December 27th 2024 01:19 PM |
DeletedAccount103 |
Re: XP
Hi OP,
I think where you're getting at is that you're one of the "misunderstood people"? I am sorry (if that's what's going on), and I don't mean to assume. People can DEFINITELY been suicidal for a number of reasons, not only depression. Suicidal Ideation is misunderstood in many environments, many people thinking it's leading cause is depression. But as you're getting across, there are definitely other things that have caused it. Example: Home situations, school/work situations, physical health diagnosis/illness, etc. I am glad that you wanted to get your point across and you are welcome to share more about your opinion to this!
December 27th 2024 12:27 AM |
Arabesque- golfing girl. |
Re: XP
Hello, I am sorry about what you are going through and I hope that you will be okay soon and you are doing okay now. You are always welcome to post more or join.
February 3rd 2024 10:24 AM |
This_is_the_greatest_plan |
Re: XP
It sounds like youre kinda done with people putting suicidal people into a pigeon hole, like it must be down to depression. Different people have different reasons for doing things and it sounds like you dont feel that its about depression for you, more something like feeling like youre not sure how to live, something like that?
December 29th 2023 06:29 PM |
Moxie. |
Re: XP
There are a number of reasons that people might have suicidal ideations, regardless of whether or not they have a diagnosis. However, it has nothing to do with whether or not a person is "built to live", as you put it. Life is hard and there are times where suicide may feel like the only answer to someone. Although there are always solutions besides committing suicide, invalidating what others are going through for any reason is never okay.
If you'd like to share more about what you're going through, we're here to listen!
December 27th 2023 02:35 AM |
NeuroBeautiful |
Re: XP
Dear OP,
It sounds tough feeling annoyed by this. I am wondering what you are hoping to gain out of posting this? No one here is going to agree that some people are not built to live unless they are suicidal about themselves and feel the need to justify wanting to take their life.
I will tell you that I have had suicidal ideation for years and in my worst moments I will feel that life wasn't meant for me or that I wasn't built for to live and those are thoughts and feelings that are not grounded in true facts. It just isn't. And I know it isn't because I won't feel that way except about myself. I'd never go around telling people who is made or not made for this world but then I would do that to myself. And the kindest people will treat themselves as the exception. Depression is like being under a spell that your reality is different. It isn't inherently bad but it is different. And chances are you will not feel this way if you are not depressed. If you feel some people are just not made to live as a general statement about the human race, that is something to explore about why you feel entitled to judge others in such a harsh way.
Suicidality is a response to distress, by definition. It is a desire for the body to die in order to no longer suffer. It is when playing dead isn't a strong enough strategy that a person wants to actually die. There is shame involved. A person feels too horrible to take up space and exist. There isva lot to say but chances are this post is ironically a plea for help. That is how I read it and what I am interpreting this post to be. That you know full well suicidal folks are depressed or are in another mental health crisis.
Having said that, you are always welcome to give more information about what you are going through.
December 26th 2023 08:32 PM |
DeletedAccount111 |
Re: XP
I don't think someone killing themselves is a person not fit to live. Suicide isn't a biological process, it isn't part of Darwin's "survival of the fittest" theory. There is a solution to the problem, and it doesn't have to end in death. There are ways to seek out support that doesn't have to end in taking your own life. Depression isn't a competition, there is no "hey, let's see who has it worse" because mental health just doesn't work like that. Do some people have resources more easily available than others? Yes. But that doesn't change anything, depression is depression. I will never advise anyone to take their own life. I will encourage them to call their emergency number or go to a hospital in times of crisis.
December 23rd 2023 11:22 PM |
¯|_(ツ)_|¯ |
Re: XP
I think that people can be suicidal for a number of reasons, and they don't have to have a major depression diagnosis to feel that way. I don't think people should invalidate the reasons someone is feeling like this. A lot of people don't fully understand what it is like to be suicidal and therefore they pin stereotypes to it. I will never give someone permission to kill themselves, though, but what they're going through is valid whether they suffer from depression or not.
December 23rd 2023 07:15 PM |
Unregistered |
[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]its annoying seeing people think that every suicidal person has like severe depression or something 💀 i jus think that not everyone was built to live yk[/size][/color][/font]