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I've been here a while

*Rainbow*Rider* Offline


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  1. Twinge
    July 14th 2010 04:22 PM - permalink
    i cannot tell a lie about that. thanks for the guess though.
    low self esteemed people aren't for the job,i think,but self esteem isnt needed,just not to be lazy,scared,and grossed out by hospitals. and to be older is much required for the job.

    and hah i'd really do it but i kinda got my plans worked out. i mean,i planned what i want to do in my life. its even better said than done. the thing is that you have to love your job,right?i know you do. just i'm still figuring things out. its not really going so good cause i can't beat my complex.
  2. Twinge
    July 14th 2010 05:52 AM - permalink
    you know...if theyre stressed,you can always bring up the light in the care home. its a perfect place to make life learning sticky notes. or even that operation beautiful thing.
    and showing them you care is really the nicest thing to do,they can feel that. the world wouldn't be better without you. also with that,you can always learn something new. i wish i was more helpful though... some just arent born for a job like that.
  3. Twinge
    July 14th 2010 12:54 AM - permalink
    yeah your dedicating your life to the ones that need help most.
    its like non medical and non physical care,more psychology in it.
    well is it a little hard there? do you get help at work?
    and if you dont,i bet your very independent at it.
  4. Twinge
    July 14th 2010 12:33 AM - permalink

    um sounds like your going to be somekind of a doctor when you grow older
    *if i forget that your still in college or not*
  5. Twinge
    July 14th 2010 12:00 AM - permalink
    not really...shoot.
    its almost midnight there and 1 am here,i am really tired. been going around and not sleeping enough. and not complaining actually.

    dont mind my curiosity but whats the coursework about?
  6. Twinge
    July 13th 2010 11:14 PM - permalink
    or if you want to just win a computer game against the person who just saw an optical illusion. i think its logic.

    anyways,how are you today? something new going on?
  7. Twinge
    July 13th 2010 11:01 PM - permalink
    i did put up some optical illusion on my screen once. the circles that spin up by themselves. it fit perfectly. it was teasing my eyes.

    thoe make good pranks btw,if you want someone to be blind for some minutes.
  8. Twinge
    July 13th 2010 11:56 AM - permalink
    everyone has a book of them but not me. i didnt find those anywhere!
    i dunno could you try browsing?
  9. Twinge
    July 13th 2010 01:56 AM - permalink
    um yeah. those are the ones.
    you can research hun.i dont mind uploading to your profile though.

    are they scary?? havent looked at one in hours.
  10. TheBabyEater
    July 12th 2010 04:28 PM - permalink
    I'm so sorry you had a dream like that. But it's just a dream so try to remember that =] It'll pass

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    If the world is a cold place
    Make it your business to start some fires


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