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Average Joe

.Jess. Offline

Previously xxjessxx

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 131 to 140 of 186
  1. Katie
    February 28th 2009 07:00 PM - permalink
    heya Jess! just thought u might like to know: i went to my doc yesterday, and she's reffered me to a cognitive-behavioral therapist. and they aslo know only to contact me on my mobile, so theres no way my parents can find out (unless thy bug my phone...?). so thats good. im just waiting 4 them to give me a call to arrange an appointment. thanks ur advice.
    much love
  2. Katie
    February 20th 2009 07:46 PM - permalink
    yeah the white horse by mary stevens park? yeah i know that one. and yep, im knowing Hagley too, but not very well. what did u study in college?
  3. Katie
    February 20th 2009 07:20 AM - permalink
    hey Jess, thanks for your VM, no way!!! i must live like 20 mins away from u, i go to collge in Stourbridge. i live in a little villiage called Kinver...heard of it? not many people have really. oops, just got told off for going off topic...thats so like me!
    much love
  4. losing touch.
    February 19th 2009 08:56 PM - permalink
    losing touch.
    Thanks!! :] yeh i'm ok thanks, how are you?. x
  5. reflection_of_who
    February 17th 2009 01:06 PM - permalink
    rawr rawr rawr
  6. Marionette.
    February 15th 2009 09:56 PM - permalink
    Woo pictures. I shall stalk them soon enough xD
    Aww, get her over more often!

    School is blahh.
    It's pretty much the same as the english system. But hardly anyone leaves after GCSE's.
    I have AS level mocks this week. -_-
    Stressed to the max

    But I still managed to find time to party this weekend, such a good student ey

    How's uni goingg?
  7. Starlett
    February 11th 2009 10:42 PM - permalink
    The brother just told me to stop making weird sounds and I didn't realise I was making any

    Come make weird sounds and pull funny faces with me please, I miss you.

    Lalalala vm's must be left on a positive note soooo hmm, oh, I've grown to hate the shoes as they wake me up each morning! And I'm now obsessed with balls - of the golden kind, obviously! The inflatable bed incident was never documented either, I'll get on that sometime...haha well I won't really 'get on' it seeing as it's broken - oops what a bad joke

    I'm done, still miss you and your spotty things, I don't know anyone else who's plates and cups and glasses and knives and forks and pyjamas are all spotty/bubbly

    I want to colourrrrrrr.

    Oooh and I taught you what a yak was, can't believe you didn't know - you EEJIT hahaha Jess, it is ridiculous how much that made me laugh just then, I'm so weirddd...

    Loves you x.x.x
  8. her_beautiful_mistake
    February 10th 2009 11:31 PM - permalink
    (I would ask for dietician and eithe rmnetal heath services or therapist)
  9. her_beautiful_mistake
    February 10th 2009 11:31 PM - permalink
    ps. go to a different doctors, try again, go in being clear what you want
    "I went to another doctor and he did not understand exactly how big the problem is and was unhelpful so I came to you having decided what it is I want and hoping you can help me. I really want and need help"

    what do you want? Suggestions that you should ASK for
    -- referal to a treatment team such as mental health services or eating disorder treatment team, whatever they have in your area
    -- referal to a therapist or psychiatrist
    -- referal to a dietician
    -- regular appoints with the GP
  10. her_beautiful_mistake
    February 10th 2009 11:29 PM - permalink
    prozac is actually proved to help with bulimia and defintley helped me but only if you take 60mg/day and I'm assuming they were only offering you 20mg??
    its kind of worth a go though, it's not fobbing you off, there is clear and strong evidence that prozac helps with bulimia. defintley not anorexia tho

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    I'm Jess :)

    * Just finished Uni.
    * Got a degree in Social Work.
    * I go out clubbing and drinking far too much.
    * Love to dance like no one's watching.
    * Fanatic stationary freak.
    * Love football.
    * Love the sun (not that we get much here...)

    Here to help :)
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help with problems
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    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Going out, clubbing, drinking, football, stationary, swimming, dogs, studying, reading, shopping, driving.
    I currently have over 100 books on my bookshelf I haven't yet read, I'm working my way through them...

    Anything written by:
    * Tasmina Perry
    * Jodi Picoult
    * Jane Green
    * Marian Keyes
    * Diane Chamberlain
    * Dorothy Koomson
    * Virginia Andrews
    * Adele Parks

    Reading <3
    Favorite quotes
    “One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.”

    “Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.”

    "A dream is a wish that you make with your heart."
  • Signature
    A dream is a wish that you make with your heart


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