View Full Version : Rape and Abuse

  1. Triggering (Abuse): My experiences
  2. Triggering (Abuse): my parents
  3. Triggering (Abuse): S*xual abuse
  4. My neighbors lied about being raped.
  5. Triggering (Abuse): How can I move on?
  6. Triggering (Abuse): I think my mom gave me something that burnt my throat
  7. Triggering: I {15f} am dating a 25m. I don't know what to do.
  8. Triggering: (Regret) I did animal cruelty I think.
  9. Younger
  10. Triggering (Abuse): Roommate showing abusive behaviors
  11. Coming to terms with what happened
  12. My friend groped me
  13. Triggering (Abuse): Rapist Neighbor
  14. Triggering (Abuse): abuse (?) questions
  15. Partner came out about their sexual assault
  16. Does the feeling ever go away?
  17. Never using schools bathroom
  18. I need help, trigger warning.
  19. losing my marbles
  20. Non-PG13: I think my girlfriend was raped
  21. Triggering (Abuse): Want to be a victim
  22. Triggering (Abuse): Uhhh so I made a big mistake
  23. Female Advice Preferred: This girl always touches me at school
  24. Female Advice Preferred: Is this okay?
  25. Triggering (Abuse): I cant tell if im being abused or not
  26. Non-PG13: Trauma?
  27. Triggering: I wanted a hug
  28. Male doctors examining women's private parts
  29. She sent a letter and now I am paranoid
  30. Am I traumatized?
  31. Title IX Investigation?
  32. Is this considered rape?
  33. Triggering: Was this rape?
  34. What to hold in? How do I escape?
  35. Raped and now lost...
  36. the one thing I don't like about men
  37. Rape
  38. Is coerced/forced consent considered rape?
  39. Triggering: Rape, hurt, and scared.
  40. Female Advice Preferred: I was almost raped
  41. Was I even raped?
  42. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): my friend knew i was going to be raped
  43. Triggering (Abuse): Getting therapy for past abuse/rape
  44. harassed ,raped , abuse need help
  45. Not exactly rape or abuse but-
  46. Triggering (Abuse): Harassment and rape.
  47. Triggering (Abuse): questions about male rape victims
  48. I if I wasn't really raped what happened to me?
  49. Non-PG13: Rape Survivor, Kinkster, Not sure how to tell my FWBs
  50. Triggering (Abuse): trying to find a certain song about rape
  51. Triggering (Abuse): Child Rape in Africa by UN soldiers
  52. Past rape
  53. Triggering: Police Refusing to Investigate Rape
  54. Triggering: Was it Rape?
  55. Triggering: Bullying After Rape Made Public
  56. Triggering (Abuse): gang raped
  57. Triggering: Was it Rape?
  58. Triggering (Abuse): Is this really rape?
  59. Should I have told someone that my cousin was raped?
  60. Triggering (Abuse): The Rape of Europe
  61. my fried was raped by her brother
  62. Triggering (Abuse): Litigation as a Remedy for Rape?
  63. Rape or overreacting?
  64. prostitution, rape, and money
  65. Triggering (Abuse): She Forgot I Was Raped?
  66. Triggering: Rape.
  67. Triggering: I don't know if this was rape but there's something wrong with me
  68. What to say to a friend who has been raped?
  69. Pregnant after rape?
  70. Raped by my uncle?
  71. Triggering: [REPOST] Statutory Rape
  72. Triggering (Abuse): when does rape become rape ?
  73. Legally, how far can we go? Statutory rape? UK
  74. Triggering (Abuse): I think I might have been raped as a child?
  75. was i raped?
  76. Did I get raped?
  77. Discussion: Rape and Abuse
  78. Is Blackout Drunk Sex Rape?
  79. Was it sex or was I raped?
  80. attempted rape cover-up
  81. Triggering (Abuse): Game of Thrones Rape Scene
  82. Triggering (Abuse): Raped and feeling like giving up :(
  83. Triggering (Abuse): Rape and "Equality"
  84. Triggering (Abuse): Is this considered rape or...
  85. Triggering (Abuse): Rape Victims and the lyrics of Robin Thicke's 'Blurred Lines'
  86. Female Advice Preferred: i was raped
  87. Was I Technically Raped?
  88. Triggering: is it true that rape is part fault of how we dress?
  89. Triggering: Statutory Rape
  90. sexually abused and raped
  91. Triggering (Abuse): Speech (triggering rape, sexual assault and abuse)
  92. What Evidence Do I Need for Statutory Rape?
  93. I think I was raped and I don't know what to do..?
  94. Triggering: Sex After Rape
  95. Would this be considered rape?
  96. Almost raped and inappropriately touched by my uncle.
  97. Triggering (Abuse): Past Rape causing Recent Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, and Nightmares...
  98. Triggering (Abuse): Acquaintance Rape?
  99. Triggering (Suicide): Nearly Raped...
  100. Rape
  101. Pregnant from Rape
  102. The police said it wasnt rape.
  103. Would you consider this to be rape?
  104. Triggering: Steubenville rape case.
  105. rape?
  106. Triggering: (rape) My way of letting it out
  107. Was I raped?
  108. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Raped
  109. So i was raped..
  110. She's Going to Rape Him
  111. Rape fantasies
  112. My boyfriend was raped?!
  113. Female Advice Preferred: Possible rape, I think I'm pregnant?
  114. Triggering: Attempted rape?
  115. 19, was 13 and rape still not over it
  116. Triggering (Abuse): Rape Is Natural
  117. How to get past being raped?
  118. Triggering (Abuse): Boyfriend was raped.
  119. Triggering (Abuse): Legitimate Rape - Akin and Galloway
  120. Rape or not?
  121. Triggering (Abuse): man uses small penis as rape defense.
  122. What to do? Is he sorry? What about the pregnancy? Raped by ex-boyfriend.? Advice please...
  123. Triggering (Abuse): rape:blame myself
  124. I think I was raped?
  125. Triggering (Abuse): Men Outnumber Women Among American Rape Victims
  126. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): I was raped because I'm in love...
