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Welcome me, I'm new!

abandonedships Offline

All I know, It's like poison

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 90 of 100
  1. Hollifire
    March 14th 2012 09:25 PM - permalink
    Omg, you're so much like me
    I've seen a lot of the Saw series but the first one was by far my favourite
    I absolutely love Red Dragon. I can't even remember how many times I've seen that movie
    For me, I tend to steer more towards horror movies. I mean sure, I like comedies & romance movies, but I love being scared
  2. Hollifire
    March 14th 2012 09:02 PM - permalink
    So tell me, what kind of movies do you like?
  3. Hollifire
    March 14th 2012 08:28 PM - permalink
    Yes, yes they are
    Mine would have to be Prayer of the Refugee
  4. Hollifire
    March 14th 2012 08:18 PM - permalink
    Oooh you like Rise Against? Nice
    Favourite song?
  5. Hollifire
    March 14th 2012 07:55 PM - permalink
    I feel like I get asked what I like for music quite often
    Basically, I'll listen to whatever. I'm not an extremely picky person when it comes to music.
    Some of my favourite bands are Linkin Park, Metallica, The Used, The Cab, The Spill Canvas etc etc
    What do you like to listen to?
  6. Hollifire
    March 14th 2012 07:46 PM - permalink
    Ahhh okay. I'll give you points for the creativity
    My username is just a nickname, haha. I fail so hard
  7. Hollifire
    March 14th 2012 07:40 PM - permalink
    So, I have to ask... How'd you come up with your username?
  8. Hollifire
    March 14th 2012 07:28 PM - permalink
    Okay, we don't either, but you know what I meant, smartass
    And I don't know much about Australia, sooo I couldn't tell you
  9. Hollifire
    March 14th 2012 07:01 PM - permalink
    Bahaha aren't those things everywhere?
  10. Hollifire
    March 14th 2012 06:43 PM - permalink
    Haha I have no idea, to be honest
    What animals are you thinking of?

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    High School
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    So many are broken, and they're not getting up


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  • Last Activity: March 27th 2012 12:28 AM
  • Join Date: March 13th 2012
  • Referrals: 0


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  • Points: 7,555
  • Level: 12
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  • Points for Posts: 94
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  • Helpful Answers: 40

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