January 20th 2025 12:45 PM |
DeletedAccount103 |
Re: soda's art
Love you're work!
June 2nd 2024 02:46 AM |
Querencia |
Re: soda's art
These drawings are very neat. I am looking forward to seeing more. After all, self-expression via art can be incredibly therapeutic.
May 17th 2024 08:55 PM |
Arabesque- golfing girl. |
Re: soda's art
Great job and I hope we see more.
May 9th 2024 10:15 PM |
Astro04 |
Re: soda's art
That's so cool 
An idea! Maybe you could draw a broke mirror to do an illusion where the mirror is sane or a real feeling where the mirror is broken!
It's just a my idea...
May 9th 2024 08:04 PM |
Soda_Voxel |
Re: soda's art
This first piece is a simple self portrait,displaying how I feel in a simple drawing with no real metaphors or fancy imagery, including some of my personal physical insecurities. The white splodge on my thigh was added in post to censor scars.

This piece, called 'Surrender to the Mist', is another self portrait, but depicts my persona character rather than my real life self. It shows my disconnection with the world and how I've been really connecting with the concept of the weather, especially mist, and the idea of 'fading away' and isolating myself from others.
April 15th 2024 05:52 PM |
Soda_Voxel |
Re: soda's art
Originally Posted by Butterscotch.
I must have forgotten but what does the pigeon and dove symbolize?
Hello, it's based off a song called Pigeon And The Dove. The lyrics go like, "can't you see, little one? you're a pigeon, she's a dove' and other similar lines - doves are often seen as graceful symbols of peace whereas street pigeons are typically hated, implying that the singer is lesser than or not good enough for their 'dove'. In this drawing, I am letting the dove go, because it represents things and people I cannot have. Hope this clarification helps.
April 15th 2024 05:05 PM |
DeletedAccount111 |
Re: soda's art
I must have forgotten but what does the pigeon and dove symbolize?
April 15th 2024 03:19 PM |
Soda_Voxel |
Re: soda's art
TRIGGER WARNING: Animal injury - blood - bandages - eye injury
This piece is based on the song Pigeon And The Dove by Matt Van and depicts me and my struggles with unrequited love and fantasising about things I can never have.
March 25th 2024 01:00 AM |
DeletedAccount111 |
Re: soda's art
I think this is a great idea, I hope you share more soon.
March 9th 2024 06:39 AM |
Mindfulness. |
Re: soda's art
This is a really good piece!
Can't wait to see more.
March 5th 2024 06:44 PM |
Arabesque- golfing girl. |
Re: soda's art
This was lovely to read. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
March 5th 2024 06:39 PM |
¯|_(ツ)_|¯ |
Re: soda's art
This is great. I’m looking forward to seeing more art!
March 5th 2024 06:23 PM |
Soda_Voxel |
soda's art
I'll use this thread to post art I make - not all my art but particularly the art I make to express my feelings and emotions...unlike my poetry I'm putting it all in one thread so I don't clog the category.
Fair warning, a lot of these artworks are dark. they will be triggered accordingly if needed in large bold red text, but the images are very large so scroll slowly so you don't accidentally see something you don't want to see.
this first drawing is messy but I don't believe it needs any trigger warnings.

I made this piece to process some newfound feelings of unrequited love, jealousy, and false romantic hope. This is very hard for me and I expect it will only get harder...I needed to make this drawing pretty fast to let out these feelings. I used some new markers I got and theyre very nice. They will be even more fun to use when I'm not rushing.