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I can't get enough

Adam the Fish Offline

The Skittlemeister.

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 711 to 720 of 778
  1. I love my baby Forever
    December 31st 2012 10:42 AM - permalink
    I love my baby Forever
    hey I have bad news
  2. Eternal
    December 30th 2012 09:57 PM - permalink
    Just curious, by why is your username Rachael when your name is Adam?
  3. ~Divergent~
    December 25th 2012 09:25 PM - permalink
    Merry Christmas!
  4. .:PrincessZelda:.
    December 25th 2012 11:16 AM - permalink
  5. Amorphous.
    December 14th 2012 07:43 PM - permalink
    Haha basically that means writing threads and seeing questions you want to answer, so when the site DOES go back up, you can essentially find the threads or find the forum and then copy paste them in. Kind of like a back-up system .
  6. Amorphous.
    December 13th 2012 07:01 PM - permalink
    Yeah, I hate the downtime but apparently when they do reviews, they take that into account . My friend writes respoonses and threads in advance, on Word, so that when the site goes back up, BAM!!!!!!! It all goes on the site at once . But yeah, the site downtime really sucks .
  7. Amorphous.
    December 10th 2012 09:25 PM - permalink
    Hehe yeah, thanks for noticing =). I LOVE the new position.
  8. PSY
    December 8th 2012 08:29 PM - permalink
    Practice makes perfect. Haha, but seriously, I think it helps that I've been volunteering with TeenHelp for almost three and a half years. I can draw on previous responses I've given and modify them to fit each person's specific issue.
  9. LlamaLlamaDuck
    December 6th 2012 10:28 AM - permalink
    How's this?

    STAFF. <---- Click it.
  10. LlamaLlamaDuck
    December 4th 2012 09:09 PM - permalink
    Why thank you. Robin and I came up with it.

About Me

  • Basics
    United Kingdom
  • About
    About me
    Hi there!

    I'm Adam (Adam the Fish, formerly Rachael98), and I like chocolate.

    Also, I'm a Live Help Operator (since 08/10/12) here as well as being an Article Editor, a member of the Social Networking Team and a Forum Moderator for the Why Me? forum.
    I've now been a member of TeenHelp for two years - it doesn't sound much when others have been around since around when I was born, but it's a fair milestone for me!

    I've just finished school - looking forward to Sixth Form! - and I'm always around to talk. If you ever want a chat, to rant or someone to talk to, send me a visitor or private message. I always get back to them pretty quickly.

    I realise that I'm incredibly bad at writing informative "About Me"s, so if you ever have any questions about what I'm going on about, ask me. I only bite if I'm incredibly hungry.

    Last Updated: August 2014
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help with problems
    Relationship status
    University - Undergraduate
    The Internet
    The Pink Party (ask me if you dare)
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Talking to people!
    Making websites.

    Being a generally helpful-ish person. Ish.
    Personally, I sing...or did, until puberty started messing around with my voice. Now I have half-sing, and half-croak (RSCM VfL Red Level, Alto) and play:
    Piano (ABRSM G8)
    [Any other keyboard-related instrument]
    Most things.

    I like many styles!
    I enjoy Tim Minchin and Imagine Dragons among many artists.
    Comedy, generally.

    Johnny English is great, and Mrs. Doubtfire is also a must.
    I enjoyed The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel a lot, too.
    My Hunger Games obsession is also manifested in film form!

    Finally, Donnie Darko. Who doesn't like psychology thrillers?

    I dislike television (mostly).

    The most useful thing on there is BBC News.
    Although I admit A Touch of Frost was excellent.
    OK, and Miranda. And HIGNFY. And Watchdog. Plus TBBT. And QI. And New Tricks. But other than that...
    The Sims 3 and SimCity. But OpenTTD is better. Also looking forward to TS4, if my poor old laptop is going to be up to it.
    ^^^ See, technology goes first.
    And Contraband - quite an old game, but it involves cheating, lying and deception, so it's fun.

    To family and friends, I'm notoriously bad at games; if there's a winner, and therefore a loser, I'm always the latter.
    Harry Potter.
    CHERUB/Henderson's Boys.
    Hunger Games.

    I might also find some more adult books at some point which I like as much as Harry Potter.
    I do like Minette Walters a lot.
    Walking to school.

    'tis it.
    Everyone at TeenHelp is so brave, caring and brilliant, it's the most fantastic place to be.
    Favorite quotes
    "Everything will be alright in the end; if everything is not yet alright, then it is not yet the end" --The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

    "The purpose of life is a life of purpose" --Robert Byrne

    "Join the Light Side - Dark Side's too Mainstream!" --My Friend

    "The education system is wrong, generally. The only things we are taught are to pass exams. Especially in science. It's literally everything we are, but we don't understand the function of it and aren't taught it, except for in a hypothetical situation to get a few marks. 'I should remember to learn things by heart and not to think for myself.'" --My friend again.

