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Showing results 1 to 200 of 206
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Search: Posts Made By: Ghost On The Highway
Forum: Games and Things January 12th 2015, 03:00 AM
Replies: 10,485
Views: 454,444
Forum: Music January 12th 2015, 02:48 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

Civilization? Ha! I call it as I see it.
I call it bullshit, you know, I still cannot believe it
Our evolution now has gone the way of hate
A world evolved resolved in this stupid fate

Forum: Technology, Gamers and Gadgets December 17th 2014, 02:49 AM
Replies: 642
Views: 42,322
Re: What are you playing?

Endless Legend
Forum: Goals and Ambitions December 3rd 2014, 02:07 AM
Replies: 9,662
Views: 376,025
Re: Goal of the day!

1) Get back to a healthy weight and good physical fitness
2) Get a job that pays enough for me to make it on my own
Forum: Games and Things August 24th 2014, 02:40 AM
Replies: 10,485
Views: 454,444
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.

"I quit." (Can't say it to their face because I need the money)
Forum: Why Me? August 6th 2014, 01:32 AM
Replies: 10,337
Triggering: Complaint of the day
Views: 353,048
Re: Complaint of the day

I get absolutely no recognition and shit pay at work. I think getting fired would be a blessing at this point because it would force me to search for something better.
Forum: Education and Careers July 31st 2014, 02:31 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 2,099
Re: What industry do you work in?

Retail. Ugh. Thinking of going to trade school for auto repair or welding or something because my degree (biopsychology) has proved useless.
Forum: Games and Things April 19th 2014, 02:46 AM
Replies: 10,485
Views: 454,444
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.

You're going to regret talking shit about me behind my back
Forum: Goals and Ambitions April 19th 2014, 02:45 AM
Replies: 9,662
Views: 376,025
Re: Goal of the day!

(Goal of the Year): Get my business started and ditch the minimum wage job
Forum: Why Me? March 14th 2014, 10:50 PM
Replies: 10,337
Triggering: Complaint of the day
Views: 353,048
Re: Complaint of the day

Think I'm getting the damn norovirus :/
Forum: Good Days! March 5th 2014, 01:43 AM
Replies: 1,489
Views: 57,884
Re: What have you achieved today?

Got a job in my field! (neuroscience), plus an interview for another job opportunity and passed a drug test despite significant apprehensions. All in all a good day.
Forum: Technology, Gamers and Gadgets February 25th 2014, 10:15 PM
Replies: 642
Views: 42,322
Forum: Relationships and Dating February 25th 2014, 03:22 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 3,091
Re: How do I confess to my anti-drugs boyfriend....??

^ I concur with just about everything stated here.

I'm a fairly pro-drug person, at least when it comes to the more innocuous substances (weed, LSD, mushrooms, DXM, etc.) I think it's very...
Forum: Why Me? January 16th 2014, 02:46 AM
Replies: 10,777
Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Screaming thread.
Views: 411,682
Re: Screaming thread.

BYAHHHHH!!!! (Howard Dean Scream)
Forum: Good Days! December 16th 2013, 03:03 AM
Replies: 11,980
Views: 463,705
Re: I'm happy today because...

I graduated university!
Forum: Music September 19th 2013, 02:26 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

"If I needed you, would you come to me? Would you come to me and ease my pain? If you needed me, I would come to you, I'd swim the seas for to ease your pain."
Forum: Games and Things September 5th 2013, 12:53 AM
Replies: 5,207
Views: 182,241
Re: What was the last TV Show/Film you watched? :)

Fantastic series (Eva that is, never watched much Futurama).

Last show: Breaking Bad
Last movie: 50 First Dates. Enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, back when Adam Sandler was still...
Forum: Depression and Suicide September 4th 2013, 07:41 PM
Replies: 20
Views: 4,937
Re: Does school make your depression worse?

School itself generally does not make my depression worse, unless I'm failing my classes or something. In general my brain appreciates the extra intellectual stimulation. It's the *people* at school...
Forum: Why Me? September 2nd 2013, 03:51 AM
Replies: 10,337
Triggering: Complaint of the day
Views: 353,048
Re: Complaint of the day

Mister Cellophane
Should have been my name
Mister Cellophane
Cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never even know I'm there.
Forum: Games and Things September 2nd 2013, 03:39 AM
Replies: 1,990
Views: 63,648
Re: What are you drinking ?

Oxidane (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxidane#Systematic_naming)
Forum: Depression and Suicide August 31st 2013, 04:38 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 3,300
Re: Depression medication

It's a fairly safe bet that the first antidepressant you'll be prescribed will be an SSRI or SNRI. The former class acts on the neurotransmitter ("brain-signaling-molecule") serotonin, while the...
Forum: Relationships and Dating August 30th 2013, 03:28 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 1,774
Re: Dating Broken Girls

Excellent advice Robin. I've been on both sides of the over-attachment problem and it really does neither party any favors. I think another complicated case, especially relevant for teenagers, is...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy August 15th 2013, 06:16 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 2,527
Re: Religion and intelligence

Fantastic insight here. I can't imagine unhappiness is a strong driving force towards religious devotion. If anything, wouldn't the unhappy man be equally likely to reject God in favor of a...
Forum: Games and Things August 13th 2013, 03:16 AM
Replies: 5,207
Views: 182,241
Re: What was the last TV Show/Film you watched? :)

I do want to check that one out. Right now I'm watching Ergo Proxy, ever seen it?
Forum: Games and Things August 13th 2013, 03:15 AM
Replies: 5,207
Views: 182,241
Forum: Games and Things August 10th 2013, 05:48 PM
Replies: 5,207
Views: 182,241
Re: What was the last TV Show/Film you watched? :)

Nothing wrong with that :nosweat:
Last film: Elysium
Last show: Ergo Proxy
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy August 5th 2013, 02:32 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 2,398
Re: Organised religion?

