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Showing results 1 to 176 of 176
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Search: Posts Made By: emma01
Forum: Recovery Stories August 14th 2014, 07:30 AM
Replies: 13
Views: 2,656
Posted By emma01
Forum: Recovery Stories August 6th 2014, 11:43 AM
Replies: 13
Views: 2,656
Posted By emma01
Re: I AM BACK After FIVE Years! Some GREAT News! AN Recovery Win!

Pug Princess and Always - thankyou so much for your comments :)

Always aww I really hope your friend gets better soon!! Sometimes it seems that recovery will just never happen, but then its like a...
Forum: Sex and Puberty August 3rd 2014, 09:47 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 2,224
Posted By emma01
Re: Problems with my period?? (Kind of gross and descriptive)

I dont want to accuse you of lying but your username 'loserBOYY,' your name is 'Max,' and your gender is 'Male' ... if I remember rightly men don't get periods :)
Forum: Recovery Stories August 1st 2014, 09:15 PM
Replies: 13
Views: 2,656
Posted By emma01
Re: I AM BACK After FIVE Years! Some GREAT News! AN Recovery Win!

Oh my gosh thanks to everyone for your responses :) I will definitely stick around and for all those who want a catch up feel free to send a PM sometime :) I love a good chat!
Forum: Recovery Stories August 1st 2014, 11:32 AM
Replies: 13
Views: 2,656
Posted By emma01
Talking I AM BACK After FIVE Years! Some GREAT News! AN Recovery Win!

Hello everyone! Oh wow I type this and realise my font and colour choice is still the same! Oh my goodness me!

I first came on here about October 2009, when I began restricting what I ate - and I...
Forum: Eating Disorders August 18th 2012, 09:01 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 2,347
Posted By emma01
Re: Recovery from binge eating disorder?

Hi! I also don't have BED or bulimia so I don't really know what it feels like but I might be able to help! I think it is best for you to create a meal plan for yourself and include some exercise in...
Forum: Food and Recipes August 10th 2012, 10:42 AM
Replies: 1,321
Views: 65,446
Posted By emma01
Re: What's for BREAKFAST?

Ahh shit I had nothing today...I actually don't usually have anything before school! Hmm tomorrow is the weekend though i'll try get fruit in to me at least!
Forum: Eating Disorders April 30th 2012, 08:49 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 2,612
Posted By emma01
Re: not sure if this qualifies as bulimia but...

You wouldn't have posted if you thought all this was normal. No I don't think you have bulimia, the diagnostic criteria for bulimia states the sufferer has at least 2 binge/purge cycles a week.
Forum: Food and Recipes April 25th 2012, 09:16 AM
Replies: 1,321
Views: 65,446
Posted By emma01
Re: What's for BREAKFAST?

2 apples cut up in wedges and I dipped them in yoghurt =)
Forum: Eating Disorders April 25th 2012, 08:48 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 2,106
Posted By emma01
Re: Anorexia:Recovery? Not.


I think you needed to stay in treatment longer. Many doctors and that who haven't experienced an ED themselves seem to feel that weight restored = brain restored. And that certainly isn't the...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 14th 2012, 08:27 AM
Replies: 228
Poll: Abortion?
Views: 9,828
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion?

Haven't been following this debate but I will just state my opinion out of the blue.

Pro-Choice. The woman should get to choose what happens to her body.

For those who say the unborn child...
Forum: Eating Disorders April 14th 2012, 07:38 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 2,447
Posted By emma01
Re: Do I have an eating disorder?

Just because you don't have anorexia or bulimia, you still have very disordered eating. I am unsure of the disgnostic criteria for binge eating disorder but unfortunately the way you describe how you...
Forum: Games and Things August 27th 2011, 10:21 AM
Replies: 1,169
Views: 32,199
Posted By emma01
Forum: Eating Disorders August 3rd 2011, 09:20 AM
Replies: 27
Female Advice Preferred: When you first got Anorexia
Views: 2,070
Posted By emma01
Re: When you first got Anorexia

I was diagnosed with anorexia, and to be honest I don't think anyone CHOOSES to have the mental illness, you are either going to get it or not. You cannot really choose it.

However, I could say...
Forum: Eating Disorders July 20th 2011, 05:54 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 1,608
Posted By emma01
Re: Anorexia??

If I was to tell you the definition - I would be pretty much compying from wikipedia, so I will just post you with a link to some pages you might find useful.
Forum: Eating Disorders June 14th 2011, 09:24 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 2,393
Posted By emma01
Re: Picky Eating Disorder

Yes it is an eating disorder, but unless it is seriously affecting your health, either causing you to be extremely underweight, giving you no energy, irregular heart beats, low pulse, low temperature...
Forum: Games and Things June 2nd 2011, 10:24 AM
Replies: 340
Views: 10,334
Posted By emma01
Re: Do You Know...


Do you know Tatiana?
Forum: Self Expression April 27th 2011, 01:36 AM
Replies: 405
Views: 12,757
Posted By emma01
Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry


Brave crazy yellow alligators eat fried grapes
Forum: Games and Things April 22nd 2011, 04:03 AM
Replies: 1,619
Views: 38,020
Posted By emma01
Forum: Rape and Abuse April 20th 2011, 12:16 AM
Replies: 58
Triggering (Abuse): Is this rape?
Views: 9,491
Posted By emma01
Re: Is this rape?

