November 5th 2024 09:34 PM |
Doodle. |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Mostly straight but I’m attracted to the occasional woman.
July 8th 2024 02:37 AM |
DeletedAccount111 |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
I can't believe there is no non-binary option. I chose "other" for gender and "asexual" for orientation.
July 6th 2024 09:29 PM |
¯|_(ツ)_|¯ |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Changing my vote to no gender asexual.
July 6th 2024 03:33 AM |
Mending Me |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
I say female, but honestly I feel like I’m just me but there is no gender term for that. So just say female.
I am also an Asexual Lesbian.
October 24th 2023 01:06 PM |
Rika |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Female and I am bisexual.
August 15th 2023 05:37 PM |
Thereishope |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Trans female
January 17th 2022 06:00 AM |
Astro04 |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Yep, male with interests on females
January 17th 2022 01:49 AM |
BoyNextDoor |
What is your sexuality and gender identity?
cis male and straiiiiight? gosh i don't even know anymore it's been so confusing lately fr [emoji30]
Sent from my iPhone 13 Pro Max using Tapatalk
August 11th 2019 08:56 AM |
Effy2018 |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Bisexual and single.
July 20th 2019 07:24 PM |
Taylah |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
I don't know what my answer use to be. But I do know what my sexuality is/I don't care. I love my fiance.
And pretty sure I'm female. Just don't give a fuck about stereotypes.
July 17th 2019 08:47 AM |
Mindfulness. |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Female and straight (in a relationship).
November 7th 2018 01:20 AM |
Storyteller. |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Biromantic asexual + genderfluid nonbinary.
November 6th 2018 11:37 PM |
bellamor |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Straight female.
October 26th 2018 03:35 AM |
DeletedAccount28 |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Female and Asexual.
Hasn't changed in six years and never will.
August 11th 2018 02:18 AM |
IronButterflyWings |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Female, bisexual. (Happily married).
August 11th 2018 01:16 AM |
Fanatic |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Still biologically female but changing from bisexual to undecided. I can't stand being with anyone right now and I rather not find anyone else other than celebs attractive.
June 4th 2018 07:36 PM |
DeletedAccount29 |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Confused Asexual.
February 20th 2018 03:19 PM |
Connor_D |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Male, pan
November 11th 2017 04:14 PM |
Gabrielgap |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Male, undecided.
November 11th 2017 03:53 PM |
DeletedAccount69 |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Female, bisexual
I'm not out and I am pretty sure I have a stronger attraction to men.
I've only met one female I was really strongly attracted to and she was straight as hell.
There were a few females that I had an interest of some kind but wasn't attracted to strongly enough so didn't pursue anything.
The main reason being that I didn't want to hurt them if it turned out that the attraction didn't grow.
November 10th 2017 09:58 PM |
Lionheart |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Asexual and agender
November 10th 2017 07:18 PM |
Rain~ |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Female, lesbian
October 2nd 2017 12:54 AM |
DeletedAccount42 |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Bi/ace female with a strong preference for guys
October 1st 2017 04:01 AM |
FallonRose |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Still female, but I've been thinking about the idea of being demisexual and gay. I should stop lying to myself about being attracted to men and accept that I'm gay.
September 30th 2017 11:32 AM |
DeletedAccount63 |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
So I have posted on this before but some things have changed.
I am still female
I have figured out that I am demisexual
And still a lesbian,
With a chance of being with a guy, and if that is the case there will be no sex.
September 30th 2017 11:27 AM |
DeletedAccount27 |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Cis female and gay
September 29th 2017 05:09 AM |
Markus |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Straight male!
September 28th 2017 11:57 PM |
DeletedAccount29 |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Bi-romantic Asexual, nothing's changed since 2012. Well, maybe romantic interests.
July 24th 2017 05:13 PM |
amyzcool |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Female... straight... except for some... um... experimenting...
July 24th 2017 05:11 PM |
Lumos. |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
This is the fifth time i've posted in this forum, but I think this time it is the answer for quite a while, these things feel like they fit me.
Agender, demisexual, and gay
I'm in a long term relationship and it is the only time i've felt sexual atttraction.
It feels nice to actually feel like i fit in with some terms completely.
July 18th 2017 07:31 PM |
Derem |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Straight male >
July 17th 2017 02:36 AM |
DeletedAccount42 |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
I'm either a demigirl or girlflux. I'm also bi romantic asexual 
July 14th 2017 12:21 PM |
teensavior |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
I am asexual. had once experiment a dated a girl. Not mine. I am a girl who likes boys. But I also appreciate the beauty of anything. My soul has no gender. My friends are homo or straight or besexual.
March 26th 2017 03:06 AM |
TheAtomicBlade |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Still male and still straight
March 24th 2017 03:34 AM |
Bhorlin |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
I am a straight female. But sometimes I have a crush on a girl maybe because I love the way they look. I think, I'm bisexual
March 23rd 2017 03:38 AM |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Every now and then I think about that old saying that bisexuals should switch a side. I try to imagine myself as straight, and thats hilarious, and I try to imagine myself as gay, and thats also hilarious.
Chicks and dicks, bring it.
March 20th 2017 09:31 AM |
Chai. |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Still female, now bisexual.
March 17th 2017 10:42 PM |
FallonRose |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
I identify as a bisexual female
February 18th 2017 12:19 PM |
obelus |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
Still agender and aromantic asexual with rare exceptions. Just thought I'd check to see if anything changed and nope!
February 18th 2017 11:50 AM |
itzz.casper |
Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity?
I am a Female (she/they) and Pansexual