- confusion
- Questioning sexuality
- Parental issues with a queer kid
- Triggering: homophobic parents???
- questioning panic???!
- identity, binders & parents
- Heterosexual but biromantic?
- Boys and girls
- I want to come out as trans and gay to my mom.
- I'm so confused about my sexuality and gender identity?
- Triggering (Weight Figures): Non-binary struggles :(
- HELP I've started to get chest pains and stuff from binder idk what to do
- Aromantic/Asexual and Pride
- Happy Pride Month!
- Triggering (Suicide): I have known im trans since i was 13, out at 14, now im almost 17 and my parents still dont accept me
- Not feeling like "me"
- Female Advice Preferred: Transgender?
- I think I’m on the Ace Spectrum? Is there a specific term for this?
- How can we improve TeenHelp for ours trans community?
- Triggering: Why do a lot of women go through a “lesbian phase”
- Explaining gender dysphoria for professionals.
- Idk
- Non-PG13: discovery
- how do i sort out feelings?
- very confused about sexuality
- Non-PG13: Dating as a Transgender
- National Coming Out Day
- Gender Confusion
- What am I?
- Help me find out If I am really gay?
- what is a female, what is a woman?
- Gender identity - is there a word for this?
- i need advice!!
- Triggering: Transphobic friend/group in general
- Gender questions
- How do I stop doubting myself???
- Confused
- Asexuality
- My "friend" threatened to out me, now I feel it's my fault she's mad at me
- I'm so stressed out
- Loud notes from a quiet questioning guy. Sort of.
- My friend would hate me if he knew I was bisexual
- I have a crush on my best friend
- Am I, like my sister, Asexual or Lesbian?
- I'm confused please help!!
- If I'm ok with my friend using my vagina for herself? Does this make me a sexual?
- Feeling Asexual
- I'm not sure what my sexuality is.
- Asexual or Demisexual
- Female Advice Preferred: How To Know If You Are Lesbian
- Can someone help me?
- It just stopped? Wtf?
- I'm coming out to my family as trans
- I might be grayromantic
- Non-PG13: Female Advice Preferred: Can you help me to find out If I am gay?
- Big boobs and binder
- What is wrong with me.
- I'm lesbian? and help?
- passing as FtM
- Non-PG13: Trying to define who I am
- Non-PG13: Questioning my sexuality while struggling with a relationship
- Aromantic? Asexual? Something else?
- Questioning my gender identity
- I'm questioning my gender
- i feel like i'm living lie.
- Coming out to my dad
- How to come to terms with my femininity?
- Friends and Sexuality
- Sexually confused between guys and girl!
- What is wrong with me.
- Coming out
- Gender Therapy
- Need Help: Am I trans?? (Desperate!!)
- Trans-curious?
- People at work found out that i'm gay now I want to cry
- How do I come out to my friends as trans?
- What am I if I am straight and like trans guys?
- First Sex Toy for Trans Men!
- Need help picking a new name (Trans, FTM)
- Is Pansexual within the LGBT range?
- Why am I shamed for being proud of my "straightness" by the LGBT community?
- coming out as trans at work?
- New to site; trans issues
- I don't feel like I belong with lgbt people though?
- Triggering: Being trans is awful.
- Binding, ill and work. Help.
- Questions for Trans Teenhelpers
- Dating as an LGBT+ teenager.
- Triggering: I'm trans and losing hope quickly.
- Coming out as trans in a sports team
- Non-PG13: Trans intimacy??
- Genderfluid/Trans?
- LGBT scholarships: do I have to officially come out?
- Difficulties a trans person might face
- Non-PG13: Insecurities in a trans relationship
- Trans difficulties
- Why should being LGBT a sin?
- I'm trans, and looking for answers.
- Jelly Beans are anti-trans.
- Macklemore's "Same Love" and the LGBT rights movement
- Trans or Genderqueer?
- Coming out in 2014 (trans)
- Triggering (Suicide): Please help... Dep/Relationships/LGBT
- Does abuse have anything to do with the lgbt community?
- Female Advice Preferred: Troubled (trans)
- Coming out as trans to my school?
- Dad won't accept me as Trans
- Could I be... trans?
- LGBT- lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
- Triggering (Suicide): "Trans"
- no lgbt society
- Triggering: The 5 Worst States for LGBT Rights
- Trans Pride Symbol?
- Triggering (Suicide): LGBT Targeted in National Suicide Prevention Strategy
- Sexuality, homophobic mother and Uni LGBT societies
- transitioning during college, SCARED
- Triggering: "You Can't Change a Life (LGBT Poem)"
- Places to meet LGBT people?
- Inspiring Trans Stories
- LGBT In Textbooks
- Parents having strong opions about LGBT
- Non-PG13: A Question For Other Trans People.
- When/How did you find out that you were LGBT
- Does being trans ruins kids?
- For femme LGBT girls...
- Triggering: Do you feel homophobia/transphobia/other LGBT phobias in your city/town?
- School Project on LGBT. {Help}
- Triggering (Bullying): “Part of Me (LGBT Poem)”
- Triggering: I Have a Dream (About LGBT issues)
- Sexuality for Trans people?
- Questions for the LGBT People 'Round Here
- Should i come out as trans?
- Is my bf gay bi or trans?
- Triggering: Can't Handle Me (A LGBT Poem)
- First trans acquaintance
- Any other trans?
- 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
- Female Advice Preferred: Help telling mom in trans gender
- so am I still apart of lgbt even though?
- Half Trans?
- Coming out to my mom about being trans...
- Problems of an mtf trans.
- Trans FTM questions
- Being comfortable in my school/Meeting other LGBT kids
- Lost, do i count as Trans?
- LGBT club
- LGBT books
- bill in next 72 hours could make being LGBT punishable by death in Uganda.
- LGBT-Friendly society
- Why are people using LGBT for their gay relationships/crushes, not 'relationships & dating'?
- LGBT: Coming to terms
- How LGBT is presented in the media
- Trans: Coping with body dysphoria.
- Books related to LGBT
- Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
- LGBT related music?
- This girl...LGBT related.
- How can I meet other lesbians/more of the lgbt community?
- A question on trans...
- Calling all LGBT!
- Ideas for LGBT events on a college campus?
- Book suggestions for LGBT
- LGBT Webcomics
- trans and bi
- Picking a name!? (trans related)
- LGBT sandwich
- Trouble finding lgbt teens to talk to
- Lets here some of your favorite LGBT quotes!
- Trans names ?
- Hmm. Trans name and college
- Trans??HELP
- Doing LGBT-centered essay for school, need help!
- Joined the LGBT club at school
- Questions for the LGBT communtiy
- Trans help please...FtM
- Lithuania proposes ban on 'homosexual propaganda' (aka discussion on LGBT issues in public)
- Channel 4 doc on teenage FtM trans guy.
- LGBT History?
- LGBT "community"
- Anybody else..? (A question for the trans)
- Confused: Am I Trans, Gay, Bisexual??? Help.
- My first GSA/LGBT meeting. HELP aSAP!
- A question for the Trans
- All you trans-teens =]
- Does your school have an LGBT club?
- What is your sexuality and gender identity?
- TH's Queer Dictionary!