Oh yes now this I agree with - except if it really was rape - once he has been CHARGED with it, it should be made public...except I do agree with keep private until proven guilty :D
Forum: Rape and Abuse April 19th 2011, 06:38 AM
Replies: 58
Triggering (Abuse): Is this rape?
Views: 9,491
Posted By emma01
Re: Is this rape?

I guess that begs the question - Is it better to have an actual rape not being reported, or a case that isn't rape being reported (the guy NOT actually charged though)
Forum: Rape and Abuse April 19th 2011, 12:12 AM
Replies: 58
Triggering (Abuse): Is this rape?
Views: 9,491
Posted By emma01
Re: Is this rape?

That is true, and I suppose it's rather hard, because the same situation could happen to one girl who is tough, and one girl who is really sensitive and can't stick up for herself, the sensitive one...
Forum: Rape and Abuse April 18th 2011, 09:20 PM
Replies: 58
Triggering (Abuse): Is this rape?
Views: 9,491
Posted By emma01
Re: Is this rape?

Fair enough you cannot go by implications if they say yes at first...but if a girl says no, no, no for a bit...the guy should take the hint and back off. If this was a real life situation - i'd say...
Forum: Eating Disorders April 18th 2011, 09:53 AM
Replies: 17
Views: 2,455
Posted By emma01
Re: Developing an Eating Disorder or not???

I can't actually diagnose you with an ED, but from what you are telling me, you could very well end up with anorexia. You know yourself what you are doing isn't right, or you wouldn't have posted....
Forum: Rape and Abuse April 17th 2011, 02:24 AM
Replies: 58
Triggering (Abuse): Is this rape?
Views: 9,491
Posted By emma01
Re: Is this rape?

Do you have a problem with the site? Because sucks for you if everything they say on there you question. I know sometimes it says rubbish - but since RapeCrisis came to talk to our school and said...
Forum: Rape and Abuse April 16th 2011, 04:25 AM
Replies: 58
Triggering (Abuse): Is this rape?
Views: 9,491
Posted By emma01
Re: Is this rape?

Provided I read this right then actually I disagree, there does not need to be a rational reason why you don't want to have sex with someone, it could be that you aren't in the mood, or that you are...
Forum: Rape and Abuse April 11th 2011, 10:24 AM
Replies: 58
Triggering (Abuse): Is this rape?
Views: 9,491
Posted By emma01
Re: Is this rape?

Funnily enough - if you are pressured to buy a car enough that you are afraid to say no, you are covered by the fair trading act....
Forum: Rape and Abuse April 10th 2011, 08:07 AM
Replies: 58
Triggering (Abuse): Is this rape?
Views: 9,491
Posted By emma01
Re: Is this rape?

I think the second one is counted as rape, because she did say no and he kept asking until she gave in. We learned about this as RapeCrisis came to our school and this exact example was given and he...
Forum: Games and Things April 2nd 2011, 04:47 AM
Replies: 324
Views: 13,205
Posted By emma01
Re: "In My Pants" Game

I am not listening to this song now...but it was the last played song on my iPod...so I thought it would count

Nobody's Home in my pants :)
Forum: Games and Things March 28th 2011, 09:01 AM
Replies: 10,485
Views: 454,829
Posted By emma01
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.

I love you so much, you are a great friend and an amazing person!

I just wish I could have said that to her before she died...RIP - I have known you for 12 years, but will never forget you.
Forum: Self Harm March 21st 2011, 09:19 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 4,271
Posted By emma01
Re: Cutting Back A Bit...


Ugh computers, arent they a pain sometimes!!! Anyway its perfectly fine you are wanting to take a break from the net and do other things!!! I think thats something people should do some...
Forum: Eating Disorders March 21st 2011, 12:44 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,961
Posted By emma01
Re: Could she have a eating disorder? This is getting all to much.

I think you need to just discuss this with her, bring up last nights dinner and politely ask her if she is eating enough. It may just be that she has a genuine lack of appetite, and if so, that...
Forum: Recovery Stories March 20th 2011, 09:46 AM
Replies: 446
Views: 40,460
Posted By emma01
Re: Recovery Support and Achievements!

I feel so great now I am getting back into sport!!! I am going back to doing cross country this year, I qualified for south islands for High Jump (that is the best from the sth island of NZ, and I...
Forum: Games and Things March 20th 2011, 09:29 AM
Replies: 358
Views: 6,789
Posted By emma01
Re: How are you? One Word.

Today i feel... Poofy!! In other words I am just normal and happy plodding on with my life!!!
Forum: Eating Disorders March 4th 2011, 09:06 AM
Replies: 125
Views: 54,154
Posted By emma01
Re: Positive books, songs, quotes, and more for ED Recovery!

This video is titled Beauty is not how Skinny you can be, and I thought it was absolutely gorgeous, but totally true!!!
Forum: Games and Things March 2nd 2011, 05:28 AM
Replies: 358
Views: 6,789
Posted By emma01
Re: How are you? One Word.

Today I am Fantastic
Forum: Games and Things February 27th 2011, 05:07 AM
Replies: 652
Views: 54,004
Posted By emma01
Re: Google images game.

