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Search: Posts Made By: SillyEvee
Forum: Goals and Ambitions May 24th 2009, 07:50 PM
Replies: 9,662
Views: 376,896
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Goal of the day!

24 May:
Finish my Bio paper! Start my MRS paper!
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy May 24th 2009, 04:11 AM
Replies: 28
Views: 2,389
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: How to Get to Heaven (any religion)

You sure did, Chica. I'm Jewish, too, but I'm ba'alat tshuva, so I'm still figuring things out. :)


What is it, then? I'm curious. :)

Do we really have free will then? What's the...
Forum: Goals and Ambitions May 23rd 2009, 08:37 PM
Replies: 9,662
Views: 376,896
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Goal of the day!

23 May:
Make the most delicious ice cream sundae EVER at dinner tonight.
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy May 23rd 2009, 06:59 PM
Replies: 28
Views: 2,389
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: How to Get to Heaven (any religion)

But it happens, right? Why would G-d make a world in which we have free choice, but our actions don't count for anything? If you hold the (mostly Christian) belief that this life is just a "warm-up"...
Forum: Homework Help May 23rd 2009, 06:50 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,712
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: someone help me on my chemistry homework

1. a) You figure that out by looking at the chemical equation.

Mg + F2 -> MgF2

There are no numbers in front of any of the compounds, so you know that 1 mole of Mg is reaction with 1 mole of...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy May 23rd 2009, 05:57 PM
Replies: 28
Views: 2,389
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: How to Get to Heaven (any religion)

I don't understand this. Once saved, saved for good? If I accept Jesus as my personal saviour, I can murder a hundred people, but Jesus has already atoned for those sins? What is there keeping...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy May 23rd 2009, 03:10 AM
Replies: 24
Views: 1,950
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: What's your opinion? (any religion)

That is so deep. It's seriously the best-articulated form I've ever seen of a thought that's been bouncing around in my head mostly incoherently. Incoherently--much like that last sentence. What I...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy May 23rd 2009, 02:44 AM
Replies: 24
Views: 1,950
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: What's your opinion? (any religion)

Yep, the story of the daughters is Lot's. His wife got turned into a pillar of salt, so his daughters decided to take up the task of bearing children for her. And G-d disapproved.
I'd never heard...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy May 21st 2009, 07:58 PM
Replies: 28
Views: 2,389
Posted By SillyEvee
Question How to Get to Heaven (any religion)

Hey guys,

So I've been wondering, how do YOU think I can get into Heaven? Cause I'd like to go there after I die. By definition it's gonna be great. So I wanna know what you think I have to do to...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy May 20th 2009, 03:52 AM
Replies: 36
Views: 2,297
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Religion in Schools

It IS 5!
What does Julia think about this?

Anyway. I don't think religion should be a part of the curriculum, but in a school where many kids are religious and in a country where chunks of the...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy May 20th 2009, 03:42 AM
Replies: 24
Views: 1,950
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: What's your opinion? (any religion)

Drinking is definitely NOT a sin in the OT. In fact, it's encouraged. It's a must to have a glass of wine (or a sip, for kids) every Friday night. In fact, on Purim, we are encouraged to get drunk so...
Forum: Tattoos and Piercings May 20th 2009, 01:47 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 1,826
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Getting my first tattoo {quick question}

I definitely agree with low-rise bottoms. You don't want a waistband getting in the way or pressing on it later. I'd go with a long, loose top, too, so you can cover it loosely afterwards without...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy May 5th 2009, 03:04 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 1,692
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: I have no religion.

Well, welcome Newbie!
I used to not believe in G-d at all, but it just really makes sense, when you think about it. Well, it really makes sense when I think about it, anyway. It's given a kind of...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 23rd 2009, 03:45 AM
Replies: 15
Views: 1,724
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Why Did You Turn To Religion?

Haha, Bernadette totally summed up my experience. To me, it wasn't so much that I turned to faith, but that I suddendly noticed that someone had been knocking on my door. One day, I just went "Who...
Forum: Sex and Puberty April 22nd 2009, 01:19 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 1,520
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Is this some kind of Puberty thing or is something wrong?

