- Dating
- What's the cutest thing ur partner has called you
- Long term relationship trouble
- I like my friend, they know but they're unsure -- it's complicated
- Triggering: Help!?
- Uhhhh...
- match made in heaven or hell?
- Boyfriend???
- Female Advice Preferred: Dating
- I have feelings for my best friend - need advice!!
- Why am I such a horrible partner?
- Triggering: Not sure what to do with my friend?
- How to process the break
- I am very confused
- How can I recover? I'm a fool
- Triggering (SH): Unrequited Love
- dealing with bf's girl bestfriend
- Dating While Autistic Advice?
- Kissing advice and some other stuff
- She won't leave me alone
- Age gap dating
- I don’t think My friend doesn’t like my boyfriend
- worried
- did i mess up
- broke up and got back with my bf but he still sucks?
- Female Advice Preferred: I need to know
- Female Advice Preferred: first kiss yesterday , but with the WRONG BOY
- Female Advice Preferred: Crush Problem
- Got humiliated, need advice from high school girls plz?
- My past affects my new relationship :(
- I want to break up
- He is involved in drugs.
- what does he really want
- Am I the problem?
- very gay for a girl, pleas help
- Prom should not be this stressful
- Relationships. F**king. Suck.. sometimes.
- relationships are hard
- Secret Relationship...Help-
- My diary
- A girl (14) rubbed her arm against my arm (14) briefly before I stepped away trying to be polite. Is this a sign that she likes me?
- Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Girlfriend with Issues
- End a relationship?
- Not ready.
- How does one know if it's love or an obsession?
- How do I (idk how to phrase it) make a girl like me?
- Parents say that the girl im dating cant be my friend and my girlfriend?
- I had my first kiss yesterday :)
- Issues with having children
- Friendship fail
- Valentine’s Day…
- 18F likes 20M and he likes me back but I feel awkward, any advice?
- It just has to get better..
- Knowing when to move forward
- mixed feelings :<
- help w/ a girl I really like
- In love with him
- I like him but he’s talking to someone
- Long distance is hard
- First relationship
- Worried I am going to get set up
- Can't concentrate
- Friend's relationship situation - opinions needed
- Non-PG13: Is it reasonable to be upset about this?
- Psycho I guess
- Triggering: daddy issues?
- Letter
- First date advice???
- Want VS need
- Trouble being vulnerable
- I don't know what to do about this relationship
- How do I get over them?
- Somethings up, and feelings are weird.
- falling out of love (trying to)
- how to stop being used.
- How to support and not smother
- Can I go out with his friend?
- Female Advice Preferred: Scared but considering it
- Struggling to feel like I am in a relationship(s)
- Met a guy...
- Why You Should Not Use Online Dating
- I'm probably overthinking this, but...
- Friends or just dating
- Female Advice Preferred: am i wrong for this
- Am I wrong for being a little upset?
- How do I leave - shouldn't I?
- Oral sex with sisters boyfriend
- mixed signals leading to nowhere (and sadness)
- Why is there always history?
- Co-worker
- We’re “just friends”, but I don’t want to be – and I don’t think he does either
- When is it time to let go?
- In love with best friend
- How to ask a girl out.
- How do you get a girl to notice you
- Poly relationships
- Make a move or wait?
- Non-PG13 (Strong Language): My first (long-distance) boyfriend, breakup, and aftermath.
- Breakup
- Boyfriend is struggling with antidepressants
- Our relationship is going down the drain
- Sexual tension vs platonic relationships
- separated in an abusive relationship
- Confusion and Confessing to Crushes
- he broke up with me
- Confidence when dating the same sex
- Should i let my boyfriend have a girl best friend?
- Concerns over new relationship
- Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Trigger maybe* break up
- I trusted him
- Quarantine Dating
- My boyfriend has a girlfriend
- complex romantic situation
- Boyfriend acting transphobic. Red flag? warning: long read
- I like this girl and i think she likes me back but she has a boyfriend
- Does he not like me anymore?
- Im 16 and my boyfriend is 18
- My boyfriend feels bad
- No Local Friends Or A Girlfriend…And I’m Happy
- Does this normally happen for an exceptionally attractive guy in high school?
- Left crush on open
- Fear of dating
- Dating Somebody In a Different Religion
- My Boyfriend is mad i got high
- How to open up to boyfriend
- Non-PG13 (Strong Language): I went out with a friend's boyfriend behind her back (but she got me back good)
- Telling my boyfriend I'm agender
- Should I tell my boyfriend
- Girlfriend asked me to homecoming (and she is making me feel like crap)
- I don't like my girlfriend's flirty 'jokes'
- Kissing a boy with a girlfriend
- online dating
- My Boyfriend and me are having problems
- Helping my Boyfriend
- Female Advice Preferred: Why would ex girlfriend block everything apart from viber?
- How to find a boyfriend and what is considered healthy?
- Boyfriend wants to sleep with other people
- My boyfriend blocked me
- Triggering (Abuse): Abusing my girlfriend
- finding a girlfriend
- I am not ready to date but I get insecure when I see my close friend dating
- Triggering (SH): Should I tell my boyfriend I cut again
- Female Advice Preferred: How do i convince my Girlfriend that i didn't cheat?
- Would I be a bitch if I didn't go to my boyfriend's Graduation?