LOL couldn't resist =) http://www.sabinabecker.com/images/ice-cream-zombie.jpg

Forum: Eating Disorders February 22nd 2011, 08:00 AM
Replies: 125
Views: 54,154
Posted By emma01
Re: This one is for you (video)

Thanks so much for posting the video :) I hope you are doing okay, and keep up the good effort in recovery :)
Forum: Eating Disorders February 21st 2011, 06:43 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 2,370
Posted By emma01
Re: National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

There is an 'event' on facebook for this :)

National Eating Disorder's Week on Facebook :) Click this :) (http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=141510369235302)

Oh by the way if I am not...
Forum: Mental Health February 18th 2011, 08:23 AM
Replies: 372
Views: 35,207
Posted By emma01
Re: Do you have a mental illness?

Yep, I was diagnosed with Anorexia about a year ago now (shoot was it that long ago!?!?) And since then ive been hospitalised :ehhh: and fed by a nasogastric tube :confused2: Now, well mentally im...
Forum: Pregnancy and Childcare February 17th 2011, 07:14 AM
Replies: 50
Views: 4,701
Posted By emma01
Re: Pregnant Woman Takes Abortion Pill Due To Pharmacy Error

I didn't say they were incapable of doing their job, I was simply replying to Kamilla who seemed to put all the blame on the woman, which I disagree with.

So the pharmacist had a quick glance...
Forum: Pregnancy and Childcare February 15th 2011, 05:19 AM
Replies: 50
Views: 4,701
Posted By emma01
Re: Pregnant Woman Takes Abortion Pill Due To Pharmacy Error

I can't believe a professional failed to give the correct medication out....see I think its wrong to solely blame the woman. Sure she should have read it, but for US$113,600 a year, and after 4 years...
Forum: Eating Disorders February 12th 2011, 06:32 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 2,963
Posted By emma01
Re: Prozac for bulimia?

I haven't personally so I may not be that much use, but I would like to say that is can be taken to treat Bulimia. If you would like some more information here is a link that you can use :) Sorry...
Forum: Eating Disorders February 12th 2011, 06:24 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 2,001
Posted By emma01
Re: this might be the beginging of an eating disorder.

I dont think you are at the beginning of an eating disorder, I think you have an eating disorder. The way I see it, there are 3 parts to an ED. The beginning of an eating disorder is when you try so...
Forum: Pregnancy and Childcare February 10th 2011, 06:52 AM
Replies: 50
Views: 4,701
Posted By emma01
Re: Pregnant Woman Takes Abortion Pill Due To Pharmacy Error

Um not here they don't. Mine just came in a bottle...put in a brown bag!
Forum: Games and Things February 9th 2011, 08:14 AM
Replies: 9,935
Views: 302,656
Posted By emma01
Forum: Games and Things February 9th 2011, 08:12 AM
Replies: 1,619
Views: 38,020
Posted By emma01
Forum: Pregnancy and Childcare February 9th 2011, 05:01 AM
Replies: 50
Views: 4,701
Posted By emma01
Re: Pregnant Woman Takes Abortion Pill Due To Pharmacy Error

I think its quite silly that you say its the womans fault completely...I mean yea she could have checked the package, but pharmacists can't afford to mess up like this. I am sure it was just a...
Forum: Games and Things February 6th 2011, 06:59 AM
Replies: 2,010
Views: 48,630
Posted By emma01
Re: How well-known are you on TH?

7/10, I see you here and there!
Forum: Eating Disorders January 31st 2011, 07:01 AM
Replies: 7
Triggering (ED): One-time bulimia?
Views: 2,548
Posted By emma01
Re: One-time bulimia?

No please don't do that. You will do it once, then think...oh thats okay I can just do that everytime I overeat. And that is certainly a very unhealthy thing to do. Induced vomiting can damage the...
Forum: Eating Disorders January 27th 2011, 09:10 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 3,457
Posted By emma01
Re: problems after bulimia

Yes, induced vomiting can in turn lead to the body automatically rejecting food and involuntarily vomiting, likewise taking laxatives can permanently damage your bowel movements!! EDs are not...
Forum: Pregnancy and Childcare January 23rd 2011, 10:03 PM
Replies: 53
Views: 3,951
Posted By emma01
Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School!

Blaming a TV programme is a real joke, you know that! You can't blame 90 teens getting pregnant all because they watched one TV programme! I watch these programmes, and if anything they more put me...
Forum: Pregnancy and Childcare January 23rd 2011, 07:06 PM
Replies: 53
Views: 3,951
Posted By emma01
Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School!

Lol thats actually slightly funny! A lot of kids going to be off school for a bit this year :P
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy January 22nd 2011, 04:49 AM
Replies: 33
Views: 2,742
Posted By emma01
Re: Children learning about religion

Because all children are brought up differently, children will come across children with other beliefs and customs and I think that even though i HATE religious education at school, I think young...
Forum: Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction January 21st 2011, 06:24 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 2,103
Posted By emma01
Re: Dieting to an addiction?

The celebrities you see who are stick thin most likely have Anorexia. Now let me tell you Anorexia is NOT perfect. Anorexia doesn't allow you to have a life, it doesn't allow for friends and fun and...
Forum: General Health January 21st 2011, 04:44 AM
Replies: 24
Views: 2,725
Posted By emma01
Re: Philadelphia doctor accused of murdering patient, newborns

That doctor is just sick. I know the mothers shouldn't have taken their kids there, but HE murdered them. He should be charged for murder. You are all saying the mothers should have known better and...
Forum: Eating Disorders January 5th 2011, 05:30 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 2,027
Posted By emma01
Re: I think one of my friends has an eating disorder.

