Hi there Anne! Welcome to teenhelp!

I'm Bre, and I'm a buddy here at teenhelp! I'm here as a tour guide sorta. My job is to help you around the site and make sure you feel welcomed. There's a few areas of the site we like every new person to know about. The first being:
How to Obtain Advice/Support. This is where we explain all the areas of the site used to get advice/support and how they work. Then I'd also like to show you to here:
Arrivals/Departures. You can post an introduction for others about yourself there if you like. Last is the fun areas of the site which include chat, social groups, blogs, games, and more. If you have any questions about anything feel free to message me or another staff member anytime! You can find us by our colored user names, and any of us will be glad to help!