Hi there Alexander! I am Kav.
Welcome to TeenHelp. I noticed you were fairly new so I thought I'd drop by to say hi. I see that you have found the support forums and I hope you have received the advice you were looking for there. If you don't mind my making a suggestion, I'd suggest you make a thread in the
Arrivals and Departures forum, introducing yourself so that our users will get to know you better. You could also fill our the About Me section in your profile so that users visiting your profile will be able to know you.
Apart from the support forums, TeenHelp has a lot of other resources that you can turn to for advice like HelpLink and LiveHelp. They can be found at the top of this page.
This thread explains all the features in detail and I hope it helps you navigate the site.
That being said, I just wanted you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to or have any questions regarding the site, please don't hesitate to message me. I look forward to seeing you around.