You are probably best to actually talk to her parents/older siblings or even school teachers or counsellor. Tell them just to keep an eye out and that you have noticed certain things.
Forum: Eating Disorders January 5th 2011, 12:32 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 2,364
Posted By emma01
Re: do i have an eating disorder?

None of us here are doctors so really we can't diagnose you, but by the sounds of it, you have very disordered eating. See that could be a form of Bulimia, where the sufferer will binge, then use...
Forum: Sex and Puberty December 31st 2010, 01:30 AM
Replies: 25
Views: 3,535
Posted By emma01
Re: When should kids learn about puberty and sex?

I think learn puberty at 9 or 10 years old, as thats sort of the age that some of the 'fast developers' start. But I dont think they need to learn sex until 13 or 14. I dont care that most of them...
Forum: Pregnancy and Childcare December 30th 2010, 05:06 PM
Replies: 83
Views: 5,574
Posted By emma01
Re: Smoking whilst pregnant.

Aww no worries no hard feelings ;) also tge amount of times its happened to me is depressing :P
Forum: Pregnancy and Childcare December 30th 2010, 09:21 AM
Replies: 83
Views: 5,574
Posted By emma01
Re: Smoking whilst pregnant.

I think abortions should be legal but i dont agree with smoking while pregnant and heres why, when aborting a baby, it doesnt get hurt... It doesn't suffer and its life is ending, so any discomfort...
Forum: Pregnancy and Childcare December 30th 2010, 04:03 AM
Replies: 83
Views: 5,574
Posted By emma01
Re: Smoking whilst pregnant.

Im sure you were the one on the 'kids today' thread that said they hated kids being so disrespectful and shutting doors in your face...wow who's a hypocrit! That must be one of the most disrespectful...
Forum: Recovery Stories December 29th 2010, 08:09 AM
Replies: 446
Views: 40,460
Posted By emma01
Re: Recovery Support and Achievements!

I've gained weight...and I looked in the mirror and cried...

...because I was so happy, I looked so healthy. I've made my bones a lot less visible when I stand normally, this was the first time I...
Forum: Eating Disorders December 20th 2010, 07:32 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 2,321
Posted By emma01
Re: Anorexia, now bulimia too? :/

We actually aren't allowed to post information about how to carry out ED behaviours, for obvious reasons. And no one with an ED or who has recovered from an ED will want to share how to do it,...
Forum: Rape and Abuse November 21st 2010, 04:51 AM
Replies: 38
Triggering (Abuse): Woman’s eight false rape claims
Views: 2,968
Posted By emma01
Re: Woman’s eight false rape claims

HAHA LOL! Man she's an easy target now as no one will believe her! I'd watch herself if I was her!
Forum: Rape and Abuse November 21st 2010, 01:42 AM
Replies: 38
Triggering (Abuse): Woman’s eight false rape claims
Views: 2,968
Posted By emma01
Re: Woman’s eight false rape claims

LOL I am not going to give you shit for that as really I agree :hehe: but as I highly doubt that will ever happen, that woman should just pay all four men a huge amount of compensation, even if she...
Forum: Games and Things November 12th 2010, 05:41 AM
Replies: 360
Views: 11,247
Posted By emma01
Re: Have you ever game

It didn't fall over as I caught it, so no I haven't knocked one right over but i've bashed into one and caught it :)

Have you ever touched an electric fence?
Forum: Rape and Abuse November 11th 2010, 06:04 AM
Replies: 42
Views: 5,448
Posted By emma01
Re: Teen's Rape Charges Dropped Because Victim Kills Self

Well if he raped her and pleads guilty, then he's a rapist and should be charged, like anyone would be, regardless of whether the victim is alive or not.
If the charges are dropped, then we will...
Forum: Games and Things October 24th 2010, 07:27 AM
Replies: 335
Views: 11,195
Posted By emma01
Re: Male Vs. Female

Go girls!!!! 104 :D
Forum: Eating Disorders October 24th 2010, 07:06 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 3,376
Posted By emma01
Re: Slipping back into anorexia..

I totally agree...I love being underweight too...the thing is, I haven't liked myself for soo many years, now I am genuinely happy, I don't tend to worry about my weight, what I eat, calories or...
Forum: Games and Things October 22nd 2010, 08:09 AM
Replies: 335
Views: 11,195
Posted By emma01
Re: Male Vs. Female

One Hundred and Eighty Four!
Forum: Games and Things October 13th 2010, 07:04 AM
Replies: 335
Views: 11,195
Posted By emma01
Re: Male Vs. Female

Forum: Games and Things October 12th 2010, 08:52 AM
Replies: 4,871
Views: 162,969
Posted By emma01
Re: What are you craving?

Grapes Grapes Grapes (GREEN ONES!) Okay I am going through a phase here with GRAPES! Man I have eaten soo many, for lunch at school I take a big bag of them! People laugh at me but i LOVE them! Oh...
Forum: Eating Disorders October 9th 2010, 07:01 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 3,376
Posted By emma01
Re: Slipping back into anorexia..

Its probably a good idea to talk to your parents or a counsellor or doctor or anyone who knew that you had previous eating problems. If no one did know you have had an eating disorder, may be a good...
Forum: Chit-Chat September 30th 2010, 07:05 AM
Replies: 19
Views: 87,974
Posted By emma01
Re: 100 really random questions!