Dry skin sounds like the most likely culprite. UNscented lotion or aloe lotion are probably your best bets.
Also, check the bras you've been wearing recently. There might be something in your right...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 22nd 2009, 12:56 AM
Replies: 31
Views: 2,767
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Do you read the holy book of your religion?

That IS insane! What, ordinary people shouldn't read the Bible because--Heaven forbid!--they might see all the places where it's unclear, or see where the contradictions are and come to different...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 18th 2009, 02:32 PM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion

Is picking and choosing necessarily a bad thing? I mean, it CAN be a bad thing, that's for sure. But I think it mostly depends on your criteria for choosing. If you say "I'm going to interpret as...
Forum: Music April 14th 2009, 02:37 AM
Replies: 6,435
Views: 182,403
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: What are you listening to?

Struggle by Ringside
Forum: Games and Things April 14th 2009, 02:36 AM
Replies: 9,935
Views: 302,922
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: "Count to 50 before..." Vol II

19_____ NINETEEN
19_____19____ 19
19_____ NINETEEN
19 ___________19
19 ___________19
19 ___________19
Forum: Tattoos and Piercings April 13th 2009, 05:46 PM
Replies: 40
Views: 4,353
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: new tattoo. what you guys think?? :D

That is the most beautiful music tattoo I have ever seen. I'm not usually a fan of music-themed ones, but your is fantastic! And for free, too! :P
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 13th 2009, 02:23 AM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion

Nightmare: I like to think that I'm pretty good at detecting sarcasm, but your point about tone struck me. It hadn't occured to me that you would use different tones in different threads. As a...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 12th 2009, 05:24 AM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion

Point taken. Now that we've established that neither of us intends offence, I'm game to move on.

I don't think your views about religion and its validity or place in society are irrelevant to this...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 11th 2009, 08:24 PM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion

I want to make it clear that I'm not attacking you. I'm sorry if my posts come across that way. They're honestly not meant to be. I say this because your posts seem a bit aggressive to...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 10th 2009, 05:45 AM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion

I don't think promoting atheism as a reaction to corruption in religion is a contradiction. He seems totally down with theism, just not with the organized part. I think advocating removal from...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 10th 2009, 01:49 AM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion

My initial reaction to your post is: You ROCK! You totally get the part about science not being evidence for religion and vice-versa. Also, as I understood it (pay attention Nightmare), you...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 10th 2009, 01:30 AM
Replies: 33
Views: 2,043
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: "Say Something Good About Another Religion/Spirituality Thread"

I'm Jewish.

I love paganism for its connectedness to the rhythms of the Earth and the sky.
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 9th 2009, 03:54 AM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion

You guys are totally missing my point! The point is that religious things aren't scientific, but are valid! That there are other methods than "the scientific method." Don't get me wrong, I love the...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 6th 2009, 03:24 AM
Replies: 656
Views: 65,956
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II

Me. I need someone to pray for me.
I know this is selfish, but I can't think of what else to do right now. I'm trying to find my way, but I feel too lost to even find myself on a map.
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 6th 2009, 03:15 AM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion

I'm not trying to convince atheists to believe in the literal truth of the Torah. That's just foolish! But I will take offense if someone calls someone else's beliefs a crock of shit! I don't give an...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 6th 2009, 02:26 AM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion

Dude! That is so disrespectful! What makes you think that's even a little bit acceptable? It's one thing to say "I don't believe that." It's another to deliberately and with explicit language insult...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 5th 2009, 04:13 AM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion

Thanks, Jess, for doing the legwork I didn't have the time to do earlier. In case anyone's interested, I found this article, too, from the NY times in '96.
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 4th 2009, 09:13 PM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion

Mary: Noah was actually told to gather up several pairs of each animal.
Gen 7:1-7:3
1. And the Lord said to Noah, "Come into the ark, you and all your household, for it is you that I have seen as...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 4th 2009, 03:40 AM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion

Religion is the opiate of the people, blah blah blah. Sorry, Smitten, but Marx came up with that theory first.
I do agree with some of the content, if not the language of your post, though.
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 2nd 2009, 09:40 PM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion

Lyndsay, I really wish you would stop copying and pasting sentences from my brain. It's really disconcerting :P

Sonic: I'm not sure why're you're talking about AD when dating Jewish things....
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 2nd 2009, 04:05 AM
Replies: 78
Views: 5,158
Posted By SillyEvee
My Rant About Science vs. Religion

OK, here it is. It's long and it gives a lot of examples. Feel free to skip some paragraphs if you don't care about the examples I'm giving.

