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alliannasmomma5 Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 98
  1. Jack Lowden
    April 8th 2012 08:53 PM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
  2. Jack Lowden
    March 29th 2012 10:08 PM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
    Okay awesome! Can't wait to see
  3. Jack Lowden
    March 29th 2012 08:14 PM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
    OH MY GOSH!! How exciting! Congrats hun Post pictures whenever you get a chance & have fun on the honeymoon
  4. Moxie.
    March 29th 2012 06:13 AM - permalink
    Hey girl. How are you?
  5. Jack Lowden
    March 29th 2012 04:55 AM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
    Well for the walking, no one will be thinking about that. They will be thinking of two people in love getting married & how beautiful you're going to look. But the rest, it's normal nerves for a bride.
  6. Jack Lowden
    March 29th 2012 03:03 AM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
    Awe hun, it's totally understand & normal to feel nervous. what are you nervous about?
  7. Jack Lowden
    March 24th 2012 09:41 PM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
    Yeah I don't think anyone will care. Everyone will be focused on the wedding & That's awesome, I'll have to check back to see if any pictures get posted Believe me, there is no such thing as thinking a little too positively.
  8. Jack Lowden
    March 24th 2012 09:03 PM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
    That is very true. & Aweee a week! That's so awesome! Congrats You'll have to post a picture if you get a chance to get on here again, although I know you might be a bit busy with your new hubby
  9. Jack Lowden
    March 23rd 2012 11:29 PM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
    Awe, well I'm glad to hear you're handling this so well. & That's awesome! When is the date?
  10. Jack Lowden
    March 23rd 2012 10:18 PM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
    Awe hun You are an amazing person & I hope things work out, but if they don't, I'm glad you're living life to the fullest <3


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