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
I never give a second thought to it, but now I do think about it, most nights they are shut

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner...
Forum: Games and Things September 29th 2010, 06:25 AM
Replies: 10,485
Views: 454,829
Posted By emma01
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face.

Two things today!

Okay, okay just admit you were scared!!!

Oh god, you really shouldn't invite them...i mean yea we were all friends in year 8, but now we are in different groups and it will...
Forum: Games and Things September 24th 2010, 09:51 AM
Replies: 652
Views: 54,004
Posted By emma01
Re: Google images game.


Family Photo
Forum: Games and Things September 19th 2010, 05:30 AM
Replies: 652
Views: 54,004
Posted By emma01
Re: Google images game.


Yellow Flowers
Forum: Games and Things September 18th 2010, 04:41 AM
Replies: 652
Views: 54,004
Posted By emma01
Re: Google images game.


Forum: Eating Disorders September 3rd 2010, 08:52 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 2,104
Posted By emma01
Re: Do I have an eating disorder?!?!?

Its hard to tell as an eating disorder isnt really diagnosed based on what you eat and how much exercise you do, but the feelings around it. The fact that you dont like eating in front of people is...
Forum: Chit-Chat August 28th 2010, 09:09 PM
Replies: 1,285
Views: 116,317
Posted By emma01
Forum: Games and Things August 26th 2010, 07:56 AM
Replies: 652
Views: 54,004
Posted By emma01
Re: Google images game.


Baby Animals :)
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy August 7th 2010, 05:33 AM
Replies: 16
Views: 2,260
Posted By emma01
Re: Vegetarianism and Religion.

I am not religious at all, but for someone to say that to a complete random is totally over the top, it is so not a 'sin' to be a vegetarian, god gave us food to eat, does that mean people with EDs...
Forum: Games and Things July 28th 2010, 06:51 AM
Replies: 1,619
Views: 38,020
Posted By emma01
Forum: Music July 27th 2010, 05:25 AM
Replies: 187
Views: 6,134
Posted By emma01
Re: Post a song name.

Forever Your Girl - Paula Abdul
Forum: Games and Things July 24th 2010, 12:17 AM
Replies: 1,760
Views: 44,353
Posted By emma01
Forum: Games and Things July 18th 2010, 05:37 AM
Replies: 350
Views: 11,595
Posted By emma01
Re: If you had to chose?

Walking - if I went down the road skipping I'd be drug tested I reckon!

Shorts or Skirt?
Forum: Music May 14th 2010, 06:51 AM
Replies: 1,888
Views: 48,237
Posted By emma01
Re: Have you heard of the artist/band above?

Oh no, who the hell is he?? Lol of course I have!

Dane Rumble? :)
Forum: Eating Disorders May 7th 2010, 09:34 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 3,309
Posted By emma01
Re: I think my sister has an eating disorder

Hey, welcome to the site :)
First of all, it definately sounds as though she may have an eating disorder. Its hard to know exactly what to say to someone with an eating disorder, as most things you...
Forum: Current Events and Debates May 1st 2010, 09:42 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

Oh dear, this is getting extremely confusing. Just forget everything okay. I cannot debate things like this over the internet when people dont understand what I mean by certain things, (my fault not...
Forum: Current Events and Debates May 1st 2010, 04:55 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

I definately agree with this!
Forum: Current Events and Debates May 1st 2010, 04:55 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

I read other posts and I have discussed this with mum, my opinion changed...gosh how dare my opinion change I think I need beheaded.

Okay, I UNDERSTOOD what your anology meant, does not...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 30th 2010, 09:23 PM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

Well just to make it clear, im not for abortion in either cases, but as I have been told I have to either be pro-choice or pro-life, and i certainly don't believe it should be ILLEGAL, because there...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 30th 2010, 08:41 PM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

I am well aware it was not you, but you agreed, and instead of quoting two people I quoted one, and I was looking at your comment.
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 30th 2010, 08:18 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

I still dont see how you can't see the difference! I don't know how to explain this...okay imagine two women, both having sex but do not want babies. One of these women are on birth control pill, and...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 30th 2010, 06:33 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

Okay omg sorry, i do that all the time when I am talking to my friends also it means nothing, it is just a habit I have, sorry that I do not type perfectly.......
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 30th 2010, 05:36 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

Yes, everyone knows that it is not 100% effective, but it is more effective than NO protection. And if you used contraception, you were obviously thinking "I don't want to get pregnant" so at least...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 29th 2010, 05:07 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

Okay it may just be me but I thought it was obvious, if you have unprotected sex, you are pretty much setting yourself up to have a baby, usualy when you have unprotected sex, you are either planning...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 29th 2010, 04:53 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

It would be pretty useless if I was being dumb, also, this is a debate, and thats my opinion...I don't see what was wrong with what I said!

