June 2nd 2024 07:15 AM |
Mindfulness. |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
I pray for all those that are currently experiencing challenging times.
June 2nd 2024 02:44 AM |
Querencia |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Requesting prayers that my financial situation will improve.
October 3rd 2023 04:46 AM |
Doubtful2007 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
I'll be praying for everybody in this thread. Just know that when it feels like your sin is so bad God cant even save you its not true. Gods the one you can go to when you cant go to anyone else.
I just need some prayer about a relationship. I'm just seeing of its the right girl for me and if it will work out. So just pray for some guidance and wisdom
December 29th 2020 08:57 PM |
DeletedAccount53 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Please would anyone pray for my twin sister who is terrified of being re-infected by this mutated Covid virus. Reports have been coming in from France, so close to us, of some previous coronavirus patients being hospitalized and already where we live, an old couple known to us were rushed to hospital.
Last spring Julie nearly died from pneumonia had the doctor in charge of her ward not given intravenous antibiotics. Julie was put on a ventilator and given oxygen.
I've had Covid, but nowhere as seriously. My time in hospital near Julie was a very dark time for me. Had she died, I may not have survived because being identical twins we are physically, emotionally and spiritually connected (if that is the correct description).
I'm distressed for Julie. I feel her terror.
October 27th 2020 08:02 AM |
oceaneyes95 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Could y'all just pray for safety & protection for my kids, and I? I can't go into much detail right now, nor do I want to. But, if you look back at previous posts of mine you'd see that we've dealt with abuse from family. Mostly my mom. I have a lot of trauma regaurding all of that, and some things still aren't resolved. We're still kind of at risk in some ways. Please just pray for our guardian Angel's to watch over us as we nativate life with a mentally unstable family member. ❤ Thank you! 🙏🥰
August 17th 2020 02:26 AM |
Flexderec |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Sorry for the long post in advance.
July 10th 2020 11:01 PM |
DeletedAccount59 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
I don't believe in prayers but I want positive vibes for my friend and hope they don't have COVID.
July 6th 2020 02:07 AM |
Mindfulness. |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
I really hope this works out in the end.
June 29th 2020 06:28 AM |
Mindfulness. |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
I don't necessarily need a prayer anymore but I pray every night before I go to sleep and now, I feel like everything is going my way because I do pray.
June 17th 2020 10:29 AM |
DeletedAccount69 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
My husband goes back to work next week and he's high risk. Pray that he doesn' get sick and die.
May 28th 2020 12:35 AM |
Tigereyes |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
That my partner and I don't get sick and die..
May 24th 2020 12:07 AM |
Tigereyes |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
That me and other high risk people won't have to go to work to die.
May 12th 2020 03:05 AM |
oceaneyes95 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Hello! I really need prayers just kind of regularly right now. I seem to sink into a depression when things in my life start to slow down. Not just because of the whole "social distancing" due to the virus outbreak. But, it seems like when I don't have a specific goal that im progressing towards, or something to be excited about I seem to get into a phunk. It's like I have gotten so used to having to repair the damage of my life since 2012. That now that my life is all coming together idk what to do with myself. Now that my life isn't a wreck I get bored, and boredom leads me into depression. I have nothing to be excited about because now I've already met all those goals. Just looking for peace, and contentment.
September 13th 2019 06:38 AM |
Beatrice Callan |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
I also pray that you be with the beautiful girl with cancer. Give her the strength to fight and win this battle.
October 13th 2018 02:05 AM |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
My friend's dad had five heart attacks last night and is getting quadruple bypass surgery. He's probably going to die. Please pray for him.
June 16th 2018 01:56 PM |
¯|_(ツ)_|¯ |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Pray for my dad, who my mom just said has congestive heart failure.
May 1st 2018 03:19 AM |
DeletedAccount69 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
I have a really important event tomorrow. Please send positive thoughts my way as I have been struggling with a lot of anxiety.
April 25th 2018 03:02 AM |
DeletedAccount69 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Important stuff is coming up please pray that I do well starting tomorrow.
April 23rd 2018 02:00 AM |
Kate* |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
I just applied for new health insurance after the Medicaid saga. Please pray that the documents they need get where they need to and that this issue is finally resolved.
April 22nd 2018 06:52 PM |
DeletedAccount69 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
I am struggling a bit with some personal issues. It would be great to have prayers or positive thoughts sent my way.
April 15th 2018 05:31 PM |
DeletedAccount69 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Thoughts my way as I have a stressful couple of weeks. Wednesday is going to be a struggle. I did find tools to cope better than I was but I am dreading it. After Wednesday I have to prepare and study and the following week I'll be doing something stressful every day except Monday.
April 14th 2018 04:41 AM |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
I'm taking a belt test tomorrow. I know I'm gonna pass it, without a doubt, but if I pass it at a high enough level, I'll move up another rank to make up for my last test, which I failed.
I've never been more pumped in my life, but I could use some prayers.
EDIT: I did it! I really appreciate anybody who sent me their prayers!
April 12th 2018 09:56 PM |
DeletedAccount69 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
I'm really struggling and need a some positive thoughts or prayers sent my way.
April 10th 2018 05:25 AM |
Kate* |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Our Medicaid documentation and cancellation crossed in the mail and our kitty is going to the vet tomorrow. Please pray that he gets better and that Medicaid is reinstated.
April 9th 2018 12:30 PM |
DeletedAccount69 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
I have a stressful day today and I need some positive thoughts to get through.
