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15mommy Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
  1. Beautiful_Mess
    April 7th 2014 10:43 PM - permalink
    Well I'll be back in a lil bit. I'm going to take a bath, maybe if you're on when I get back we can talk some more
  2. Beautiful_Mess
    April 7th 2014 10:39 PM - permalink
    Okay NOW I've sent you a friend request Lol
  3. Beautiful_Mess
    April 7th 2014 10:38 PM - permalink
    DAMN! Yours are just a lil bigger than mine!!(but that's probably cuz you're breast feeding lol)
    And awe, lol yeah that's how babies are...Just wait till he gets older, He'll always want his Momma.
  4. Beautiful_Mess
    April 7th 2014 10:28 PM - permalink
    Oh and have I already sent you a friend request?
  5. Beautiful_Mess
    April 7th 2014 10:26 PM - permalink
    Ohh, Well sometimes men see them as old and ratty when they're really not, my fiance is the same freakin' way! lol
    But yeah, the diapers are more important, I agree with you on that...diapers go faster than anything!
    Don't stay mad at him too long, he loves you and was just trying to be helpful( I think) I don't know him, soo I can't really say...(Just trying to help)
  6. Beautiful_Mess
    April 7th 2014 10:15 PM - permalink
    Awe,lol that's how babies are..that's cute. I'm glad to hear y'all are doing okay
    Whatchu up 2?
  7. Beautiful_Mess
    April 7th 2014 09:19 PM - permalink
    Ohhh and it's Beautiful_Girl, I changed my name.
  8. Beautiful_Mess
    April 7th 2014 09:19 PM - permalink
    Hey there!
    How are you and Vincent and your boyfriend doing?
  9. Beautiful_Mess
    April 5th 2014 02:45 AM - permalink
    Awe that's what my fiance said to me...and Yeah I want 4 kids too. Okay and I have another question..but I don't know if it's too personal so I'ma email it to you...
  10. Beautiful_Mess
    April 5th 2014 12:16 AM - permalink
    Yes, I know the father would stay...I know that in my heart. I don't have a job, But he does. I am engaged, but we plan on waiting to start having a baby after we're married. Which is less then or more than a year away. And we plan on staying with my mom as long as she'll have us, me and my mother are very close and she doesn't want me moving. and Ouch. no meds...How'd you do it?!
    I'd have to have meds I think. and how'd you tell your mom/parents what was the reaction? The reason for me not having a job, is becuz my fiance was raised to not let the women work...the men go out and work..But I do, do lil side jobs, like babysitting dogs and or babies...taking care of the elderly and cleaning and painting houses and such. I know none of them are real jobs, but that;s all my fiance will allow lol. I've had a rough life, so he thinks it's time I finally rest with working I guess.


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