I know what I said was a different discussion, but i...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 28th 2010, 07:18 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

Same with going to the toilet, lets just start pullin' down our pants and going to the loo where ever we want. Also burping, its natural, everyone does it, but at a restaurant, out loud? No! There is...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 28th 2010, 06:37 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

So you think it is okay to kill a baby just because a 19 year old didn't choose her boyfriend wisely enough. I certainly don't agree with this - but what did u mean by teenger? 13 years old? 19 Years...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 23rd 2010, 09:12 PM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

[COLOR=darkorchid]Actually yes there is, well here in NZ the age of consent is 16, but it is only counted as rape if someone aged 16 or over has sex with someone under 16. There is no law stating two...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 23rd 2010, 07:18 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

Sorry, Im not following?
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 21st 2010, 05:30 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

Man thats so awful, its so surprising how a 10 year olds body even accepted the sperm, and a bit surprising that she was even 'ready' to have a baby!
Man that stepfather is awful!
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 20th 2010, 09:09 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

I was making the point that babies can not always be fed there and then, and while in public can surely wait 30 minutes until the mother is somewhere private. And well maybe going back to work was a...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 20th 2010, 07:33 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

I just have a point that I would like to put out there, a lot of people here are saying that women ONLY breastfeed their babies and while in public, if the baby starts crying they NEED to be fed...
Forum: Games and Things April 19th 2010, 09:02 AM
Replies: 202
Views: 9,282
Posted By emma01
Re: Here's a Game (:

Ghosts . . . . .
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 19th 2010, 07:03 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

if someone is raped, an investigation is led (now im not sure if that is the case where you live, but here it is (NZ) ) and they would not close a case like that, rapists are usually caught, and its...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 19th 2010, 07:00 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

When adults eat, its a bit different to breastfeeding. People are uptight about it because they are uncomfortable that the breast is being revealed, which is quite understandable, maybe not for you...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 19th 2010, 05:29 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

If you lie about being raped, you would somehow have to describe a racist, and if it turned out you lied about being raped, the cost would be huge and you would get in a lot of trouble, it would be...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 17th 2010, 10:23 PM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

Well considering this is a TEEN help forum, I am guessing the majority of people here are not mothers (correct me if im wrong - but gosh I hope im not wrong on that one!) You dont see all that many...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 17th 2010, 04:32 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

People are not going to lie about being raped! I reall can't see why people would forge such an horrific crime, knowing they would get in so much trouble for it!
And well if the women were too...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 15th 2010, 05:54 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

that sometimes happens with debates
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 14th 2010, 10:11 PM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

I would agree with you, but this is a debating forum, and you can expect arguing in a debate. And it may sound petty to you, but its actualy quite a big deal, and as you can see a lot of people feel...
Forum: Eating Disorders April 14th 2010, 10:03 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,562
Posted By emma01
Re: When is Anorexia over?

Okay, thanks! That made good sense to me!!! Thanks for that!!! :)
Forum: Eating Disorders April 14th 2010, 10:36 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,562
Posted By emma01
When is Anorexia over?

When can I stop saying I have anorexia? Is it when the doctors "diagnose me" as recovered? Is it when I get to a certain weight? When my periods come back? Or is it when I am back to a 'normal' state...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 13th 2010, 09:43 PM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

I am not sure if this actually happened or was just thought of, but is it right that in China, couples are limited to only one child. So once they have had a child, they do not have the right to have...
Forum: Games and Things April 13th 2010, 04:14 AM
Replies: 202
Views: 9,282
Posted By emma01
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 13th 2010, 01:00 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

Well that is true. I definately think it is awful for an unwanted child to be bought into the world, and to know its parents didn't want it. I definately am not pro-life though!
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 12th 2010, 08:55 PM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

You have got some good points about pro-choice, but the reason that I am not is because I dont think you should be able to abort a baby for any old reason.
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 12th 2010, 08:43 PM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

YES i totally agree!
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 11th 2010, 11:25 PM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

This is getting really confusing :P How about I say I think unless its rape or going to threaten the mothers life, I disagree with abortion. If there is a young child having the baby, it should be...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 11th 2010, 10:02 PM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

That is true, i do not agree with breast feeding in public, but a woman does have the right to feed her baby. Maybe to satisfy everyone, they should put rooms in the big malls to provide a room where...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 11th 2010, 09:16 PM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

Oh yes, it does! :) I understand that :)
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 10th 2010, 10:35 PM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

I dont think they should be ILLEGAL, i just think there has to be a good reason.
And yea I see what you mean by necessary cause, and yea it is true, but i just dont see how anyone could want for...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 10th 2010, 08:21 PM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

Oh yes totally! :P Man you should see me!

(lol i am kidding!)
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 10th 2010, 08:02 PM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

Just saying, when people say they think it should be illegal, they are not necessarily saying it would be better to cause thousands of women to die! Im sure no one would want that, but they just dont...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 10th 2010, 07:50 PM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

This is why I find this topic rather hard lol, because I can see that it would be best...but i just don't believe in abortions. I am just majorly confusing myself now :)
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 10th 2010, 10:27 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

I was talking about motorways, where one cannot just pull over. And on the busy streets, there can be traffic jams blocking the road for ages.

I know it was me that brought it up, but this is...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 10th 2010, 10:24 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

What about a 3 year old at pre-school/kindergarten, compared to a 1 year old. Im not saying they should learn to eat at appropriate times, i never said that. But they do not need to be fed there and...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 10th 2010, 12:56 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

Well if the mother was driving and had the baby in the car and was on a motorway, she couldnt just pull over!!!!

Also when a baby cries, it doesnt always mean its hungry!!! If the baby feels...
Forum: Games and Things April 9th 2010, 10:17 PM
Replies: 230
Views: 9,284
Posted By emma01
Re: Bands A to Z

Eminem.........lol 10 characters
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 9th 2010, 09:31 PM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
I was kind of talking about the nipples, if you...

I was kind of talking about the nipples, if you read what I quoted, they were talking about nipples. Anyway, some men have 'man boobs' but they do not look the same!