For the most part I agree with this in the case of the major monotheistic religions (Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Judaism, etc.) An all-powerful God with judgmental capacity corresponds pretty...
Forum: Depression and Suicide July 24th 2013, 02:26 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,804
Re: I can't escape my depression!

Hey Allie,

Welcome to TH :) I have also struggled with depression for several years. The "good" news, if you'll permit me to call it that, is that it seems your problems are to some degree...
Forum: Self Harm July 23rd 2013, 02:21 AM
Replies: 7
Triggering (SH): Self Harm Free 1 Week!
Views: 2,279
Forum: Games and Things July 23rd 2013, 01:56 AM
Replies: 264
Views: 12,244
Re: Would You Ever [The return!]

Sure. Would you ever have sex in a canoe?
Forum: Games and Things July 23rd 2013, 01:10 AM
Replies: 264
Views: 12,244
Re: Would You Ever [The return!]

I feel like oral sex on a roller coaster is a recipe for projectile vomiting lol, plus I'm not sure you could even do it, so no. Fingering I guess would be ok but I'm not one for public sex acts, so...
Forum: Music July 19th 2013, 01:44 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

What'll you do when you get lonely and nobody's waiting by your side? You've been running and hiding much too long, you know it's just your foolish pride.

"Layla" by Eric Clapton
Forum: Chit-Chat July 18th 2013, 04:58 AM
Replies: 1,285
Views: 116,267
Re: The "Wow! Look at my post count!" Thread

I have now officially "been here a while." (1000) And lord, does it feel like it. I'm so old.
Forum: Games and Things July 18th 2013, 04:23 AM
Replies: 5,207
Views: 182,241
Re: What was the last TV Show/Film you watched? :)

Last film I watched was Girl, Interrupted. Quite good, I want to meet Susanna IRL.
Forum: Goals and Ambitions July 18th 2013, 04:12 AM
Replies: 352
Views: 40,008
Re: what do you want to do before you die?

I want to visit Nepal, Tibet, Scotland, Alaska, New Zealand, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and a few other places. I would like to climb Denali and reach the first base camp at Everest. I'd like to...
Forum: General Health July 17th 2013, 02:50 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 1,995
Re: Effective medication

I currently take only Effexor (venlafaxine), though I've tried bupropion, Lexapro and a few others. It seems to help with both depression and anxiety, though honestly it's pretty similar to Pristiq....
Forum: Games and Things July 16th 2013, 07:54 PM
Replies: 5,207
Views: 182,241
Forum: Music July 16th 2013, 03:19 PM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

I want to show 'em all that we can't be touched
That we too out of hand and we move too much
And we can take all that pressure
Cause we don't want nothing at all
Except for maybe some more of us...
Forum: Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction July 15th 2013, 04:30 PM
Replies: 9
Triggering: Alcohol.
Views: 6,080
Re: Alcohol.

While I won't claim any knowledge of your specific situation, I can say from experience that alcohol abuse and depression go hand in hand. A useful perspective in my opinion is to compare the...
Forum: Current Events and Debates July 15th 2013, 03:21 AM
Replies: 439
Views: 28,070
Re: Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman

Well, I for one am glad this is over and satisfied with the verdict. Now we move on to that mother who got 20 years for discharging a firearm to scare off an abusive husband.
Forum: General Health July 11th 2013, 03:47 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 2,039
Re: Afraid that adding another medication will throw me off....

Mental health treatment is a funny thing. Sometimes it seems like a matter of blind luck when a medication works for you, or the cruel hand of fate when a previously effective treatment stops...
Forum: Music July 10th 2013, 04:02 AM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Forum: General Health July 9th 2013, 12:41 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 2,039
Re: Afraid that adding another medication will throw me off....

Clonazepam/klonopin is only rarely prescribed as an "every day" med. When I was on it, I was only supposed to take it as needed. The problem with taking it long term is that you eventually develop a...
Forum: General Health July 9th 2013, 02:14 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 2,039
Re: Afraid that adding another medication will throw me off....

The only time I've ever gone cold turkey off a psychotropic drug was when switching between different SSRI's, like celexa to prozac, etc. It's a bad idea to stop benzodiazepines abruptly, and many...
Forum: General Health July 5th 2013, 04:21 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 2,680
Re: OD'ing on over the counter medication

Hey, I know you're going through some really tough times right now, but abusing drugs and alcohol really isn't going to help. Believe me, I've been there (borderline alcoholic that is) and it really...
Forum: Music June 28th 2013, 07:50 PM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

"Touch, Peel and Stand" by Days of the New

"Yes I finally found a reason I don't need no excuse, I got this time on my hands...you are the ones who abuse!"
Forum: Music June 25th 2013, 02:07 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

"Reborn through hate! We'll slash your necks until you die!!"

I'm fine, ma
Forum: Games and Things June 25th 2013, 01:43 AM
Replies: 264
Views: 12,244
Re: Would You Ever [The return!]

No. Maybe with my girlfriend and a girl who's just a friend, but no way with my best guy friend.

