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Welcome me, I'm new!

amberlynx10 Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. dieing_on_the_inside
    September 28th 2010 06:56 AM - permalink
    hey im katherine wellcome to the site if you ever need help then let me know
  2. facade
    September 3rd 2010 06:23 PM - permalink
    Happy birthday! :]
    Hope it's great!
  3. Briana
    September 2nd 2010 10:12 PM - permalink
    Hey there! Welcome to TeenHelp! My name is Briana and if you ever need anything, just let me know. I am always here to help. I hope you enjoy the site and all of its fun features! See you around!

About Me

  • Basics
    Fort Worth, TX
  • About
    About me
    19, living in Texas for the time being.
    I suffer from Bi-Polar Disorder [Type 2], Social Anxiety Disorder, Paranoia, Insomnia, and a slew of other non-mental disorders such as Fibromyalgia, Anemia, PCOS [Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome], and Immune System issues - among others undiagnosed.
    In the past I've suffered from Bulemia, which I'm still in recovery for, and self-harm.
    I come from an abusive household, and I've been in a fair share of abusive relationships.
    I've lost a sister, a love, and more.

    These may be what I suffer from, but they are not who I am. They effect me in no other way than help me grow as a person, and help grant me a type of empathy most people will never know.
    Truth is, I'm actually grateful most days for my problems. Without them, who knows where - or who - I'd be.
    Because of them, I've become someone whom I love, and I'm working towards a goal of doing something worthwhile, something I love more than anything.
    Helping children.

    I'm going Child & Adolescent Development & BA Psych, and my only hope is to help children and teens feel comfortable in their own skin, and love themselves. Learn from their problems, and not let them control them so they can't be themselves and live their lives.
    I sing, I write, I draw, I laugh, I'm sarcastic and obnoxious, I'm a teenager, I'm an old person, I cry for others more than myself, I love and care for everyone.
    I am ME.
    And I'm proud of what I've become.
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help with problems
    Relationship status
    In a relationship
    University - Undergraduate
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    singing, drawing, painting, graphic arts, writing, gaming, etc.
    anything but country, but I'm in love with jason mraz, catherine feeny, ingrid michaelson, and michael buble at the moment. calm, feel good music. but i have quite a diverse playlist.
    10 things i hate about you, little women, hackers, enchanted, the game plan, nanny diaries, across the universe, atonement, becoming jane, juno, mr. magorium's wonder imporium, all the PotC movies, all the resident evil movies, surf's up, sydney white, wristcutters: a love story, breakfast at tiffany's, roman holiday, pretty much anything with audrey hepburn in it, etc.
    American Dad, Family Guy, The Cleveland Show, Bones, Huge, 10 Thing I Hate About You, Dollhouse, Glee, Heroes, Gossip Girl, etc.
    MMORPGs, first person shooters, simulation, console - I love them ALL. games are love.
    catcher in the rye, gossip girl series, it girl series, harry potter, candide, pride and prejudice, sense and sensibility, northanger abbey, don quixote, les miserables, the scarlet letter, complete works of edgar allen poe, leaves of grass, madame bovary, war and peace, far from the madding crowd, the perks of being a wallflower, misalliance, microbiology for the health sciences, origin and development of the quantum theory, matter and memory, the hidden diary of marie antoinette, modes of thought, the red badge of courage, doctor faustus, on the method of theoretical physics, the great gatsby, a passage to india, a room with a view, the waste land, a farewell to arms, lolita, east of eden, innocent traitor: a novel of lady jane grey, cannery row, the crucible, catch-22, complexification, etc.
    soccer, touch football, tennis, track.
    edna pontellier, madame bovary, anna karenin, lily bart, jane eyre, hester prynne, elizabeth bennet, daisy miller, holly golightly.

    gandhi, anne frank, joan of arc, charles lingbergh, abigail adams, rachel carson, angela davis, eleanor roosevelt, sacajawea, dr. martin luther king jr.

    here and now:
    my friends, family, and anyone trying to make a difference in the world.
    Favorite quotes
    "i just love the idea of mixing all the different cultures and religions in the same house. i think that's what the world should be."


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  • Last Activity: April 6th 2012 06:53 AM
  • Join Date: September 2nd 2010
  • Referrals: 1


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