  127. rape
  128. Touched and raped by my cousin, uncle, and dad
  129. Triggering (Abuse): Random-ish question: Do you think being raped counts towards your virginity?
  130. Triggering: (self-harm & rape triggers)My Master
  131. Dilemma Involving Rape
  132. Is sexting rape/abuse?
  133. Triggering (Abuse): Rape
  134. Triggering (Abuse): Authorities JAIL Teen Rape Victim To Ensure She Will Attend Trial
  135. Just got a positive pregnancy test after rape... to keep or not keep? How did you decide?
  136. rape?
  137. Triggering: [RAPE] Barstool Blackout Party
  138. is this rape?????
  139. Triggering (Abuse): Ben Rothlesberger's Rape Case
  140. Is this considered date rape, or any type of rape?
  141. I was raped by my uncle and my "father" is no better
  142. Triggering (Abuse): I was abused and rape by my daddy, why?
  143. Not raped but still traumatized
  144. Few questions- about a rape kit..
  145. Rape is Rape - Don Lemon
  146. I was raped.
  147. Is this considered rape? (potentially triggering)
  148. oral rape?
  149. Triggering (Abuse): Raped
  150. my ex raped me
  151. Was I raped or just dumb
  152. Is this rape?
  153. Middle School Girl Expelled, Forced to Apologize to Boy Who Raped Her
  154. Another was it rape thread =3
  155. Non-PG13: Was it rape?
  156. rape or just sex?
  157. Triggering: Was it rape?
  158. 12 year olds Statutory Rape Conviction overturned by Ohio Supreme Court
  159. Triggering: Umm rape
  160. Is going to the police really always the best thing to do after rape?
  161. Triggering (Abuse): Head of International Monetary Fund Arrested For Attempted Rape
  162. Triggering: is it rape if I don't fight back?
  163. Rape
  164. Triggering (Abuse): Is this rape?
  165. Triggering: 'alleged' Libyan rape victim abducted from hotel
  166. Non-PG13: I lost my virginity to rape now scared
  167. Lost my virginity to rape
  168. Triggering: Flashbacks of Rape (help)
  169. Triggering (Abuse): 13-Year-Olds Commit Gang Rape Of Classmate
  170. Triggering (Abuse): Republicans redefine rape for abortion laws
  171. Rape or Ignorance?
  172. Flashbacks after rape or sexual abuse
  173. Triggering: was it rape?
  174. Triggering (Abuse): Woman’s eight false rape claims
  175. Teen's Rape Charges Dropped Because Victim Kills Self
  176. ....Is this rape....?
  177. Triggering: is this rape??
  178. Rape, pregnancy, misscarrage and STD
  179. September 23 - Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network Day
  180. Is it rape if...?
  181. when does drunken sex become rape?
  182. Triggering: Rape dreams
  183. Keeping a child from a rape?
  184. Triggering: Rape and Realtionships.
  185. Date Rape Survey
  186. Triggering: Is this considered rape?
  187. Rape attempt what to do???
  188. Rape education?
  189. Female Advice Preferred: Embarrasing!, incest, rape?, emotional abuse, panic attacks, do i need help?
  190. Triggering: Is this rape?
  191. What is rape and abuse?
  192. Triggering: Rape and abuse: what do I do
  193. Triggering: Was this rape?
  194. Rape caused break up
  195. Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Dreams about a rape that may or may not have occured.
  196. Triggering (Abuse): Rape
  197. Triggering (Abuse): Rape me.
  198. Triggering (Abuse): Abuse and Rape
  199. Triggering: I can't get my head round whether this is rape or not..
  200. In the end, it's statutory rape...
  201. Statutory Rape LAW victims...
  202. Female Advice Preferred: would this be rape?
  203. Triggering: what can i do? need help
  204. Dreams of rape.
  205. Triggering (Abuse): Songs about Abuse/Rape?
  206. Triggering: Affecting my head - Rape
  207. Triggering: rape, depression, sex, therapy..
  208. Need help getting over childhood rape
  209. Triggering: sexual abuse?
  210. Is this rape?
  211. Triggering: Rape and Relationships?
  212. rape
  213. Statutory rape
  214. A victim of Rape
  215. Triggering (Abuse): Man gets 1 year in prison for rape of 4 year old girl
  216. Triggering (Abuse): was this rape?
  217. Triggering: 17 year-old boy charged with statutory rape. 17 year-old girl charged with less
  218. Triggering (Abuse): Attempted Rape/Sexual Harassment? (very detailed)
  219. US husband 'arranged wife's rape online'
  220. Triggering (Abuse): Mob beats suspect in rape of girl, 11
  221. Organizations associated with giving support to and/or preventing rape and abuse?
  222. Rape is effective weapon of war.
  223. rape...
  224. RAPE
  225. after rape
  226. Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist
  227. Is it rape?
  228. Ottawa complains to Afghan ambassador over rape law
  229. Rape Victim.
  230. Fritzl admits rape, denies murder
  231. Rape Simulator thread
  232. "Rape Simulator" Video Game
  233. Church outraged over 9 year old rape victim having abortion
  234. rape
  235. rape victim...
  236. Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion
  237. Idk if its tech. rape
  238. Is It Rape/Abuse If?