Would you ever "superman that hoe," or be the willing recipient of said act?
Forum: Why Me? June 24th 2013, 02:51 AM
Replies: 10,337
Triggering: Complaint of the day
Views: 353,048
Re: Complaint of the day

So today my boss gave me a performance review and said if I don't "pick it up" in the next two months I'll be fired. I work harder than anyone else in the department and get no recognition and lousy...
Forum: Music June 18th 2013, 02:49 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

"Whimsical" by Days of the New

Subjected to your mother of nature
Limited to the color of your eyes
Drained by the one you call your lover
She don't care if you live or die
Forum: Books and Literature June 11th 2013, 03:25 PM
Replies: 2,009
Views: 112,088
Re: What I'm reading now.


Pretty good so far, I'm also reading:
Forum: Music June 11th 2013, 03:22 PM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Man, everything gets moved to chitchat these days. Anyway, I'm listening to "By Demons Be Driven" by Pantera. \m/
Forum: Music June 4th 2013, 12:45 AM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Forum: Games and Things June 3rd 2013, 06:32 PM
Replies: 264
Views: 12,244
Re: Would You Ever [The return!]

A changing room maybe, not a public stall. Can you say E.Coli?

Would you ever have sex with a postal worker?
Forum: Relationships and Dating June 2nd 2013, 01:35 PM
Replies: 16
Views: 2,040
Re: IT worker and his girlfriend claim to be Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Two things:

1) The biblical Jesus would never come back to Earth with Mary Magdalene as a "girlfriend." That's Dan Brown shit.
2) An IT professional? I feel like Jesus would be a doctor or...
Forum: Music June 2nd 2013, 12:24 AM
Replies: 414
Views: 18,873
Re: What Song Is Stuck In YOUR Head

"The Man I Knew" by Dessa. To be fair, I've listened to it ~10 times today. Great lyrics and bass line.

"By the time that you told me it was already plain that you'd changed. But your conscience...
Forum: Games and Things June 1st 2013, 01:42 AM
Replies: 10,485
Views: 454,444
Forum: Why Me? June 1st 2013, 12:49 AM
Replies: 10,337
Triggering: Complaint of the day
Views: 353,048
Re: Complaint of the day

The usual: Long shift at work with lots of annoying customers, clueless coworkers, short staffed, foot feels like I'm walking on hot coals...get home and I have diarrhea. Lovely.
Forum: Music May 31st 2013, 01:20 PM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

"Against the World" by Accept. A fitting song to start the workweekend
Forum: Food and Recipes May 25th 2013, 03:08 AM
Replies: 989
Views: 51,638
Forum: Fashion and Style May 25th 2013, 03:05 AM
Replies: 2,594
Views: 89,336
Re: What are you currently wearing?

Hiking socks, Eddie Bauer stretch climbing jeans, Boyt Gunleather belt, white costco undershirt, Eddie Bauer plaid flannel, glasses. Oh, and some generic boxer briefs lol
Forum: Why Me? May 25th 2013, 03:02 AM
Replies: 10,337
Triggering: Complaint of the day
Views: 353,048
Re: Complaint of the day

Man, work sucked today. I was stuck with my micromanaging department supervisor from 1-10pm. Wish I could get a transfer and become a department head, or a different job altogether.
Forum: Music May 25th 2013, 02:58 AM
Replies: 414
Views: 18,873
Re: What Song Is Stuck In YOUR Head

"The Quick and The Dead" by Accept.

"Speed and power, take command, you've got the world in the palm of your hand. Pull the trigger, come out ahead, there's two kinds of people, the quick and the...
Forum: Fashion and Style May 23rd 2013, 08:58 PM
Replies: 2,594
Views: 89,336
Re: What are you currently wearing?

My skin :hehe: but I'm under the covers in bed lol
Forum: Games and Things May 22nd 2013, 11:05 PM
Replies: 10,485
Views: 454,444
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.

I'm a better worker than you. Inertia is the only reason I won't get your job.
Forum: Goals and Ambitions May 22nd 2013, 10:59 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 3,159
Re: BIG Goal of mine!

Lol this looks funny since the edit (in preview). "My goal is to lose." Good luck on your weight loss and keep at it!
Forum: Fashion and Style May 22nd 2013, 04:21 PM
Replies: 2,594
Views: 89,336
Re: What are you currently wearing?

White ankle socks, Eddie Bauer shorts, UMich shirt, Patagonia fleece, glasses
Forum: General Health May 21st 2013, 10:56 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 2,034
Re: My anti-anxiety medication.

I have not taken Paxil, though it is quite the interesting drug. My psychiatrist was always hesitant to prescribe either Paxil or Effexor (Venlafaxine) because they are very difficult to stop taking...
Forum: Games and Things May 19th 2013, 05:53 AM
Replies: 264
Views: 12,244
Re: Would You Ever [The return!]

No, sounds very unpleasant.

Would you ever take drugs to enhance sex? I.e. viagra, ecstasy, weed?
Forum: Food and Recipes May 19th 2013, 12:49 AM
Replies: 5,337
Views: 235,588
Re: What's for dinner?

Cigarettes and alcohol :/
Forum: Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction May 19th 2013, 12:40 AM
Replies: 5
Triggering (Substances): Is this alcohol abuse?
Views: 3,397
Re: Is this alcohol abuse?

I am a former alcohol abuser, used to drink 30+ a week, most nights. At that point in my life it was definitely a coping mechanism, and very harmful. Now I've cut back to about 10 drinks a week,...
Forum: Games and Things May 17th 2013, 11:40 AM
Replies: 1,990
Views: 63,648
Re: What are you drinking ?

