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I've been here a while

Ancora Imparo Offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 2201 to 2210 of 3117
  1. The ANTI-Troll
    February 9th 2011 07:59 PM - permalink
    The ANTI-Troll
    lol my thread un the why me section says it all... bad mood ... how about you ?
  2. WillO'Wisp
    February 9th 2011 07:45 PM - permalink
    I don't mind at all!
    I'm not sure if we've spoken before. Anyways hello! How are you?
    I love Monopoly too haha, and Scrabble also. I loved 13 Dead End Street too...until I lost all the pieces for it. Darn. lol
  3. Nicole26
    February 9th 2011 07:08 PM - permalink
    Failing everything :/
  4. The ANTI-Troll
    February 9th 2011 07:06 PM - permalink
    The ANTI-Troll
    your welcome :P
  5. Nicole26
    February 9th 2011 06:22 PM - permalink
    Doing so bad! Em administration, English, Maths, art and graph com
  6. EmisaurusRex
    February 9th 2011 06:08 PM - permalink
    bahahaha. me, queen bee?!
    i would soooo be a turtle. i had a pet turtle once. his name was speedy (i know, how original)...but...a snail could be fun, too. man...think of all the vacations you could have for pretty much freeeee. i'm gonna have to go find professor mcgonagall now!
    my day is going good so far. i went grocery shopping early and right now i'm chillin until tonight, when i have to start working. gonna go wander down to the mail box that i discovered earlier today and mail my letters. (mail boxes are hard to find here...i'm just trying to get used to it since i just moved to philly). anyways, what about you?? what's today like, 5 hours from now?
  7. Unknown10
    February 9th 2011 05:57 PM - permalink
    Not if I save you from the dragon first :P <3
  8. EmisaurusRex
    February 9th 2011 05:56 PM - permalink
    it's all good, no worries!!! i should probably make my settings a little less crazy, bahaha
    it would be totally beastin to have your house right on your back. then whenever you decided to take a nap or whatever, you could just do it. and, you could be sneaky and hide from anyone who wouldn't want you to be takin a nap because they'd look around and be all "oh, that's a pretty house" and not even know you were inside it. bam. awesomeness.
    i'm glad you're doing alright. <3
  9. EmisaurusRex
    February 9th 2011 05:37 PM - permalink
    it's called you never reply to VM's ya crazy kid! Haha, i'm just messin with youuuu.
    yay for fixing it!
    i am doing well. just chillin right now. writing some letters...snail mail is the way to go
    how are you?! <3
  10. PoeticZoe
    February 9th 2011 04:55 PM - permalink
    Hey-hey! ^_^ I'm pretty good, you?

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    When we're lost in the madness, kindness is wisdom.


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  • Last Activity: August 7th 2016 10:34 AM
  • Join Date: October 6th 2010
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