- mental illness+dating?
- Problems with boyfriend...
- Boyfriend with Schizophrenia
- When is it ok to introduce my boyfriend to my daughter?
- Triggering (Abuse): My boyfriend physically hurt me
- i need to help my girlfriend
- Need Help, lost "love" in high school
- Crush on a friend (but she has a boyfriend!)
- Wrong to ask a co worker for her number even though she has a boyfriend?
- I cheated on my girlfriend and she cheated on my should we end it it or forgive
- A 12 year old dating a 15 year old online?
- Mom thinks we're dating??
- Should consider online dating dating sites etc?
- Female Advice Preferred: Strange behaviour of my boyfriend
- What to get my boyfriend for his graduation?
- Triggering (Suicide): Woman who encouraged boyfriend to commit suicide covicted of manslaughter
- I hate myself and I think my girlfriend is going to fall in love with another girl.
- Boyfriend Abuse
- Female Advice Preferred: Hanging out witb your boyfriend for the first time😌
- Triggering (Abuse): Abusive Relationships and Teen Dating Violence
- Male Advice Preferred: my boyfriend is moving away...
- Is continuing a relationship from HS while in college odd?
- Triggering: Boyfriend broke up with me
- New Boyfriend
- How do I tell my boyfriend that I'm a lesbian?
- I still like him, but he's dating her
- worried about boyfriend's smoking habits...
- dating opp- quick advice
- Sex crazy boyfriend
- Triggering (ED): Told my boyfriend
- I don't think my boyfriend finds me attractive
- Non-PG13 (Strong Language): boyfriend hit me
- Triggering (Substances): my boyfriend seems happy only when on MDMA
- Webcams~ and online dating
- boyfriend wants to eat me out
- Triggering: Boyfriend(ish) Is Moving Away.......
- My online girlfriend is acting weird; what should I do?
- My Girlfriend's Negativity Has Worn Me Out
- How to help my mentally ill girlfriend?
- Triggering: How to help my mentally ill girlfriend?
- another case of overthinking minor details... (defining our relationship? how to act in school?)
- I am interested in an insanely attractive guy at my school, what should I do?
- I like a guy at my work
- Bi, dating, and preferences
- Is senior/sophomore dating weird?
- I broke up with my boyfriend, now everyone hates me.
- Non-PG13: I really like an online friend but unsure of how/when to ask her to be my girlfriend
- My fuckbuddy has a boyfriend.
- My brother and his almost girlfriend make fun of me?
- Non-PG13 (Strong Language): My Friend and Her Girlfriend is Sayin Shit Behind My Back
- soon to be girlfriend "accidentally" sent me a pic of her boobs
- Triggering (Suicide): I am scared for my boyfriend's life...
- What is considered to be socially acceptable age range dating for teens?
- Non-PG13: I am falling for my bestfriend/ ex girlfriend
- My best friend is dating my bully
- Boyfriend's drunken stepdad wanted sex, wife in denial, I feel so alone
- Triggering (Abuse): My boyfriend is abusive
- I hate/Love my ex girlfriend
- i caught my boyfriend having nudes of his exs
- I don't like my boyfriend's best friend but I don't want to be controlling
- Ex is dating someone I have always disliked
- 16, Never had a boyfriend
- best friend/ girlfriend problem
- Advice for a Jewish male dating a Christian?
- I'm a high school senior but have never had a boyfriend
- Abusive to my Girlfriend
- I need help: I can't understand my girlfriend's life
- I feel so uncomfortable about dating
- dating and other stuff
- Girlfriend got pregnant despite condoms?
- Boyfriend is upset over lack of physical friends
- Getting a girlfriend
- I get jealous of my boyfriend. How can I get over this?
- Boyfriend molest in sleep
- Spending the Night With My Boyfriend
- What are your thoughts on Hs/college relationships?
- I'm 13 and thinking about dating a 15 year old
- Male Advice Preferred: Girlfriend won't interact with me
- Harassment by ex boyfriend and friends. How to handle the situstion?!
- My Girlfriend and I are in love, but my physical wants are causing problems
- Male Advice Preferred: Boyfriend getting close to female friend
- Confused about my boyfriend
- My boyfriend keeps making plans without me. I'm kinda hurt.
- Texting girlfriend's bestfriend
- Girl at Work
- Boyfriend and recipes.
- I am interested in an extremely attractive guy at my school, what should I do?
- Dating advice
- Triggering (Suicide): Boyfriend got arrested
- First boyfriend
- I like him and he likes... Me(?) But his girlfriend though...
- Best Friend and Boyfriend problems
- Feel pressured to do 'it' with my boyfriend?
- Crushes at Work
- Perfect Dating Age
- My boyfriend won't stand up for me
- Hes 26, has a girlfriend and we work together but we kissed and i really like him
- What do i do about my boyfriend??
- Triggering (Grieving): Girlfriend's mom passing soon
- Triggering (Grieving): Please help my sisters boyfriend brother that has passed away.
- boyfriend moving
- I'm 15 in May but I want to live with my 16 year old boyfriend
- I need help, my girlfriend might be pregnant
- Why are girls in high school so shallow?
- Female Advice Preferred: Does the presence of body fat and male breasts , scare women away when dating?
- I found out that my best friend that i have a crush on had sex with her boyfriend