Hot Choffee (Coffee and Swiss Miss hot cocoa)
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy May 13th 2013, 02:13 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 2,193
Re: Define religion

If the dictionary.com definition were at all sufficient, this thread would have no purpose to exist, now would it? Try another:

1. a : the quality or state of being aware...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy May 11th 2013, 06:47 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 2,193
Re: Define religion

I agree that the OP's definition is too broad, but I also think yours is too narrow lol. Religion generally explains a mystery that is not well understood. It doesn't have to be the creation of the...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy May 11th 2013, 03:47 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 2,193
Re: Define religion

Belief in something in spite of evidence to the contrary :P
Forum: General Health May 10th 2013, 01:41 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 1,872
Re: Medication side effects, or something else?

No idea about the periods, but weight gain is a known side effect of many antidepressants. In my opinion it's tolerable. Before I was on effexor I was pretty ripped tbh, had a borderline six pack and...
Forum: Music May 9th 2013, 11:22 PM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

"Take Me For Longing" by Alison Krauss
Forum: Depression and Suicide May 9th 2013, 03:55 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 1,789
Re: Diganosed with Depression

^ Generally good points. To clarify, my point was not that medically-diagnosed depression isn't MDD, but that therapists and physicians often jump to conclusions when making that diagnosis. When I...
Forum: Music May 9th 2013, 02:24 AM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

"Left Brain Ambassadors" by Spiritual Beggars
Forum: Fashion and Style May 9th 2013, 02:16 AM
Replies: 2,594
Views: 89,336
Re: What are you currently wearing?

Reef sandals, Levi's 559 jeans, Gap underwear :P, woven leather belt, "The Dude Abides" t-shirt, glasses
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy May 9th 2013, 02:10 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 2,204
Re: Explain your religion to me!

I'll try to explain my beliefs as best I can, not sure I sure call it "religion." I believe in and try to adhere to most of the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, at least those I'm currently aware of...
Forum: Depression and Suicide May 9th 2013, 01:41 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 1,789
Re: Diganosed with Depression

Hey Jade,

First of all, being diagnosed with depression does not necessarily mean you have clinical major depressive disorder. It's not diabetes or cancer, it's a subjective assessment by someone...
Forum: Music May 6th 2013, 01:12 AM
Replies: 414
Views: 18,873
Re: What Song Is Stuck In YOUR Head

"Don't This Look Like The Dark" by Magnolia Electric Co.

Six an a half hours into the West Virginia night, half a mile from home and I was makin' pretty good time. Thought that I'd gone far enough...
Forum: Music May 5th 2013, 03:16 AM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

"Message in Blood" by Pantera
Forum: Music May 4th 2013, 02:07 PM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

"Knocking on Your Back Door" by Deep Purple. Guilty pleasure.
Forum: Games and Things May 4th 2013, 01:59 PM
Replies: 264
Views: 12,244
Re: Would You Ever [The return!]

No. He'd probably try to join in, horny bastard. O.o

Would you ever do double penetration?
Forum: Music May 1st 2013, 12:12 AM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

New album by Spiritual Beggars -- Earth Blues
Forum: Games and Things April 30th 2013, 02:19 PM
Replies: 5,207
Views: 182,241
Forum: Fashion and Style April 30th 2013, 01:31 AM
Replies: 2,594
Views: 89,336
Re: What are you currently wearing?

Black socks, Levi's, a "Dude Abides" t-shirt
Forum: Music April 29th 2013, 09:08 PM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?


"TwentyFourSeven" by Doomtree
Forum: Music April 28th 2013, 12:48 PM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

"Blood of the Nations" by Accept
Forum: Depression and Suicide April 28th 2013, 01:48 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,858
Re: Can multivitamins help depression?

It can certainly help to take vitamins/minerals if you are deficient (especially in B-vitamins). B1 (thiamine) deficiency has been proposed as a cause for Korsakoff's syndrome in alcoholics, which is...
Forum: Education and Careers April 28th 2013, 01:42 AM
Replies: 16
Views: 2,785
Re: Going to college , sharing a room for 1st time ever pj advice

Lol...girls. I sleep in boxer briefs and nothing else every night, don't care who else is around.
Forum: Disabilities April 22nd 2013, 02:14 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 4,121
Re: Do you usually state your disability in your cover letter/resume?

Absolutely not, though my "disability" isn't very debilitating (diabetes T1). I do require accommodations, but consider them reasonable -- extra bathroom breaks, drinking gatorade on the floor, etc.
Forum: Books and Literature April 19th 2013, 03:02 AM
Replies: 2,009
Views: 112,088
Re: What I'm reading now.

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche
Forum: Music April 16th 2013, 01:23 AM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

"Army of Bono" by Clutch.

"Roll out the red carpet, dripping bloody tongue, never mind the blue berets and all the shiny guns."
Forum: Games and Things April 16th 2013, 01:22 AM
Replies: 1,990
Views: 63,648
Forum: General Health April 3rd 2013, 01:42 AM
Replies: 0
Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Diabetes Rant Thread
Views: 1,336
Diabetes Rant Thread

Fuck diabetes. Seriously. I have mad respect for those of you who've dealt with it since childhood. I was diagnosed at 16 and maintained good control for a few years. But now my A1C is like 10 and my...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy April 2nd 2013, 09:16 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 2,477
Re: Religion a joke gone wrong?

Listen to "The Answer" by Bad Religion.