OMG babies dont starve if you...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 9th 2010, 08:10 PM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

An extra finger or toe is not a disease! is it? Some women don't want to bring a baby into the world if it is going to be mentally challenged. I mean, yea thats not fair on the baby, and the mother...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 9th 2010, 07:59 PM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

I actually dont think all that many 10 year old girls are dating older boys! If the boy is older than 16..its rape! And I would say if anyone was convinced to have sex, and taken advantage of, that...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 9th 2010, 06:29 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

Thankyou :)

Sorry, I meant that if the couple did use protection and it didnt work, AND she had a genuine reason to have an abortion that is fine.
And geuine reasons might be for example,...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 9th 2010, 05:19 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

If the kid isn't hungry at the time, well isn't that just kind of tough. Some places don't allow food, for example some shops, you can't just bring out food then and there. And if its human rights to...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 8th 2010, 08:44 PM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

Well, it wouldn't feel like anything, because you would be dead! When you are dead you can't feel anything! So wouldn't it be worse to be alive and feel unwanted, and to know that your parents wanted...
Forum: Games and Things April 8th 2010, 07:46 AM
Replies: 230
Views: 9,284
Posted By emma01
Re: Bands A to Z

Youth Group!
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 8th 2010, 06:54 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

There is a bit of a difference between a man's chest area, and a woman's!! Its also quite acceptable to see a young girl's nipples at the beach, a lot of young girls run around naked! (im talking...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 8th 2010, 06:50 AM
Replies: 292
Triggering: Abortion???
Views: 10,500
Posted By emma01
Re: Abortion???

I disagree with abortion! If your stupid enough to do it without protection, and still stupid enough to forget the morning after pill, then you're either trying to get pregnant...or just plain...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 8th 2010, 06:40 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

After reading some other comments, I have read some pretty good points, but however I do think breastfeeding should be left until it can be done in private.

If, you were (for example) at your...
Forum: Current Events and Debates April 7th 2010, 08:25 AM
Replies: 373
Views: 15,195
Posted By emma01
Re: breast feeding in public

I really am not really bothered. Although I have seen some people do it, fully exposed, and this I disagree with. I think it would be better for breast feeding to be done at home, but I guess when...
Forum: Food and Recipes April 7th 2010, 07:35 AM
Replies: 5,337
Views: 235,642
Posted By emma01
Re: What's for dinner?

Tonight I had a spagetti toastie...but in a sesame seed bun! And two mini hash browns! Then afterwards a banana and nutella toastie, but in sandwich bread! Hot banana and nearly liquid chocolate is...
Forum: Music March 20th 2010, 08:17 PM
Replies: 6,435
Views: 182,039
Posted By emma01
Re: What are you listening to?

at the moment 'Bulletproof' by La Roux, but as I was typing this the song changed so now its Art of love by Guy Sebastian
Forum: Games and Things March 14th 2010, 05:08 AM
Replies: 9,935
Views: 302,656
Posted By emma01
Forum: Chit-Chat February 6th 2010, 07:04 PM
Replies: 1,285
Views: 116,317
Posted By emma01
Forum: Eating Disorders February 6th 2010, 07:05 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 2,428
Posted By emma01
Re: Slight eating disorder

Oh lol don't be sorry! You're only new you didnt know!!!!!
I know what you mean, like at first I wasnt fully starving myself, i mean I wouldn't say i was 'starving' myself now! But it is really...
Forum: Eating Disorders February 6th 2010, 05:02 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 2,428
Posted By emma01
Re: Slight eating disorder

Hey, first I am going to say you are actualy not allowed to post weight numbers or dress sizes on your posts, these can be extremely triggering. Can you edit your post please, or a moderator will do...
Forum: Disabilities February 5th 2010, 07:02 AM
Replies: 37
Views: 6,495
Posted By emma01
Re: Do you have a diagnosed physical or mental disability?

Well, actualy take back my last post, I have since then been diagnosed with an Eating Disorder...how do I deal with it, well...I dont really know. Its hell especially at school when people comment on...
Forum: Eating Disorders February 3rd 2010, 04:38 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,980
Posted By emma01
Re: Possible Eating Disorder

Hey! Aww no I don't know why you would want to put yourself through that. Let me tell you right now it is HELL! If you feel you need to lose weight, you just need to eat healthy...not eat nothing!...
Forum: Games and Things January 27th 2010, 08:32 PM
Replies: 9,935
Views: 302,656
Posted By emma01
Forum: Games and Things January 25th 2010, 05:47 AM
Replies: 313
Views: 11,235
Posted By emma01
Re: Staff must count to 50 before a member posts

Are members allowed to reset to zero more than once? If so...ZERO!!!
(if not carry on)
Forum: Games and Things January 24th 2010, 07:24 PM
Replies: 313
Views: 11,235
Posted By emma01
Forum: Disabilities January 24th 2010, 03:35 AM
Replies: 37
Views: 6,495
Posted By emma01
Re: Do you have a diagnosed physical or mental disability?

I know this is a waste of a post, but since it does say "Do you ..." not "What is your..." I guess I can say that No i do not have a diagnosed disability! And im thankful for that!
Forum: Eating Disorders January 23rd 2010, 07:56 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,234
Posted By emma01
Re: I just found out one of my friends has died due to complications from anorexia.