    "I don't care what you think, or what other people do. I believe what I want and I don't care if you don't believe the same. I'm probably not right, but neither is anyone else." --That friend. Again.

    "Just because you find that life's not fair,
    Doesn't mean you just have to grin and bear it,
    If you always take it on the chin and bear it,
    Nothing will change" --Tim Minchin (Naughty - Matilda the Musical)

    "Close enough" --The Interwebs

    "can see why you help people...I LOVE YOU ADAM THANK YOU SO MUCH" --An actual person who I actually know and actually really helped. :D

    "You tell me exactly what you want, and I will very carefully explain to you why it cannot be.' --Simeon, GTA V

    "The people who mind do not matter; the people who matter do not mind"
    Other interests
    Generally being sarcastic and cynical.
    I try not to bring too much of that online, though. Because doing Live Help is the best thing ever.
    Also, I'm interested in Psychology. I wish my school would teach it...
  • Signature
    Skittlify me up...
    Adam the Fish | 26/08/12 | 08/10/12 | 02/12/12 | 09/02/13 | 01/06/13 | 30/08/13 | 25/11/13
    ...spreading happiness and joy around the Internet!
    ...well, I try, anyway. .......................
    private message.visitor message.profile.email
    "May we always remember that we are the rainbow."


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Blog - The Bucket List
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  • Last Activity: September 7th 2019 08:07 PM
  • Join Date: August 24th 2012
  • Referrals: 8


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  • Points: 21,690
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Points for threads
  • Points for threads: 4,620
  • Threads: 2,880
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  • Replies: 244
  • Views: 745
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  • Posts: 5,184
  • Average Posts per Day: 0.75
  • Helpful Answers: 2,420
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  • Calendar Events: 150


Latest Blog Entry

Posted October 2nd 2013 at 07:19 PM by Adam the Fish Comments 4
Well...not really my target, but my friend Ellie has decided that I have to have a girlfriend by the time I'm 16, which gives me exactly 1 year and 1 month from today.

Item #: 5
Name: Le gf
Set: 02/10/13
Achieved: 18/11/13
Timescale: 1 year
Description: Well, thanks...

This would probably be fine, but when I went on my school trip (yay!) just under a week ago, the bus driver even tried setting me up with someone. Even he failed. :P

Posted June 24th 2013 at 03:42 PM by Adam the Fish Comments 7
I promised, I delivered. Well, will deliver.

Item #: 4
Name: Gareth's Guinness
Set: 24/06/13
Timescale: >4 years
Description: I promised Gareth a Guinness. He shall get it!

Gareth (Oracle.) is Irish.
Therefore, Guinness is a major part of the culture. Because Irish people are amazing.

I said I'd buy Gareth a Guinness, and I...

Posted June 23rd 2013 at 08:57 PM by Adam the Fish Comments 0
Perhaps not the most exciting item I'll ever have on my list, but something I'd like to work towards nevertheless.

GCSEs are the UK's secondary exam system - it stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education.

Item #: 3
Name: GCSE Grades
Set: 23/06/13
Timescale: 2 years
Description: GCSEs are really important. As in, really important....

Posted June 15th 2013 at 09:20 PM by Adam the Fish Comments 3
Because I should take up potential income when there are other people who probably actually need it more than I do!
(because I'm a horrible person. Deal with it...)

Like every piss-poor person in the country doesn't want one.

Item #: 2
Name: Get a Job!
Set: 15/06/13
Timescale: Short-Term Goals (up...

Posted June 9th 2013 at 08:50 PM by Adam the Fish Comments 1
Hooray for my first proper Bucket List item!

And (surprise, surprise), I reckon it's going to be one of the least achievable.

Item #: 1
Name: Visit the Maldives
Set: 09/06/13
Timescale: Long-Term Goals / Lifetime Ambitions (3 years - Death)
Description: Take a holiday to a Maldivian Island.

I've always wanted to be a little more adventurous in my holidays - particularly now I go to secondary school and hear of the most wonderful...
Recent Comments
Originally Posted by Rachael98
Now, we must wonder
Posted November 1st 2013 at 04:05 AM by PandaAmber PandaAmber is offline
Originally Posted by PandaAmber
I'm sure you'll get
Posted October 31st 2013 at 11:49 PM by Adam the Fish Adam the Fish is offline
I'm sure you'll get...
Posted October 24th 2013 at 10:43 AM by PandaAmber PandaAmber is offline
aww im sure your not...
Posted October 19th 2013 at 07:14 PM by PrimadonnaQueen PrimadonnaQueen is offline
Have you forgotten that...
Posted July 2nd 2013 at 12:54 PM by PrimadonnaQueen PrimadonnaQueen is offline

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