I think religions can be created in many different ways, though generally not as a "joke." You can have a charismatic leader with a few character flaws and...
Forum: Music April 2nd 2013, 09:00 PM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

"Junkhead" by Alice in Chains
Forum: Music March 29th 2013, 02:29 AM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Forum: General Health February 25th 2013, 12:41 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 1,955
Re: New Medication

Holy canoli that is a weird-looking molecule. Nausea is listed as a common side effect, as is somnolence (sleepiness) and akasthisia (not sure on that one). It is supposed to be fairly effective in...
Forum: General Health February 25th 2013, 12:23 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 1,955
Re: New Medication

I will research it for you using my school's academic database. Expect another post soon.
Forum: Games and Things February 16th 2013, 03:10 PM
Replies: 905
Views: 60,674
Re: Questions for the opposite sex

Mostly down-to-earth. Type A guys need relaxed girls to balance out their insecurities and aggression lol
Forum: Music February 13th 2013, 12:04 AM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

"You Spin Me Round" by Dead or Alive
"Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi
Forum: Music February 10th 2013, 01:30 AM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

"Reign of Fire" by Armored Saint \m/
Forum: Why Me? February 4th 2013, 01:40 AM
Replies: 10,337
Triggering: Complaint of the day
Views: 353,048
Re: Complaint of the day

I have to go to court tomorrow. Fuck the po-lice!
Forum: Music January 30th 2013, 06:33 PM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

"Atom Smasher" by Cirith Ungol. Lol, Tolkien-inspired death metal
Forum: Fashion and Style January 30th 2013, 02:18 AM
Replies: 2,594
Views: 89,336
Re: What are you currently wearing?

Boxer briefs, nike socks, glasses
Forum: Current Events and Debates January 29th 2013, 11:20 PM
Replies: 439
Views: 28,070
Re: Trayvon Martin

This dude's still kicking around? When I wear a hoody, I want people to think of me as the angel Tyrael from Diablo, not some skinny black dude who picked the wrong fight.
Forum: Games and Things January 29th 2013, 09:16 PM
Replies: 203
Views: 10,746
Re: In My Pants

Still not sure what this is about in my pants.

Legs in my pants, knives in my pants, syringes in my pants, etc. etc.
Forum: Games and Things January 29th 2013, 12:27 AM
Replies: 1,990
Views: 63,648
Re: What are you drinking ?

Short's Autumn Ale out the glass. #Goodtobeold
Forum: Games and Things January 28th 2013, 01:45 AM
Replies: 10,485
Views: 454,444
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.

I'd work harder than anyone else here if you'd just let me breathe a little.
Forum: Good Days! January 28th 2013, 01:44 AM
Replies: 1,489
Views: 57,884
Re: What have you achieved today?

Survived another day at the "office."
Forum: Music January 28th 2013, 01:38 AM
Replies: 414
Views: 18,873
Re: What Song Is Stuck In YOUR Head

Love Has Taken Its Toll by Saraya. Sandi Saraya was sooo hottttt
Forum: Music January 27th 2013, 01:55 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

The bluest eyes in Texas are haunting me tonight,
Like the stars that fill the midnight sky,
Her memory fills my mind.
Where did I go wrong? Did I wait too long?
The bluest eyes in Texas are...
Forum: Good Days! January 26th 2013, 12:44 PM
Replies: 11,980
Views: 463,705
Re: I'm happy today because...

I have a decent job and am almost done with my undergraduate degree in neuroscience/earth systems science
Forum: Music January 25th 2013, 04:50 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

It seems we've fallen out of favor
The era ended on us,
Now the money's just paper,
The houses all haunted,
We had a hell of a run before it caught up
For all the corners cut we got an avalanche...
Forum: Technology, Gamers and Gadgets January 23rd 2013, 11:52 PM
Replies: 642
Views: 42,322
Re: What are you playing?

[SPOILERS] I feel bad for the women in Blizzard games (highlight text to see)

1) Sarah Kerrigan: Is betrayed by the terrans and mutated by the zerg. Then the terrans try to kill her and...
Forum: Music January 17th 2013, 08:42 PM
Replies: 1,371
Views: 51,983
Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?

"Space Captain" by Joe Cocker.

"Once while travelin' across the sky, this lovely planet caught my eye
Being curious, I flew close by, and now I'm caught here 'til I die
Until we die, until we...
Forum: Rape and Abuse January 14th 2013, 02:46 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 2,635
Re: Would you consider this to be rape?

Hmm, it seems like he doesn't regard it as rape, since he told your friend and all. Strange that he would do that, though. I guess I would classify it as sexual assault maybe. In any case, seems like...
Forum: Music January 14th 2013, 02:37 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

So take me down slow an' easy,
Make love to me slow an' easy
I know that hard long trouble is comin' my way,
So rock me till I'm burned to the bone
Forum: Fashion and Style January 14th 2013, 02:24 AM
Replies: 2,594
Views: 89,336
Re: What are you currently wearing?

Blue ski team sweatpants, white nike socks, white costco undershirt, gap boxer briefs. Sexy time.
Forum: Games and Things January 13th 2013, 06:23 PM
Replies: 5,207
Views: 182,241
Re: What was the last TV Show/Film you watched? :)

Last TV show was Breaking Bad, last movie was Django Unchained
Forum: Why Me? January 13th 2013, 11:25 AM
Replies: 10,337
Triggering: Complaint of the day
Views: 353,048
Re: Complaint of the day

My goddamn foot hurts. I broke my second metatarsal four months ago and the Dr. didn't realize it was broken until last month...no cast and I'm on my feet nine hours a day on concrete for work. Plus...
Forum: Games and Things January 7th 2013, 08:50 PM
Replies: 1,990
Views: 63,648
Re: What are you drinking ?

Being of legal age, an "adult beverage." Soothes the synapses it does.
Forum: Fashion and Style January 6th 2013, 03:10 PM
Replies: 2,594
Views: 89,336
Re: What are you currently wearing?

