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  1. girlfriend issues
  2. Supporting boyfriend who experienced extreme childhood abuse?
  3. I need help with my girlfriend. And my mental health
  4. Need a girlfriend...
  5. My Girlfriend bit my knob off whilst i was playing need for speed
  6. Boyfriend got me an expensive gift for Christmas...help!
  7. Boyfriend doesn't understand
  8. Christmas card for boyfriend? Please answer urgent thoughts!
  9. Boyfriend Christmas Presents?!
  10. First girlfriend... Now what?
  11. Got a boyfriend that i don't like
  12. Triggering: So I been dating this girl....
  13. Is my boyfriend's behaviour normal?
  14. boyfriend has a stalker
  15. Sleeping with new Boyfriend... First time?
  16. Looking for Gay Boyfriend
  17. Girlfriend's birthday
  18. Staying friends with ex boyfriend that moved?
  19. can't please my boyfriend? :/
  20. My boyfriend cheated on me
  21. 14, dating another girl. Is this okay?
  22. Girlfriend SH
  23. Boyfriend... Another guy... his girlfriend
  24. girlfriend not ready for more sexual things
  25. Cute guy looking for a internet girlfriend, any takers?
  26. Triggering: Love my boyfriend ... attracted to another guy?
  27. I'm infatuated with my friend's girlfriend and she's reciprocating.
  28. no strings attached sex with my dad's boyfriend? Advice?
  29. Triggering (Substances): Boyfriend smoking weed
  30. My Boyfriend is getting serious afer 2 days
  31. Non-PG13: Dad's girlfriend is pregnant
  32. turning 18 but girlfriend is 15
  33. Boyfriend's request makes me feel uncomfortable
  34. Trouble again with my boyfriend's mother
  35. Is it easier to just not date in High School?
  36. do you get mad when your boyfriend stop listening to you?
  37. is my friend wrong for raging at her boyfriend?
  38. Boyfriend think family first?
  39. My boyfriend and I
  40. Triggering: Girlfriend cuts
  41. Worried about own motives over dating a transwoman
  42. Online dating app time wasters
  43. Triggering: I don't know how to tell my girlfriend I support her
  44. How can I stop feeling worth less than my boyfriend?
  45. I need advise on how to act around dad's Girlfriend
  46. New and first ever girlfriend
  47. Gender neutral terms for someone you are dating?
  48. I want to be on better terms with my ex-girlfriend.
  49. Boyfriend said he feels like a therapist or caregiver sometimes?
  50. Online dating
  51. Female Advice Preferred: Girlfriend karma.
  52. I kissed a guy who has a girlfriend...
  53. I don't feel good enough for my boyfriend
  54. Triggering (ED): I don't know how to talk to my boyfriend
  55. Mum's boyfriend
  56. My BFFs boyfriend
  57. Male Advice Preferred: Girlfriend hasn't had her period in months
  58. Male Advice Preferred: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months
  59. How long does one wait to start looking at dating other pople?
  60. Boyfriend never wants to do what I want to do
  61. Triggering (Suicide): serious trouble with my moms boyfriend!!!!!!
  62. Friends and boyfriend all hate me
  63. Non-PG13: My boyfriend is sexually irresponsible.
  64. friend-girlfriend
  65. I feel like I'm dating his mom sometimes
  66. my new boyfriend is cut! Help
  67. gender neutral terms for girlfriend\boyfriend
  68. Frustrated with my girlfriend
  69. Your Thoughts On Dating
  70. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): My boyfriend and his stupid statuses on social media
  71. My boyfriend came out as transgender.
  72. learning tagalog for my boyfriend...and a passport/fiancé visa
  73. Casual Dating -- is it okay?
  74. Dating A Straight Boy
  75. My girlfriend is upset with me for not wanting sex.
  76. My boyfriend has a lump in his throat...
  77. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): My girlfriend's dad
  78. Dating Site
  79. Ex-girlfriend wants to be alone?
  80. Boyfriend's mother
  81. Best Friend or Boyfriend
  82. Triggering (ED): My girlfriend Lucy
  83. dating one guy but in love with my bestfriend!!
