View Full Version : Anxiety and Stress

  1. dad and step mom problems
  2. How do I deal with thoughts that my friends hate me?
  3. Tired all the time
  4. Triggering: Rollercoaster
  5. Assertive Communication and Recovering from People-Pleasing
  6. Triggering: Reoccurring anxiety
  7. Return of night time anxiety
  8. It's only been about a week and I already hate my job
  9. Sometimes I think I might be the most insecure person on planet Earth.
  10. Kind of a vent?
  11. help I can't educated
  12. :(
  13. Is it anxiety?
  14. Triggering (SH): So my anxiety has gotten so much worse
  15. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Help me
  16. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): College is stressful as hell
  17. Release anger through exercise
  18. How to talk to my friends about social anxiety
  19. Anticipation of covid deaths will lead to anxiety
  20. Triggering: Anxiety is really bad
  21. Needle phobia
  22. stressed.
  23. Phone anxiety
  24. Managing sudden anxiety
  25. Having flying panic attacks
  26. Are they right?
  27. Dealing with political turmoil
  28. Book: Help With Anxiety
  29. Anxiety and Stress over Hoarding Books
  30. Work meeting & anxiety
  31. Covid anxiety
  32. Changing anxiety
  33. Anxiety and embarrassment
  34. Anxiety and medication
  35. I feel like my anxiety disorder is making my teenage years go by.
  36. Anxiety.
  37. Triggering (Suicide): Dealing with Anxiety
  38. Social Anxiety
  39. Paralyzed by anxiety
  40. My anxiety about health issues is ruining my life
  41. Help with anxiety
  42. social anxiety ? something else ?
  43. Countering pill-swallowing anxiety.
  44. Phone anxiety.
  45. Stupid anxiety
  46. Horrible Anxiety
  47. High anxiety/Panic attacks smelling dog pee
  48. Triggering (SH): Out of control anxiety
  49. Terrible anxiety involving phone calls
  50. Triggering (Suicide): Anxiety
  51. My teenage son is diagnosed with anxiety disorder
  52. Anxiety? Need help!
  53. Anxiety attacks vs panic attacks.
  54. awful, awful anxiety.
  55. Triggering (Suicide): Anxiety
  56. Social Anxiety vs Selective mutism
  57. Anxiety making me ashamed of myself
  58. Going to places alone with social anxiety
  59. Stress/anxiety relief
  60. Hallucinations and Anxiety
  61. Anxiety
  62. My mom gives me extreme anxiety...
  63. Anxiety getting worse
  64. Social anxiety affecting me
  65. Can The School Conselor Tell My Parents About Social Anxiety
  66. My Classes is Giving Me Social Anxiety.
  67. Triggering (SH): Hurting myself because of Anxiety
  68. Anxiety with people
  69. Anxiety question.
  70. Karate SENSI GIVING feeding students bad anxiety
  71. Happy to help those who also have anxiety <3
  72. I Might Have Generalised Anxiety???
  73. turns out it IS socil anxiety !!
  74. Anxiety in Fast Food
  75. Anxiety about being recorded
  76. Teacher giving everyone bad anxiety
  77. Anxiety medications?
  78. Anxiety about being connected.
  79. Survey: How would you describe your anxiety?
  80. Anxiety came back
  81. e-mail anxiety?
  82. Triggering: Anxiety Support
  83. Triggering: So much anxiety
  84. Has anyone got any experience of taking Sertaline for anxiety
  85. Watching Football = Anxiety?
  86. Social anxiety,feel depressed,exhausted
  87. Triggering: Anxiety and Ideations
  88. Extreme pre date anxiety
  89. unemoloyed, anxiety, undiagnosed learning difficulty
  90. Triggering: OCD, derma/trichotillomania, serious anxiety issues?
  91. Slight anxiety about the holidays.
  92. Sleeping off anxiety
  93. Anxiety is getting the best of me
  94. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Dancing- extreme anxiety
  95. Triggering (Suicide): Severe anxiety about cancer
  96. Triggering (SH): Please help me, my anxiety is ruining my relationship :'(
  97. Severe Anxiety?
  98. Personal article about anxiety?
  99. how do I tell my mom I think I have anxiety?
  100. Does zoloft work for anxiety?
  101. Shyness or anxiety?
  102. Social anxiety
  103. Anxiety
  104. Severe anxiety while driving
  105. This anxiety is completely tearing me apart.
  106. Dancing-anxiety
  107. Weed for a week for anxiety
  108. anxiety to the max
  109. Triggering (SH): Rumors?!? (Anxiety and other stuff) I just...confused
  110. messaging anxiety?
