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I've been here a while

Ancora Imparo Offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 2911 to 2920 of 3117
  1. Palmolive
    October 28th 2010 03:15 PM - permalink
    LOL, okay, that sounds like a plan dear. We will share and some mornings, I might make myself 'available' at 7 am, just to walk him, with you
    And yes, out of money I am. baha. And well, to be fair, people in the cinema were being idiots. It was like full on full. And groups of kids were just talking and one group thought they would be hard core abd bring in flashlights to try and scare people. But this women ended up screaming 'If you wanna talk get out' Real loud, and everyone started to clap and cheer :L LOL. wounded.

    Much planned for the day? xxx
  2. MegaMadness
    October 28th 2010 01:49 PM - permalink
    Thankyou and thats good
  3. MegaMadness
    October 28th 2010 01:17 PM - permalink
    Still sick and now bored and lonely. Yourself?
  4. MegaMadness
    October 28th 2010 12:39 PM - permalink
    Hai my super awesome best friend.
  5. Victoria ♥
    October 28th 2010 10:56 AM - permalink
    Victoria ♥
    I just wanted to say that i think you're really lovely after speaking to you yesterday. Hope you're okay. <3
  6. Kitty.
    October 28th 2010 02:19 AM - permalink
    I think you are awesome.
    I love you.
    We should chat more.

  7. Palmolive
    October 27th 2010 11:15 PM - permalink
    I really want to steal your puppy. But, hypothetically, if I were to do so, I would still need you to get up at 7am and talk him for a walk, because I will be unavailable at that time
    And booots. And two shirtss. And a dress. And some jeaans.
    And scary as hell loved it xxx
  8. Obliviate
    October 27th 2010 11:13 PM - permalink
    I don't know much spanish either...
    you can just have a spanish accent.. <3
  9. Palmolive
    October 27th 2010 10:19 PM - permalink
    You are so right. We kicked some hard ass and did serious damage
    I don't even know how you manage to drag your self out of bed at seven. I don't even get up at the time on a school morning. You are mad. Can your doggie not wait a bit longer?!
    I have been shopping and spent all my money. Went to see paranormal activity too! xxx
  10. Palmolive
    October 27th 2010 10:14 PM - permalink
    I know it's been ages. I think I last spoke to you when we were trying to kick some serious ass on the count to 10 thread
    Good stuff kidda. Up and down, youu know how it is.
    Good day? xx

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    When we're lost in the madness, kindness is wisdom.


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  • Join Date: October 6th 2010
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