Relationship status
    High School
    I'm a good person to talk to about politics. I'm open-minded.
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    -I wish I would study aviation, but that won't be happening for awhile.
    -Learning about human and social interactions.
    -Music, any type.
    -Sports, watching and playing.
    -Running and jogging.
    -General exercise.
    Almost anything. Always up for suggestions and recommendations.

    -Metal, some.
    -Historical Fiction.
    -Any Fiction.
    -Classic Films.
    -Reality, some.
    -George Lopez.
    The fun ones!
    I will read any book I can get.
    Any (watching and participating)
    Superman. =D
    Favorite quotes
    I don't have one.
    Other interests
    Almost anything.
  • Signature
    Always feel free to contact me.
    <3 |.YOU ARE LOVED.| <3


    You may think the world is better off without you...
    The truth:
    The world isn't
    good enough without you.


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  • Apollo's posts have been liked or marked as helpful 4 times.
General Information
  • Last Activity: November 21st 2010 10:57 PM
  • Join Date: February 26th 2010
  • Referrals: 1


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  • Points: 10,510
  • Level: 14
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Points for threads
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  • Views: 58
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  • Average Posts per Day: 0.08
  • Helpful Answers: 40
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