April 6th 2018 02:27 AM |
DeletedAccount69 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Please think positive thoughts that my living situation will get better. Things are tense and I am dealing with so much. Relapse is a big worry right now and I am doing what I can to stay safe.
April 4th 2018 07:57 PM |
¯|_(ツ)_|¯ |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Pray for my friend and her unborn son. I mentioned that she was elevated in a protein a while ago but tomorrow she is going for the ultrasound to see if there are any abnormalities and if so what they are. Her doctor said there's also the possibility of it not actually being anything so please hope for that.
March 25th 2018 11:26 AM |
Kintsukuroi. |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Please keep my dog in your prayers. We’re waiting on the results for a few more tests that will hopefully tell us what’s wrong and why she’s knuckling and having trouble walking/standing. It’s like when she walks she’s beyond hammered and is unable to support herself.
We have an emergency visit booked this afternoon at a specialist vet (a doggy neurologist) for a CT, MRI, a spinal tap and a nerve biopsy to be sure we tested for everything. Hopefully they’re able to figure out what’s wrong because our vet is so baffled. If we aren’t able to figure out what’s wrong, we’re going to have to put her down because it’s not fair for her to be suffering this badly. We don’t want to do that until we are sure that we have run every test. If the results show nothing that is causing this or that there is no treatment for what os, we have to because she’s suffering so.
March 17th 2018 07:14 AM |
DeletedAccount69 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Please continue thinking good thoughts about the interview
March 17th 2018 02:55 AM |
¯|_(ツ)_|¯ |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
One of my best friends is having complications in her pregnancy. We aren’t 100% sure what it means but the things I researched make it seem potentially dangerous to her unborn son. She still has a long time to go in the pregnancy so please pray she and her unborn son both survive this.
March 16th 2018 07:22 PM |
Lostinalibro |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
My grandma is in hospice. She has been for about 3 months. She is a fighter. I guess the tubes to her pace maker got infected and the shunt in her brain swelled so the connections to that got infected too. She isn't strong enough for surgery to have them replaced and the doctors say she won't ever be. She has days where she's smiling and talking to me and others where she is sleeping and barely wakes.
The whole situation is stressful my family (mok and aunt) are fighting over who is getting what stuff of my grandmas. My mom who i don't speak to even had the nerve to tell my aunt she didn't want my boyfriend and i to have my grandparents wedding rings because she thinks he will pawn them. My mom has a lot of nerve. I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years. He would never do something like that. My mom would just to spite my grandma and my aunt. She says she isn't going to visit my grandma any more and isn't talking to my aunt.
In my honest opinion someone who hates my grandma has no right to come to the funeral. I'm gonna be mad if she shows up there.
My grandma deserves visitors and happiness she is dying for crying out loud. When I'm in town i try to visit her every day. My aunt went on vacation after Christmas and I went to feed her 2 times a day and bugged the nurses to turn her and change her catheter.
I guess my prayer request is for my grandma to be happy and in peace. I also want my family to stop all the nonsense and visit our dying relative.
I don't want anything if it has to be fought over. I just want to know that I made my grandparents proud. I love her so much. Because of my mom i didn't get to know my grandma as much as I would like to. She turned 85 on March 3rd. Im so proud of her for fighting as hard as she is. I know she missed my grandpa (He died Dec. 2016) and sees him all the time. I just don't want her to suffer and be at peace. Lord hear my prayer. Amen.
March 16th 2018 05:42 AM |
DeletedAccount69 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
I have an interview tomorrow. Please pray for me.
I did a bit of studying. I have three letter's of recommendation.
I know I nailed the last one and I have a decent closing statement.
I just worry I'll get tripped up but I know what skills to focus on and emphasize and I know a few other things to emphasize.
I need this job and it would alleviate so much stress that is coming up around May.
I also really want the job.
March 7th 2018 12:58 AM |
¯|_(ツ)_|¯ |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Pray that I get the job I am interviewing for on the 14th. I need it for multiple reasons.
March 2nd 2018 07:09 PM |
Green Yoshi |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Please pray that my best friend lives a happy life, forever.Despite how my life went after she left me, she's brought me nothing but happiness.
Please pray that she and whoever she's with will be protected from misfortune and disaster, and that they will always be blessed people.. and that they will never, ever experience anything bad.
My best friend is a special person.. Please also pray that whoever she comes in contact with will appreciate her and not take her for granted.
.....A man with an extremely broken heart,which is probably in powder form at this point.
February 28th 2018 08:19 AM |
¯|_(ツ)_|¯ |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
For a dear friend who is going through a lot right now that their situation improves soon.
February 27th 2018 10:35 PM |
DeletedAccount69 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Please send your thoughts my way. Have a ton of stuff going on right now and could use some good thoughts.
February 27th 2018 04:22 AM |
Kate* |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Please pray that my Medicaid issues are finally fixed and that I don't have to do this every single year
February 27th 2018 03:59 AM |
Fanatic |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Please pray that I will get through this horribly difficult time of my senior year of college. I don't know when I'll break down again because everything's so overwhelming. I also want prayer for peace, comfort, and for people to not elevate my stress as well.
February 25th 2018 03:13 AM |
Green Yoshi |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Please pray that I find someone like her again (her best friend self ) Its been lonely, and as you can tell.. I've my biggest danger.
Its reached that point.
Please pray that whoever she is..won't leave too. I have had enough of a checkered , miserable life.
February 24th 2018 07:33 PM |
DeletedAccount69 |
Re: Prayer Requests Thread
Please pray for me to get through the next few days.