  84. I can't stand my boyfriend's sister...
  85. I think my girlfriend is pregnant - help!
  86. Ideas on how to help my girlfriend mature?
  87. Boyfriend's grandfather
  88. This dress for a dinner dating, right?
  89. Dating your best friend
  90. I don't understand dating around
  91. My boyfriend's friends upset me?
  92. Tension with the boyfriend
  93. Found Ex on a Dating Site...
  94. University and boyfriend?
  95. Boyfriend's brother is a big problem
  96. How to flirt in high school?
  97. Do you talk to your boyfriend/girlfriend everyday?
  98. Friend and New Boyfriend
  99. Clutter & Boyfriend
  100. Dating a person with a mental illness
  101. Suicidal Girlfriend
  102. Triggering (Substances): Just found out girlfriend smoked pot- please help
  103. Best friend vs boyfriend
  104. Is a 15 year old guy dating a 13 year old girl okay?
  105. There's a guy at my school...
  106. Crushing but have a boyfriend..?
  107. boyfriend
  108. My girlfriend's mom doesn't want me around her anymore?
  109. Is online dating stupid?
  110. LDR Boyfriend in Hospital-please help.
  111. Could My Girlfriend Be Pregnant? Need help as soon as possible please!!
  112. My girlfriend self harms
  113. My boyfriend's family
  114. akwardness with my boyfriend
  115. Dating/Casual Sex - CONFUSED!
  116. Best friend & boyfriend
  117. Coming out with gender identity to boyfriend
  118. Borderline Girlfriend?
  119. Online dating... Can't keep up
  120. Boyfriend.
  121. Female Advice Preferred: Boyfriend fingered me, need help ASAP
  122. My boyfriend
  123. I think my older sister likes my boyfriend
  124. I think I fell for a distant girl, and yet, I have a girlfriend
  125. my mom found out about my boyfriend. what do i do? im 17 years old
  126. My mom is secretly dating after my dad died
  127. Overprotective Mothers and Dating
  128. My mother doesn't approve of my boyfriend...
  129. Should I tell an American girl I'm dating that I served the military ?
  130. Broke my nose and boyfriend wants more sex...
  131. I'm 17 my boyfriend is 15
  132. My Little Brother Has A Girlfriend!?
  133. My girlfriend was raped.
  134. Naked pics on boyfriend's phone
  135. Triggering (Suicide): Obsessive boyfriend
  136. Advice on my sorta boyfriend
  137. Male Advice Preferred: My boyfriend doesn't want to eat me out. Why!?
  138. Female Advice Preferred: best friend had sex with my ex- boyfriend of 4 days at the age of 14
  139. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): My girlfriend is scared of commitment.
  140. Boyfriend and I have only kissed once
  141. Can one find a serious boyfriend/girlfriend during high school?
  142. Triggering (Abuse): Mom's boyfriend
  143. My boyfriend keeps thinking I'm going off him :(
  144. A World Without You: A poem for my future boyfriend
  145. Online dating
  146. jealous boyfriend
  147. My boyfriend and I are worried
  148. cant be with my girlfriend because of my dad
  149. How do I confess to my anti-drugs boyfriend....??
  150. My boyfriend thinks im bipolar... am i?
  151. I throw up when i'm with my boyfriend, HELP ASAP
  152. Dating a 14 year old (I'm 18)
  153. as you get older, is it normal for your dating age to change for good?
  154. I don't see the point in a girlfriend but I still feel like I want one
  155. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): The sex that my girlfriend has had
  156. I like my friend's boyfriend. help!
  157. Moving in with Boyfriend
  158. 1st Xmas present from boyfriend- should I be upset?
  159. Asking Boyfriend to a dance...
  160. Boyfriend probs!!??!!??
  161. Boyfriend takes MDMA and it bothers me.
  162. Jealous of my boyfriend's best friend...who is a guy and they're not gay
  163. my girlfriend
  164. Triggering (Abuse): Reassuring a worried girlfriend
  165. My Friends are Dating???
  166. Girlfriend doesn't know what a foot fetish is?
  167. My Boyfriend Is Worried
  168. going to the park with girlfriend, any ideas?
