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I've been here a while

Ancora Imparo Offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 2051 to 2060 of 3117
  1. savealife723
    February 12th 2011 06:24 PM - permalink
    Well things were getting super busy because I've been planning everything for my school dance tonight. (: It's tolo so girls ask the boys and I asked the boy I've liked for the past year, and surprisingly, he said he'd love to go with me. I'm really excited. Everything is going perfect so far. Today is going to be even busier though. I need to get my pedicure, take my brother to a birthday party, go home, do make-up, hair, get dressed, and then he's coming over for pictures, and then the dance. Man. My day is going to be packed.
  2. Naomi.
    February 12th 2011 03:22 PM - permalink
    Ooo exciting
    Yay! Course I don't mind I haven't been on TH properly in forever xD
    Debating whether or not to come back...
    How're you?
  3. AlwaysShoutEmily
    February 12th 2011 02:49 PM - permalink
    My anguish here continues to grow with every second I remain here. It's like I'm being smothered. Not one person in my family cared about the emotional distress they put me through, but if my grades or my social life slips because of it, I suddenly am a problem to them. I can never win. Either I'm not noticed or I'm hovered over. It sucks. Thanks though, for kind of caring<3
  4. LlamaLlamaDuck
    February 12th 2011 02:27 PM - permalink
    The books I have are but the dictionary is tiny xD It's a little pocket sized thing. Kinda cute really. <3
  5. Twinge
    February 12th 2011 02:02 PM - permalink
    If I am a good singer, others will be the judge of that, not me.
    Yes, the shower... Can't hear myself in it though. That's just the thing about singing, hear it or not, you just feel alive and awake. I always choose to sing when I'm depressed...I do suffer from depression overtime, but of course I found a great solution for myself. Bet you don't have a problem with it at all, you always sound happy and cheery. (:
  6. MegaMadness
    February 12th 2011 11:48 AM - permalink
    I'm sorry love. I'll back off a bita nd stop stalking you
  7. Everglow.
    February 12th 2011 09:18 AM - permalink
    i've got twitter ifya like, but i'm kinda weary about who i give anything else out to, obvious reasons and stuff, but feel free to follow me on there, i'll PM you my username if you want me to x
  8. MegaMadness
    February 12th 2011 08:42 AM - permalink
    So Jake the love of my life, When you read this you must A. reply back straight away and I hope I see it. B. Get into chat if I'm on, C. Get on fb chat and message me, or D. get on msn and message me. Got that bro?
  9. emma01
    February 12th 2011 07:03 AM - permalink
    Haha yea ay that is true! What have you been up to today, or what do you plan to do today, depending on what time it is where you are!?!?
  10. GaveMyHeart
    February 12th 2011 07:01 AM - permalink
    Yes! Very much so. I always put things back where they belong. And sometimes I find myself organizing things. It's a habit.

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    When we're lost in the madness, kindness is wisdom.


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  • Join Date: October 6th 2010
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