  111. Anxiety destroys relationships.
  112. Guilt anxiety
  113. Anxiety and Weighted Blankets
  114. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Anxiety is My Middle Name
  115. Anxiety/OCD or just bisexual?
  116. dealing with anxiety in a negative environment?
  117. Any struggling psychosis/anxiety people
  118. How will i Manage this Job interview with extreme anxiety?
  119. Think I might have anxiety, not sure how to proceed
  120. Anxiety about the past/nostalgia?
  121. Natural supplements for anxiety
  122. Public Speaking Anxiety and don't know what to do
  123. Omegle Anxiety
  124. How to cope with anxiety
  125. so much anxiety that ive been drawing blank since the assignmrnt was introduced.
  126. Work Related Anxiety
  127. did i have an anxiety attack? what was it?
  128. Im having the worst anxiety i dont know what to do
  129. I need help with my ex girlfriend im so confused and im having extreme anxiety!
  130. Is Zoloft the best medicine for Anxiety?
  131. "demonical anxiety"?
  132. Debunking the myths of anxiety
  133. Is it Anxiety ?
  134. Anxiety taking over my social life
  135. controlling anxiety
  136. Anxiety about schoolwork...
  137. Triggering: Is this anxiety? I guess I need help.
  138. anxiety
  139. anxiety
  140. Slowly Worsening Social Anxiety
  141. Travel Anxiety
  142. Anxiety and School
  143. Stress and worrying Anxiety related what methods do you use cope? (Managing Anxiety)
  144. How to describe anxiety to someone who doesn't have it?
  145. Ways to manage anxiety
  146. Sick from anxiety
  147. Anxiety
  148. need advice on social anxiety and Borderline personality
  149. my anxiety causes pain?
  150. i cant take this anxiety
  151. Rant: I dont know what to do about my anxiety(possibly panic attacks)
  152. Anxiety + jobs - current issue / need to quit
  153. Anxiety: I think I may be getting somewhere :)
  154. Anxiety
  155. Triggering (Substances): Anxiety & Drugs
  156. anxiety=no confidence
  157. Anxiety :(
  158. Struggling with anxiety
  159. scholarship stress/fear/anxiety idk
  160. Dealing with social anxiety
  161. Physical symptoms caused by anxiety?
  162. Triggering (Abuse): Life is bringing me down, anxiety after anxiety... What do I do?
  164. Children Anxiety?
  165. Separation anxiety? (Need Advice)
  166. Help for anxiety. Finally getting it.
  167. Anxiety ?
  168. Concerned about possible anxiety
  169. Triggering: Schizophrenia, Suicide, Anxiety, And Abuse
  170. need to resolve something despite social anxiety
  171. Night anxiety
  172. Social Anxiety
  173. Anxiety
  174. Possible social anxiety and parents won't believe me?
  175. trying to cheat on jinxes-related to anxiety?
  176. General Anxiety Concerns
  177. Social Anxiety
  178. Triggering (Substances): Anxiety and Drug Usage
  179. Anxiety attacks.
  180. anxiety at uni
  181. Anxiety
  182. Do I have social anxiety? Or is this just me being afraid of growing up?
  183. School and anxiety
  184. Anxiety over beds
  185. Anxiety and Psychosis
  186. Social Anxiety and Working...?
  187. How to calm yourself during an anxiety attack.
  188. Anxiety. (possible trig?)
  189. Anxiety - Seeing Him Again!
  190. Social Anxiety?
  191. anxiety help
  192. anxiety problems
  193. Can't make friends due to anxiety
  194. Anxiety and eating disorders?
  195. Problems with my cats bad behaviours worsening my anxiety
  196. Can't get a job because of Anxiety
  197. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Anxiety + feeling like I screwed up this paper = avoiding it and it's late!!
  198. anxiety sucks
  199. controlling anxiety???
  200. Anxiety caused by my job
  201. Long Post - Do I have anxiety, or am I making it up?
  202. How can I know I have anxiety??
  203. Anxiety Attack.
  204. Coping with anxiety
  205. transgender and anxiety(?) problems
  206. Question about anxiety medication
  207. Social Anxiety ruining my life.
  208. Anxiety that takes over
  209. Anxiety when excited about something?
  210. Anxiety before work
  211. Volunteering, Anxiety, Stressed. Help?
  212. Phone anxiety help?
  213. School and anxiety
  214. Anxiety or extremely shy?
  215. Triggering (ED): Emetophobia & Anxiety
  216. How are you coping with anxiety?
  217. Triggering: Social anxiety - struggling to cope.
  218. Anxiety or just stressed?
  219. Culture Shock and Anxiety
  220. My anxiety is getting better :D :D
  221. Anxiety At School
  222. Anxiety Attack? :/
  223. Terrible social anxiety and having panic attacks over school
  224. How to reduce anxiety while driving?