  169. My crush very recently became my boyfriend
  170. My girlfriend had a rough past and is scared of being physically intimate
  171. First telling my boyfriend I self haram
  172. Mom and her boyfriend having sex
  173. girlfriend problems. What should I do?!?
  174. Male Advice Preferred: Christmas gift for a boyfriend
  175. Female Advice Preferred: What to get my girlfriend for christmas?
  176. Help! My boyfriend likes some other girl!
  177. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): How can I hang out with my boyfriend?
  178. Dating (sorta) conundrum
  179. He has a girlfriend :(
  180. Female Advice Preferred: Girlfriend is too tight - what do?
  181. Clingy Boyfriend
  182. Female Advice Preferred: I'm two years older than my boyfriend is it okay is that okay
  183. girlfriend doesn't want to party
  184. boyfriend died
  185. Help with confidence and dating a new person
  186. My boyfriend is really unhappy in college...
  187. Girlfriend Depressed
  188. My boyfriend's family!
  189. Triggering (Suicide): Text Conversation with my boyfriend.
  190. I want to break up with my girlfriend but...
  191. dating a girl for the first time: good and bad?
  192. My girlfriend won't give affection
  193. Triggering (Suicide): BoyFriend vs Bestfriend & ME!
  194. I gots me a girlfriend!!!
  195. Boyfriend acts differently when I'm around
  196. Thinking about leaving my boyfriend. I'm so scared.
  197. Triggering: HELP - her boyfriend is coming up
  198. Non-PG13: how can i help my boyfriend?
  199. He's older, and has a girlfriend
  200. Having Second thoughts about Boyfriend
  201. Boyfriend wants me to...
  202. Girlfriend and Snapchat?
  203. Triggering (Abuse): Facing violence is I pursue dating this girl
  204. Never had a boyfriend
  205. Cant get over ex-boyfriend
  206. My boyfriend got another girl pregnant...
  207. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Best Friend's Boyfriend Hates Me
  208. I know im young but i would like a girlfriend
  209. Why dont i enjoy sex with my boyfriend?
  210. Girlfriend has "accepted God fully and completely"
  211. My boyfriend is leaving for college and I'm depressed about it
  212. Male Advice Preferred: Guys, would you feel comfortable with buying tampons for your girlfriend or friend??
  213. Cheating boyfriend.
  214. How do I talk to my boyfriend about our break?
  215. My boyfriend wants to go further but I'm scared
  216. Oh no, not another boyfriend thread!
  217. My boyfriend wants to have sex? And I don't know if I am ready?
  218. boyfriend needs help
  219. my advice on relationships and dating and what i went through
  220. Dating Broken Girls
  221. Female Advice Preferred: Boyfriend Problems
  222. trip with boyfriend.. and friends
  223. Can a guy be in a relationship with you but still love&think about his ex girlfriend?
  224. first holiday with my boyfriend.... and friends..
  225. Online Dating
  226. Have a dating,which dress?
  227. Female Advice Preferred: How to tell my mom that my boyfriend and I are having sex.
  228. boyfriend blues
  229. Broke up with girlfriend of 2 years - not doing well at all
  230. Lesbians dating FTM transgenders?
  231. Female Advice Preferred: Me and my boyfriend..
  232. Help me please get a German girlfriend?
  233. Dating single parents
  234. Parents won't let me visit girlfriend in hospital?
  235. Girlfriend help
  236. HELP Im 15 and i want a girlfriend
  237. How do I help my girlfriend?
  238. Best friend of 3 years cheated on his girlfriend... should I tell her?
  239. Need help for my girlfriend
  240. IT worker and his girlfriend claim to be Jesus and Mary Magdalene
  241. Falling for someone with a girlfriend
  242. Triggering (Abuse): Non-PG13 (Strong Language): got raped, got hpv, my ex got a girlfriend, ovarian cancer
  243. For the Boy Who Never Got Poetry or His Girlfriend...
  244. When to start dating again?
  245. Girlfriend Isn't Ready
  246. Triggering: He's Dating My Best Friend and I'm Left in The Dust...
  247. In need of dating advice
  248. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Need help with what to do with my girlfriend (breakup or not?)
  249. Dating older men :)
  250. Dating older men :)