I am a Jewish, G-d-loving, G-d-fearing scientist. Deal...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 2nd 2009, 02:44 AM
Replies: 46
Views: 3,907
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Religion: What Were You Raised As?

1. My mom is from a long line of what we call "ethnic Jews," or (in my words) Jews for the food, so I had latkes on Chanukkah, but it's not like we went to Shul or anything. We celebrated Christmas...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy March 31st 2009, 02:51 PM
Replies: 13
Views: 1,710
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Religion as Thearpy?

You don't sound crazy to me. Use what works until it stops working, right? Is it a 2nd chance from G-d? I dunno. But does it matter? It's working. There used to be (and maybe still are) religious...
Forum: Games and Things March 27th 2009, 09:12 AM
Replies: 207
Views: 10,858
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Where did your username come from?


The Evee part of mine came from Evidamment vivante, French for Clearly/Obviously alive. I made it at a time I was feeling particularly invisible. Later I saw that it was...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy March 3rd 2009, 03:30 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 2,235
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: I'm not sure what I think about organized religion anymore

Well, I'm not much of one for an intermediate between me and G-d (as Matt put it), but not all organized religions are like that.
I agree that often, people use parts of their religious texts out...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy March 2nd 2009, 03:33 AM
Replies: 504
Views: 67,331
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III

For the record, I'm Jewish, but not sure how Torah-observant I'll end up being. I believe wholeheartedly in G-d, but am a little hesitant about how His laws are interpreted sometimes. We'll see once...
Forum: Homework Help February 26th 2009, 03:43 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 2,548
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: i need help with my english homework! [midsummers night dream]

Hm...that's a really broad question. I'd like to help, but I don't really understand what you mean (or your teacher means) by "renaissance society." If you expand on that, I'd be glad to help. :)...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy February 26th 2009, 03:40 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 1,676
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Religion and marriage

I dunno...
Religion is really important to me right now. I don't know if I could marry someone who didn't share my religion. But I know I could never be comfortable if someone converted religions...
Forum: Good Days! January 30th 2009, 10:43 PM
Replies: 531
Views: 24,839
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: The Official Good Things About Your Day thread

My team won the Bear Mascot Costume relay race (I ran last!) and the broomball tournament (I played goalie and sometimes forward)! Woohoo! Trivia competition tomorrow night! It's gonna rock!
Forum: Books and Literature January 23rd 2009, 11:25 PM
Replies: 2,009
Views: 112,206
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: What I'm reading now.

I liked Romeo an Juliet! Not the characters, though, I can agree with you there. You have to look at them in a different way though. Imagine they were being acted out. You miss a lot when all you can...
Forum: Music January 22nd 2009, 08:47 PM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 601,495
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

Roll it Gal
written by Shontelle
known performed by Alison Hinds
Forum: Sex and Puberty January 21st 2009, 12:03 AM
Replies: 19
Views: 1,606
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Erection

^agree! Totally normal. Handy for continuing the species, too :p
Forum: Self Harm January 8th 2009, 10:24 PM
Replies: 21,181
Views: 813,099
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Self harm free!

November 14 2008, so...55 days and COUNTING without cutting. That's HUGE for me!
Congrats to everyone. :)
Forum: LGBTQ+, Sexuality and Gender Identity January 8th 2009, 09:57 PM
Replies: 62
Views: 5,794
Posted By SillyEvee
Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?

We still technically have a GSA, but we hardly ever meet or do anything. We were so much more active last year! :( I'm glad we officially have one, though.
Forum: LGBTQ+, Sexuality and Gender Identity January 6th 2009, 10:21 PM
Replies: 886
Views: 97,460
Posted By SillyEvee
Non-gendered female of...indeterminate sexuality...

Non-gendered female of...indeterminate sexuality :p
Showing results 1 to 49 of 49

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