Awww Rachel :( I am just ever so sorry to hear about your loss. When I read that, it did make me think twice about what I am doing to myself, and made me think I am really putting myself in danger,...
Forum: Games and Things January 22nd 2010, 04:22 AM
Replies: 9,935
Views: 302,656
Posted By emma01
Re: "Count to 50 before..." Vol IV

message to short dang it!
Forum: Birthdays! January 22nd 2010, 04:16 AM
Replies: 420
Views: 53,745
Posted By emma01
Re: When Is Your Birthday?

Hehe same as these people apart from im 3 years younger :) I'm going to be 16 this year! :balloons:

:happybday August 31st 1994 :bday2:
Forum: Games and Things January 20th 2010, 08:10 AM
Replies: 757
Views: 33,167
Posted By emma01
Forum: Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy January 18th 2010, 03:15 AM
Replies: 37
Views: 3,138
Posted By emma01
Religion taught in schools?

Just wondering if at your school (highschool) they teach religion or anything to do with it? Do you like it that they do/don't teach it?

At my school, they teach it. It is the one subject you HAVE...
Forum: Games and Things January 17th 2010, 08:56 AM
Replies: 10,485
Views: 454,829
Posted By emma01
Re: Say something you wish you could say... Volume 2!

You don't know how much I really hate you! You don't care about me, you wouldn't care if I was to die. All you can think about is your stupid boyfriend. You think im doing this for attention, well...
Forum: Games and Things January 15th 2010, 09:03 AM
Replies: 2,100
Views: 87,172
Posted By emma01
Re: Dirty Little Secrets.

-I prefer people who I talk to online, I hate my friend group most of the time, but I always seem to get on, and feel closer to online friends. Which is kind of sad.
-This is mean, i know...but I...
Forum: Chit-Chat January 15th 2010, 05:19 AM
Replies: 1,285
Views: 116,317
Posted By emma01
Forum: Good Days! January 15th 2010, 05:13 AM
Replies: 11,980
Views: 464,155
Posted By emma01
Re: I'm happy today because...

Im happy today because I jumped off the Auckland Sky Tower (192m fall) yay!
Forum: Recovery Stories January 15th 2010, 04:56 AM
Replies: 446
Views: 40,460
Posted By emma01
Re: Recovery Support and Achievements!

I'm actualy able to eat now without feeling really bad! Im on holiday atm so walking around ALOT, but Ive been able to have a little ice cream, and also a bit of caramel square and little bits of...
Forum: Eating Disorders January 11th 2010, 01:09 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 3,312
Posted By emma01
Re: My Testimony of Recovery from Bulimia (Christian)

Hi Marie!

Wow it did seem like you had it pretty bad, im sorry to hear that. But well done on your recovery and its great you havent relapsed! That's an awesome effort!!!
Forum: Games and Things January 8th 2010, 10:31 PM
Replies: 4,729
Views: 98,935
Posted By emma01
Re: The Person Below Me. Volume II

False! Im not religious!

TPBM loves dogs
Forum: Eating Disorders January 8th 2010, 04:18 AM
Replies: 125
Views: 54,154
Posted By emma01
Re: Positive books, songs, quotes, and more for ED Recovery!

OMG i was going to say that song! I LOVE it! I have it on my iPod and know the words off by heart! I definately also recommend this one!
Forum: Games and Things January 8th 2010, 02:54 AM
Replies: 224
Views: 11,114
Posted By emma01
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...

Have you eaten today? OR Why don't you eat anything anymore?

What are those marks on your arm?

Do you want to come over to my house? (if i can't be bothered its awkward)

Who are you...
Forum: Pets January 7th 2010, 10:15 PM
Replies: 272
Views: 36,931
Posted By emma01
Re: Post pictures of your pets!

This is my cat she died 12 october 2008, she's called pebbles. I had her my whole life she was born 2 years before i was born. ...
Forum: Games and Things January 7th 2010, 09:31 PM
Replies: 231
Views: 28,195
Posted By emma01
Re: Post Your Desktop!

This is mine hehe im in the middle with some friends
Forum: Death, Grieving and Coping With Loss January 7th 2010, 08:16 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 3,049
Posted By emma01
Re: (grieving/sh/suicide)My baby...

Aww thats sad :( im so sorry, i hate losing animals it is really really hard. You could make a scrapbook for your little bunny putting all the pictures in, it might make you feel better. Also in...
Forum: Sex and Puberty January 6th 2010, 08:13 AM
Replies: 14
Female Advice Preferred: Puberty Question
Views: 1,789
Posted By emma01
Re: Puberty Question

Hey yea thats totally normal! I got my first period 1 month before I was 15...and have always been kinda small...up there :blush: but its not that bad because i can wear clothes that look better on...
Forum: Loneliness January 6th 2010, 07:31 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,567
Posted By emma01
Re: Lonely


Im sorry that you feel like that. Im sure 99% of us have felt that way at some stage. I know I have.
If you want to PM me at any time to talk, feel free! I would also like someone to talk...
Forum: Eating Disorders December 19th 2009, 06:46 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,978
Posted By emma01
Re: eating disorder or somfin else?

Aw okay sorry to hear that. Okay well then it sounds like you do have a problem then because you want to lose weight. Is there someone like maybe a school counsellor you could go and see.
Or right...
Forum: Eating Disorders December 19th 2009, 04:50 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,978
Posted By emma01
Re: eating disorder or somfin else?

Well it really depends on how you feel. If you are just not hungry, and just dont feel like food, then it could be something different and you should go to a doctor. If you are just 'convincing'...
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