View Full Version : General Health

Pages : 1 [2]

  1. Doctor steel!
  2. So I get medication now.
  3. Doctor
  4. The Doctor's. (Help!!!)
  5. More medication woes.
  6. New Doctor? Thoughts?
  7. Medication Issues?
  8. Diabetes testing?
  9. I'm going to be a doctor!
  10. Juvenile Diabetes
  11. New Medication?
  12. Would a doctor be able to tell??
  13. Scared of what the doctor might tell me
  14. Gestational Diabetes
  15. Anyone Studying To Be A Doctor?
  16. To those who have experience with medication/therapy..
  17. Doctor - What to Expect?
  18. pain in the spine
  19. How do you know when you need to see a doctor?
  20. Snappydog Reviews... Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars
  21. So doctor, is it a boy or a girl? Ah... I don't know?
  22. Can you take medication on the plane without a prescription?
  23. Doctor Who?
  24. Medication/Anti-Depressants
  25. ADD Medication
  26. I'm going to have to talk to my doctor about it but I can't
  27. Medication Pulled
  28. Career advice?writer, psychologist,doctor?Very confused
  29. medication ruining my sex life :(
  30. Pain Medication
  31. Spoiler: The Immaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus Trailer! (Heath Ledgers last film)
  32. Triggering (Substances): Self Medication
  33. wrong medication /:
  34. Can't Control "Pre-Diabetes"
  35. Doctor Who Trailers
  36. Should I tell my doctor?
  37. Gunman Kills Abortion Doctor
  38. BBC Announces New Companion for Doctor Who's 11th Doctor
  39. Could This Be Caused By Diabetes?
  40. I took somebody else's prescription medication...now I feel sick.
  41. Good visit to the doctor. :]
  42. Diabetes/Weight/Mood
  43. doctor
  44. Doctor
  45. Did medication work for you?
  46. Panic Attacks and Medication
  47. Anxiety Medication
  48. Doctor?
  49. Diabetes
  50. Family doctor 'sat female patient on his knee and told her cuddles were better than medicine'.
  51. Paxil medication question?
  52. Problem With Medication Now
  53. doctor cant do it
  54. Doctor to Chris Benoit pleads guilty in drug case
  55. New medication.....bad suicidal thoughts.
  56. Medication...
  57. Coming Off Medication
  58. Going to the doctor.
  59. Any day now I'll be going to get a new doctor... What about the scars? ...
  60. A Guide to Healthy Eating