View Full Version : Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction

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  1. Triggering: I need help...
  2. I fucked up
  3. My dad drinks too much
  4. Question
  5. Triggering (Substances): I need someone to tell me the risks of Vodka.
  6. Alternatives to Vaping
  7. Struggling with Alcohol
  8. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Porn has destroyed me physically and mentally, please help (young teen)
  9. Need advice on 18 yo
  10. Triggering: Celebrating Sobriety.
  11. I got too drunk..
  12. Triggering (Substances): Iiiit's rant time!
  13. Alcoholism in the family
  14. Weed dependance
  15. Is it bad that I wish I could?
  16. Drinking
  17. Drinking in lockdown
  18. Triggering: How long?
  19. Triggering: Drinking and Mental Absence.
  20. Triggering: Sex addiction from a young age.
  21. Triggering: NON PG-13 Some form of sexual addiction? | Advice
  22. Struggling to keep drinking down
  23. Not drinking is miserable
  24. Addicted to buying food?
  25. Skin picking
  26. picking at scalp
  27. Non-PG13: Coke
  28. Medical Marijuana
  29. How to deal with life without cigarettes.
  30. Quitting Smoking
  31. Contains Alcohol: Zuppa Inglese al Limoncello, an Italian Trifle
  32. Triggering (Substances): Not super sure if there is even a place for this?
  33. Triggering (Substances): How long have you been sober?
  34. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Does this even count as addiction?
  35. Drink 'N Smoke
  36. Not sure if this is the right place... does weed react badly with opiods?
  37. lessen withdrawal symptoms?
  38. About sex and alcohol
  39. Godfather/Weed/CPS question
  40. Grinding my Teeth
  41. Porn Addiction...
  42. Caffeine addiction.
  43. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Internet Addiction (sorry, long post)
  44. smoking and alcohol
  45. Prescription Med Addiction
  46. drinking problem
  47. Gray area concerning recreational marijuana?
  48. Triggering (Substances): F*** Addiction (also non-PG13 language)
  49. Alcohol abuse
  50. I wanna quit
  51. Alcohol Poisoning
  52. My internet addiction is ruining my life
  53. Is drugs really that bad?
  54. Caffeine addiction.
  55. alcohol question
  56. addiction and disability
  57. Porn Addiction
  58. beginning addiction to smoking?
  59. Slight porn addiction
  60. Alcohol poisoning question
  61. Video Game Addiction, 90 day detox
  62. Marijuana Industry
  63. My Internet and Gaming addiction
  64. addiction to scab picking
  65. Triggering (Substances): Alcohol...
  66. New Medicine Addiction
  67. Triggering (SH): Addiction
  68. Masturbation Addiction
  69. Triggering: Alcohol (mention of SH.)
  70. alcohol makes me feel better
  72. Video Game Addiction
  73. My bf has a porn addiction
  74. addiction life
  75. Work Out Addiction
  76. xbox addiction
  77. I've Started To Crave Alcohol When Feeling Emotional
  78. Being a perfectionist addiction
  79. Nicotine addiction gone too far.
  80. Safer Alcohol Substitute?
  81. Lost my ability to hold any amount of alcohol at all?
  82. sadness,frustration,addiction,failure,friends and family
  83. A life with alcohol.
  84. Self harm addiction
  85. Passing on addiction to something else
  86. Triggering: Alcohol.
  87. Addiction and Impulsive Behavior Articles
  88. Triggering (Substances): Is this alcohol abuse?
  89. Shall I continue giving my brother alcohol?
  90. I have a shopping addiction.
  91. Triggering (SH): Internet addiction and self harm.
  92. Alcohol noob.
  93. addiction..
  94. Addiction problem?
  96. Internet addiction
  97. A bit of an addiction
  98. Sex addiction
  99. Moving out, Addiction, College and Responsibility
  100. I have a serious sex addiction.
  101. Alcohol Prevention Classes in High Schools
  102. Triggering: Battling Addiction
  103. Alcohol Blackouts
  104. Unhealthy addiction to Energy Drinks >.<
  105. Alcohol to forget?
  106. Dealing with my problem with alcohol
  107. Drug Addiction Treatment
  108. Alcohol problems
  109. Non-PG13: Female struggling with porn addiction and sexuality
  110. Is this an addiction?
  111. Psychological addiction
  112. addiction
  113. Addiction to music?
  114. Triggering (SH): My SH addiction
  115. alcohol sensative stomach
  116. Addiction to Pain.
  117. alcohol tolerance
  118. Anime addiction problems
  119. Hair Dye/Video Game Addiction
  120. Alcohol in the classroom
  121. Is this a problem? (Alcohol)
  122. Blame it on the Alcohol??
  123. Does this Happen to Any of You Guys? (Alcohol)
  124. Is this an addiction??
  125. Addiction.
  126. Alcohol
  127. Citalopram & alcohol
  128. Do you drink alcohol...?
  129. Addiction?!?
  130. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): addiction to what exactly?:/
  131. like an addiction?