Blue track pants and a white undershirt. Pedo uniform ;)
Forum: Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction January 5th 2013, 12:33 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 3,146
Re: Alcohol noob.

Rules from an ex-alcoholic:

1) Never start with mixed drinks, especially sugary ones. You will drink more than you intended.
2) You're clear with beer. In my experience, it is nearly impossible...
Forum: LGBTQ+, Sexuality and Gender Identity January 3rd 2013, 12:05 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 2,759
Re: The 5 Worst States for LGBT Rights

I'm surprised at Michigan. Yeah Detroit may be homophobic, but that's probably a result of the demographic makeup, racial and socioeconomic. Ann Arbor is pretty gay-friendly. I'm also surprised at...
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy January 3rd 2013, 11:45 AM
Replies: 504
Views: 67,268
Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs

My beliefs can probably best be described as Buddhist. I believe in the concepts of karma, samsara, interbeing, suffering and nirvana, and rebirth. I believe that the most important purposes worth...
Forum: Games and Things January 2nd 2013, 01:06 AM
Replies: 203
Views: 10,746
Re: In My Pants

No idea what this is about. Today, in my pants, I had two automatic knives, cell phone, keys, insulin pen, needles, and my manly parts.
Forum: Technology, Gamers and Gadgets December 31st 2012, 09:58 PM
Replies: 642
Views: 42,322
Re: What are you playing?

Right now I'm playing: Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, Civ V

No longer playing: BFBC2
Tried and disliked: Batman Arkham City, Battlefield 3, Singularity
Any suggestions?
Forum: Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction January 31st 2012, 02:19 PM
Replies: 18
Views: 2,245
Re: Alcohol in the classroom

I could honestly care less whether a classmate "pregames" lecture, so long as said drunk isn't disturbing the class. I've had a drink before evening class on a few occasions, and with the exception...
Forum: Rape and Abuse December 13th 2011, 05:58 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 1,897
Re: Not raped but still traumatized

First of all, nycomma I'm really sorry this happened to you. To me, it sounds like the guy is severely troubled and is unable to express his emotions. I imagine he does feel sorry for what he did,...
Forum: General Health December 7th 2011, 04:29 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 2,352
Re: Medication.

I agree with "The Man" (not like *The Man* but like the guy who posted above...lol :glare:) Citalopram, Prozac, and Sertraline are all SSRI's, Trazodone is a serotonin agonist IIRC and antipsychotics...
Forum: Education and Careers November 24th 2011, 11:42 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,255
Re: College advice please?

Stanford is a reach for most people, myself included. Commence stat-bragging/dick-sizing lol (4.6 weighted GPA, 1490 SAT, 34 ACT, 800s on SATII, National Merit scholar, Honors/AP's, band, ski team,...
Forum: Peer Pressure and Bullying November 24th 2011, 02:17 PM
Replies: 12
Triggering (Bullying): bullied for my size?:S
Views: 4,792
Re: bullied for my size?:S

I have nothing constructive to add, but, be glad you're not a guy. Skinny guys have it even worse.
Forum: Games and Things November 24th 2011, 02:14 PM
Replies: 747
Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Would you ever...?
Views: 31,134
Re: Would you ever...?

Highly, highly unlikely, but yes.

Would you ever fuck somebody without telling Kanye West?
Forum: Games and Things November 5th 2011, 11:51 PM
Replies: 1,002
Views: 34,652
Re: What are you thinking right now?

How the hell am I going to live through this winter?
Forum: Games and Things October 31st 2011, 07:58 PM
Replies: 1,169
Views: 32,186
Forum: Chit-Chat October 31st 2011, 03:42 PM
Replies: 394
Views: 73,686
Re: Change of username

I too find the name changes confusing, I will always be a Ghost on the Highway.

Ironically enough, my real name will probably change.
Forum: Games and Things October 31st 2011, 12:35 PM
Replies: 5,194
Views: 141,970
Re: Silly Bans

I ban you for being a brit
Forum: Games and Things October 31st 2011, 03:51 AM
Replies: 5,194
Views: 141,970
Re: Silly Bans

I ban the person above for counting how long she's been in high school instead of how long she has left.
Forum: Music October 31st 2011, 02:37 AM
Replies: 360
Views: 15,522
Re: What Song Is Stuck In Your Head Right Now?

You listen to the Specials? :o Nice!
Forum: Games and Things October 26th 2011, 04:48 PM
Replies: 2,010
Views: 48,593
Re: How well-known are you on TH?

I see ya 7/10

If you don't post in D&S, relationships and dating, mental health, substance use, or one of the "fun forums" I'm sure you don't know me.
Forum: Music October 26th 2011, 04:45 PM
Replies: 360
Views: 15,522
Re: What Song Is Stuck In Your Head Right Now?

Don't know that one but the Black Keys are pretty cool. "Rubber Factory" is my fave album.

I have "Seamstress" by Dessa stuck in my head. Pretty unique song.

I'm not gay, but this applies to...
Forum: Disabilities October 14th 2011, 09:22 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 3,658
Re: My disability speech opinions suggestion Corrections

Tried my best not to be a grammar nazi, very good speech and tantamount to how I see my disability (diabetes T1). Good luck!
Forum: Games and Things October 13th 2011, 09:54 AM
Replies: 747
Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Would you ever...?
Views: 31,134
Re: Would you ever...?

No. Only Steely Dan or Stevie Wonder lol :P

Would you ever perform or receive anilingus (rimjob)?
Forum: Games and Things October 13th 2011, 12:11 AM
Replies: 747
Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Would you ever...?
Views: 31,134
Re: Would you ever...?

