December 21st 2024 03:21 AM |
WhisperingSilence |
Re: Thrush again!
It didn’t clear up using the sudocrem etc it soothed it but didn’t like clear it up. I like spoke to a pharmacist on Wednesda and they gave me some cannestan cream for down there . I like also bought some germelene as it’s got a local anaesthetic in it which seems to be like helping too. I did try lanacane but that like made it worse despite it saying that it was suitable for genital itching .
I am like feeling abit better down there already.
December 20th 2024 04:47 AM |
AmazingSquid |
Re: Thrush again!
Lists of products for both mouth and vaginal
Mouth Thrush
1. Nystatin Oral Suspension (if available OTC in your area).
2. Clotrimazole Lozenges.
3. Gentian Violet (apply carefully as directed; can stain).
Vaginal Thrush
1. Clotrimazole (cream or suppositories).
2. Miconazole (cream or suppositories).
3. Tioconazole (1-day treatment ointment).
4. Butoconazole (cream for vaginal application).
December 12th 2024 05:48 AM |
Arabesque- golfing girl. |
Re: Thrush again!
I'm sorry about this and I hope that you feel better soon.
December 6th 2024 04:12 AM |
WhisperingSilence |
Re: Thrush again!
We have something called cannestan or something like that which I usually use, I've used the internal pesscessary, and the soft gel thing too and the internal creams, At the moment sudocrem seems to be helping the symptoms I have to wait till next Tuesday to buy stuff OTC because of bills etc are coming out.
December 4th 2024 03:52 AM |
¯|_(ツ)_|¯ |
Re: Thrush again!
There’s an over the counter product in the US that’s called Monistat that you may be able to use without going to a doctor if you have it over there. There’s a cream or suppository. Also make sure your underwear and pants are breathable. Cotton underwear is usually recommended. If you exercise and get sweaty change out of your athletic pants as soon as you can.
If it does continue though you might have to see a doctor. My doctor is willing to prescribe an anxiety pill to take before an internal exam so maybe your doctor would be willing to do the same. It would literally be one pill you take before your appointment so it wouldn’t be enough to get addicted.
December 4th 2024 03:04 AM |
WhisperingSilence |
Thrush again!
This is kinda embarrassing, but I have thrush again, last time this happened I saw the DR, and explained that I have thrush again (this was in may/June ) and he prescribed an internal cream and an external cream, both of which I used. I also used another cream which is like a pro-biotic cream that the Dr recommended that I buy, and I've had one other instance of thrush, which I treated relatively easily with OTC cream, the dr when I saw him recommended that I decrease the amount of sugar in my diet due to me being T2 diabetic (type 2)the increased the metformin dose I take to 2 tablets per day which I take as pre-scribed, however having been thrush free for a couple of months it's come back, and I honestly don't really fancy another awkward and embarrassing trip to the DRs, and so far I've managed to escape a physical examination down there, and really don't want to endure one, however I fear that another DR's trip with this issue will result in a physical examination... I don't know what else to do, I am currently treating this one with Savalon as it's only really flared up over the last few days and I haven't had time to get a pharmacy. I know there's some sort of anti biotic but again that can only be prescribed by a DR and I would rather avoid another Dr's trip.
I have considered natural remedies but I don't know how well they will work or if they will work at all.