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Welcome me, I'm new!

angel_0f_de4th Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. jdcrews120
    November 28th 2014 10:01 PM - permalink
    Can I ask u a?
  2. Bunny_The_Dark_Angel
    October 22nd 2014 09:35 AM - permalink
    Hai Caitwin
  3. Bunny_The_Dark_Angel
    October 22nd 2014 04:01 AM - permalink
    Welcome Cuzzo
  4. Kintsukuroi.
    October 22nd 2014 02:11 AM - permalink
    Hey there! Welcome to TeenHelp

    I wanted to drop by and suggest you make a thread in the Arrivals and Departures thread to let everyone know who you are and that you're new!
    The Social Groups and the Chat Room are great places to meet new people!

    This is a link to the How to get advice thread which goes over the following areas of the site The forms where you can make a thread and get advice from all members of the site as well as the Help Link which an emailing support system, you will get at least three replies from the HelpLink mentors and finally Live Help which is like instant messaging, and you talk on one with a Live Help mentor

    If you need anything feel free to PM/VM me anytime!

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    I'm a confused (sexuality, and religious wise) suicidal, cutting teen. I stick up for people who get bullied/cyberbullied, because I know how it feels, I still get bullied today. I have home problems currently, and it's not the first time I've had them and it's not as bad as it was before, but it stresses and depresses me. I like to play C.O.D., Minecraft, Sims, and GTA, ect. I am a mean person at times, and I'm not good socially, but I would never bully, and I never have. I only get mean when you make someone upset, sad, depressed, or any of that to me. I am not easy to talk to, I'm very awkward. I have severe anxiety, and depression. I'm seeing a consoler, but I don't like it, its difficult, and depressing to me.
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    Junior High School
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Playing video games, drawing anime characters, and reading good books.
    hardcore, death metal, scremo, mellow rock. I listen to 66 bands...
    The nightmare Before Christmas, The Adamms Family, Conjuring, and lots more...
    The Big Bang Theory, Friends, and most comedy central and mtv shows.
    Minecraft, GTA, C.O.D., and more..
    The Chronicals of Vladimir Tod series, and more I cant remember the names.
    none I suck at sports.
    Favorite quotes
    don't feel like putting them all up at the moment...
  • Signature
    ~Angle of Death~


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General Information
  • Last Activity: December 5th 2014 12:06 AM
  • Join Date: October 22nd 2014
  • Referrals: 0


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