Yes. I'd be Leroy Gibbs and she'd be Abby Sciuto or Patrick Jane and Agent Lisbon.

Would you ever have sex on a boat? Or a jetski :P
Forum: Games and Things October 12th 2011, 12:19 AM
Replies: 747
Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Would you ever...?
Views: 31,134
Re: Would you ever...?

Of course. Would you ever have sex with an alcoholic?
Forum: Games and Things October 11th 2011, 02:34 AM
Replies: 747
Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Would you ever...?
Views: 31,134
Re: Would you ever...?

I've gotten to third base while watching Law and Order, so yeah.

Would you ever engage in or receive double penetration?
Forum: Tattoos and Piercings October 11th 2011, 02:23 AM
Replies: 11
Views: 2,695
Re: My tattoo's & piercings

Flowers are sweet!
Forum: Sex and Puberty October 11th 2011, 02:20 AM
Replies: 17
Views: 43,535
Re: Nair vs Shaving

Nair doesn't work, smells like feces, and burns your skin. Waxing, laser, or shaving are your best bets.
Forum: Games and Things October 7th 2011, 11:57 PM
Replies: 5,194
Views: 141,970
Re: Silly Bans

I ban the person above me for having a weird signature :P
Forum: Games and Things October 7th 2011, 11:31 AM
Replies: 747
Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Would you ever...?
Views: 31,134
Re: Would you ever...?

No, I'd wake them up and make it a menage a trois.

Would you ever play rap, hard rock, metal, or other loud music during sex?
Forum: Relationships and Dating October 5th 2011, 03:38 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 1,390
Forum: Education and Careers October 4th 2011, 02:31 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 1,712
Re: How much does reading matter in college?

Never done it consistently, never will until the assignments are journal articles in my major. I could give a fuck about non-major classes.
Forum: Games and Things October 4th 2011, 05:14 AM
Replies: 10,485
Views: 454,444
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.

I thought you cared about me more than I cared about you. But now I realize the lack of feeling is mutual. Let's move on.
Forum: Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction October 4th 2011, 03:06 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 2,601
Re: What happen you add alcohol to your antidepressants?

Your depression gets worse. True story bro.

From what I've heard:
MAOI + Alcohol = death (not my experience lol)
Tricyclic + Alcohol = death (same)

All the rest I've tried.

SSRI + Alcohol...
Forum: Music October 4th 2011, 12:17 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

Now this man down at the used car lot
Tried to sell me four wheels and a trunk.
I said, "Man, there ain't no engine!,"
He said, "The engine's just a bunch of junk.
You don't need no engine to...
Forum: Games and Things September 27th 2011, 10:49 PM
Replies: 747
Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Would you ever...?
Views: 31,134
Re: Would you ever...?

Why not? Would you ever have sex with someone far more inebriated than yourself?
Forum: Games and Things September 27th 2011, 01:54 PM
Replies: 747
Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Would you ever...?
Views: 31,134
Re: Would you ever...?

Not shave but trim close...would you ever engage in a menage a trois with the third member your own sex (e.g. two males and a female for me).
Forum: Fashion and Style September 27th 2011, 04:11 AM
Replies: 2,594
Views: 89,336
Re: What are you currently wearing?

Shirt that says "Don't Mess with the Moose"
Hiking shorts
Running shoes and ankle socks
Stormy Kromer hat

Lol I'm such a loser...
Forum: Food and Recipes September 27th 2011, 04:07 AM
Replies: 5,337
Views: 235,588
Re: What's for dinner?

Coho wild caught salmon, sea scallops and apples, on the grill. I was going to have Trader Joe's couscous (which is legit) but I'm out of chicken stock. And spinach, but it was spoiled (didn't know...
Forum: Games and Things September 26th 2011, 02:00 AM
Replies: 747
Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Would you ever...?
Views: 31,134
Re: Would you ever...?

Only if she couldn't get me off. Would you ever have sex with your boss?
Forum: Tattoos and Piercings September 26th 2011, 01:57 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 2,806
Re: Tattoo: Anyone know latin or french?

Thanks! I like the French better anyway and I have a wide back lol, does anyone know how to pronounce it?
Forum: Fashion and Style September 25th 2011, 01:39 PM
Replies: 2,594
Views: 89,336
Re: What are you currently wearing?

Same thing I was when I was born :dem:
Forum: Games and Things September 25th 2011, 01:23 PM
Replies: 747
Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Would you ever...?
Views: 31,134
Re: Would you ever...?

No. Would you ever have sex with a distant relative?
Forum: Tattoos and Piercings September 24th 2011, 01:43 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 2,806
Tattoo: Anyone know latin or french?

I want to get "I Will Overcome" tattooed on my back in one of these two languages (or another if it sounds b/a). Google translate says the Latin is "Ego Vici" and the French "Je Vais Surmonter." Are...
Forum: Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction August 30th 2011, 03:31 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 2,712
Re: Alcohol abuse?

I had a similar problem, except that my personality didn't change when I was drinking. One thing that helps is to pace yourself -- use a damn clock if you have to. For example, tell yourself you will...
Forum: Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction August 13th 2011, 09:51 PM
Replies: 455
Views: 35,287
Forum: Music March 9th 2011, 11:04 PM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

Sometimes I don't know where this dirty road is taking me
Sometimes I can't even see the reason why
I guess I keep on gamblin', lots of booze and lots of ramblin'
It's easier than just a-waitin'...
Forum: Books and Literature November 8th 2010, 06:07 AM
Replies: 2,009
Views: 112,088
Re: What I'm reading now.