  132. What is an addictive behaviour?
  133. Triggering (Substances): Addiction?
  134. Is it really a sex addiction or just a lack of respect for myself?
  135. Triggering (Grieving): Alcohol abuse advice
  136. Triggering (Substances): What happen you add alcohol to your antidepressants?
  137. Strange addiction..
  138. Triggering (SH): It's become an addiction.
  139. Alcohol abuse?
  140. alcohol
  141. fighting the addiction to be bad
  142. I don't drink alcohol
  143. Mtn. Dew Addiction?
  144. alcohol urges
  145. My Mum's Alcohol Problem
  146. Uh Oh Alcohol!
  147. Is this an addiction?... or what?
  148. %^@$%&!! Mother's gambling addiction.
  149. Triggering (Substances): Addiction: its hold on me
  150. Sex problems/ addiction?
  151. I have a strange addiction!
  152. I'm gonna go to Alcohol Anonymous..
  153. Female Advice Preferred: Masturbation and Erotica addiction....
  154. Triggering (Substances): Addiction
  155. Triggering: Alcohol.
  156. Alcohol addiction
  157. Drinking for the first time?
  158. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  159. My friend using mint extract's alcohol
  160. Massive Worldwide Recall of Alcohol Wipes and Swabs Due To Contamination
  161. Finding Escape in Addiction
  162. 100 benefits of quitting porn addiction
  164. addiction.
  165. Alcohol makes my body ache.
  166. Exercise Addiction
  167. addiction?
  168. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Dear Addiction...
  169. Using alcohol as a confidence booster...
  170. Alcohol - Is this legal?
  171. Dieting to an addiction?
  172. Triggering (Substances): poem about my DXM addiction...
  173. mother+alcohol= :( sad me
  174. Addiction
  175. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): my addiction, my high, my release
  176. I need help..drugs, alcohol, life?
  177. alcohol and sex
  178. Alcohol... advice?
  179. Female Advice Preferred: Cybering Addiction
  180. Triggering (Substances): No drugs? No alcohol or nicotine? No problem!
  181. Alcohol Abuse
  182. online gaming addiction
  183. Question About Alcohol
  184. Sore Throat from Smoking Weed?
  185. Addiction to bad behaviors in relationships
  186. is it an addiction?
  187. Weird/embarrassing addiction
  188. Addiction to music?
  189. Triggering (SH): addiction??
  190. Question about alcohol whilst on anti-depressants
  191. addiction to porn
  192. Triggering (SH): Cross Addiction
  193. Alcohol abuse
  194. Triggering (Substances): A Taste of Addiction.
  195. Cracking back addiction! o.O
  196. Drugs and Alcohol
  197. Alcohol and my love.
  198. Does this sound like an addiction/ OCD?
  199. Worried about addiction.
  200. Female Advice Preferred: Masterbation Addiction Help!
  201. Porn addiction I am so embarassed my Mom know and so does my Dad what should I do?
  202. Female Advice Preferred: Sex Addiction!
  203. Crave Alcohol
  204. Addiction to beautiful girls, and being shallow.
  205. Extreme addiction of biting my nails
  206. An alcohol question?
  207. MY Addiction
  208. Why'd you turn to drugs/alcohol?
  209. Husband's Alcohol Allergy
  210. Alcohol
  211. Addiction?
  212. risk factors of doing marijuana, alcohol snd have ADHD?
  213. Period and alcohol
  214. alcohol and periods (yikes)
  215. semi-computer addiction
  216. Getting sick and Possibly alcohol poisoning
  217. Triggering: Questions on alcohol
  218. Question about Alcohol Side-Effect
  219. Cutting Addiction?
  220. Triggering (SH): well, i have an addiction to this too
  221. Pornography Addiction
  222. My Warcraft Addiction.
  223. Alcohol.
  224. Triggering (SH): Addiction to pain?
  225. one turned in to two, two turned into an addiction
  226. drug addiction: HELP ME PLEASE
  227. anaemia and alcohol
  228. His possible addiction...
  229. Triggering: my Alcohol problem
  230. Alcohol reverts me back to my birth right
  231. Food Addiction
  232. Food Addiction
  233. Is it an addiction?
  234. Pornography addiction...
  235. Help Me With My Phone Addiction
  236. Triggering: addiction
  237. Triggering (Substances): Weed, alcohol, prescriptions
  238. Sex addiction? or what?
  239. Severe Addiction to Sunkist
  240. Triggering: alcohol
  241. alcohol
  242. Caffeine Addiction
  243. addiction(?)
  244. Are there any good movies about addiction?
  245. Numb addiction.
  246. Triggering (SH): Introducing Addiction.
  247. After 3 years, and becoming addicted (including addiction symtoms) I quit.
  248. Computer Addiction
  249. Marijuana - Physical Addiction
  250. Alcohol addiction?