Forum: Music
July 4th 2011, 07:34 PM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,410
Re: Song/Quote of the day!
The night-time we shall rule as our own!
While the hollow shall sleep,
we shall bark at the moon.
In this world of nothing for me!
I'd be sooner destroyed!
In this world there is nothing for...
Forum: Depression and Suicide
July 4th 2011, 03:03 AM
Replies: 258
Views: 40,817
Forum: Games and Things
June 17th 2011, 12:50 PM
Replies: 905
Views: 60,700
Re: Questions for the opposite sex
Girls: if i liked a girl and wanted to spend time with her, should i like, ask her to come over and play her a song or something? i dont have friends so its not like we could go hang out at the mall...