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I've been here a while

*Rainbow*Rider* Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 171 to 180 of 393
  1. Twinge
    July 11th 2010 06:06 PM - permalink
    maybe they ran over my hand while i was in the bushes. maybe it was cause i held a kitty and it was too dirty... i know im not sick! its unbealivable.
    one thing i dont get.... why cant i take it off!? will it go away by itself? i hope it does. maybe i should wait.
  2. Twinge
    July 11th 2010 05:46 PM - permalink
    speaking of yellow,i just found out smething like YELLOW marks on my hand. a cant get it off... i am seriously scared.
    does it sounds kinda familiar?

    yes,its an emergency.
  3. Twinge
    July 11th 2010 04:00 PM - permalink
    yeah,were all here for eachother no matter what. its like were all life savers so its even better.

    your backround color is awesome though it kinda hurts my eyes. its just strong,right?
  4. Twinge
    July 11th 2010 01:18 PM - permalink
    no need to be sad about it hun. it can happen again. dont lose hope in happiness.
  5. Minerva McGonagall
    July 11th 2010 08:50 AM - permalink
    Minerva McGonagall
  6. Twinge
    July 11th 2010 03:21 AM - permalink
    thats why people exchange MSN and email,its the internet. i mean,you can get pretty lost there,or friends. not like you can visit their doorstep any time.
    maybe it was different before though you can exchange email addresses through pm.
    life is meant to go on anyway. no stopping in looking for happiness. you just have to think it wasnt meant to be if its gone? but its all n decisions. you might meet them later. you never know.
  7. Twinge
    July 11th 2010 03:03 AM - permalink

    you surreh?? this cat looks very scarrey. and its the one.

    i know how its all when you got a great community with friends. at my old site. now we all split up. nothing can be back to normal. now the ones that left hate each other, they hate me. thats why i escape.
    ofcourse its online but the feelings are still the same. the heart beats and the feeling like its for real. its still the same. it still matters. but i like thinking to myself that its more virtual..
  8. losing touch.
    July 11th 2010 02:29 AM - permalink
    losing touch.
    no waaaay! in the movie she looks kinda.. plain. but in real life.. mmmmm.
  9. Twinge
    July 11th 2010 01:56 AM - permalink
    i see... hope that passed soon. you were strong enough to cope with your state then.
    i hope th wont ever make that mistake then. you learn from the old ones and keep on like that in the future with what you learn , not to repeat things you did bad.

    anyways...rainbow sounds cute lol. i like the screen name but always match with the avatar,we dont do that well though. how much sites are you on? im like on 6 sites but popular on none. guess i dont talk much,or offense or not even being there...
    speaking of avatars,i just try finding a new one. most f the avatars are on kitties,fairies ballerinas ,toys,cartoon characters or simply cute things lol. am i right? but seriously,i dunno if i should put a fairy or just something that looks weird. so much to choose from.
  10. Elephant Juice
    July 10th 2010 11:33 PM - permalink
    Elephant Juice

    Try get some sleeeep. <3
    And lol at grandma.

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    "It may be that your sole purpose in life is to set a bad example"
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    If the world is a cold place
    Make it your business to start some fires


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