For a class, it has definitely made me think about the impact of agriculture on climate change but it seems like...
Forum: Music November 5th 2010, 05:19 AM
Replies: 1,888
Views: 48,210
Forum: Music October 28th 2010, 03:58 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

Feeling pretty awful and alone this evening :( So here's one of my most depressing songs to match...and an uplifting one before I go to sleep

Magnolia Electric Co. "North Star"

You used to say...
Forum: Food and Recipes October 12th 2010, 02:51 AM
Replies: 5,337
Views: 235,588
Re: What's for dinner?

Chicken with couscous and parmesan. It was supposed to be chicken and polenta but I failed miserably.
Forum: General Health October 9th 2010, 04:47 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 2,233
Re: Medication?

Unfortunately...it depends. Shitty answer, I know, but these drugs do different things for different people, and even the placebo effect can make a major difference in how you feel (or in my case,...
Forum: General Health September 9th 2010, 02:27 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 2,167
Re: driving for the first time with diabetes

I'd suggest packing glucose tablets in your glove box for lows, highs are easy if you have a pump and you can always pull off to the roadside even if you're on injections. I haven't really noticed...
Forum: Music August 29th 2010, 02:41 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

Artillery -- Bombfood, most addictive chorus in all of metal

All of your life
You idolized them
Those men with pride
Want to be like them
Never alone
All parts of a team
No course of their...
Forum: Music August 24th 2010, 03:31 AM
Replies: 1,888
Views: 48,210
Forum: Games and Things August 2nd 2010, 01:39 AM
Replies: 4,729
Views: 98,870
Re: The Person Below Me!

False. ($99 :bleh:)

TPBM has seen Inception
Forum: Books and Literature July 18th 2010, 03:18 AM
Replies: 2,009
Views: 112,088
Re: What I'm reading now.


Previous: The White Spider, Heinrich Harrer
Next: Conquistadors of the Useless, Lionel Terray
Forum: Loneliness July 5th 2010, 04:12 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 1,971
Re: lonely how do you keep happy on your own?

I don't think it's confusing at all -- I too enjoy being alone, but I definitely hate feeling alone. For me, it's a distinction between "solitude" (good) and "loneliness" (not so much...). I identify...
Forum: Games and Things June 22nd 2010, 12:14 AM
Replies: 451
Views: 70,153
Re: Post Your Picture Thread!

In the throne room of the mountain gods: Inspiration Pt.
Grand Teton NP 7200'
Forum: Music June 8th 2010, 07:13 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

Livin' on the road my friend
Was gonna keep you free and clean
Now you wear your skin like iron
Your breath's as hard as kerosene
You weren't your mama's only boy
But her favorite one it seems...
Forum: LGBTQ+, Sexuality and Gender Identity May 17th 2010, 04:17 AM
Replies: 886
Views: 97,389
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?

I'm pansexual, male, though I wouldn't be surprised if I'm actually intersex (Klinefelter's)
Forum: Music May 15th 2010, 09:40 PM
Replies: 1,888
Views: 48,210
Forum: Music May 15th 2010, 05:33 AM
Replies: 1,888
Views: 48,210
Forum: Games and Things May 10th 2010, 05:45 AM
Replies: 230
Views: 9,277
Re: Bands A to Z


Unquestionable Presence
Forum: Music May 8th 2010, 05:37 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

Another town another hotel room
Another dream that ended way too soon
Left me lonely Waiting for the dawn
Searching for the strength to carry on

"Bluest Eyes in Texas" by Restless Heart
Forum: Games and Things May 6th 2010, 03:31 AM
Replies: 9,935
Views: 302,571
Forum: Music May 6th 2010, 02:33 AM
Replies: 12,092
Views: 600,043
Re: Song/Quote of the day!

The real truth about it is there ain't no end to the desert I'll cross
I've really known that all along
Mama here comes midnight
with the dead moon in its jaws
Forum: Education and Careers May 6th 2010, 02:17 AM
Replies: 362
Views: 36,098
Re: What did you want to be/do when you grew up?

I wanted to be an architect, but I didn't realize how much work was involved and how underappreciated the profession was.
Forum: Goals and Ambitions May 2nd 2010, 05:18 AM
Replies: 9,662
Views: 376,025
Re: Goal of the day!

not question the good things in my life
Forum: Food and Recipes April 30th 2010, 05:22 AM
Replies: 5,337
Views: 235,588
Re: What's for dinner?

Burgers -- ground round w/ sausage, bacon, garlic, worcestershire, mustard, bbq sauce, and blue cheese. Grilled potatoes on the side!
Forum: Games and Things April 30th 2010, 05:11 AM
Replies: 9,935
Views: 302,571
Forum: Games and Things April 21st 2010, 05:20 AM
Replies: 451
Views: 70,153
Re: Post Your Picture Thread!

Wide-angles are fun!
Forum: Games and Things April 20th 2010, 11:21 PM
Replies: 231
Views: 28,187
Re: Post Your Desktop!

I'm too lazy to take a screen shot of my desktop, but here's the pic:


Lake Bellaire, MI
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 19th 2010, 09:45 PM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,479
Re: Abortion???

I've heard that argument several times before, and I'm pretty sure it's the basis behind the Catholic church's stance against contraception. In my opinion there is a difference, namely that...
Forum: Pets April 13th 2010, 06:00 PM
Replies: 272
Views: 36,928
Re: Post pictures of your pets!

Annie (my Aunt and Uncle's lab)


And one more of Mara, 'cause I love her so much :)
Showing results 1 to 200 of 206

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