August 15th 2024 09:13 AM |
dragonegg |
Re: Gigantomastia at the age of 12
Then why did you feel to cover her eyes if this clearly isn't you?
Edit Let's all be kind to everyone and help out in a nice way. Thank you.
August 13th 2024 06:37 AM |
GM Girl |
Re: Gigantomastia at the age of 12
Originally Posted by hejjhajj
Profile pics that are taken from deviantart, very suspicious…
What is suspicious about that? I wont use my own pics, I'm not stupid, I'm 12. And my mother wouldn't let me even if I wanted to use my own pics btw.
August 13th 2024 03:57 AM |
hejjhajj |
Re: Gigantomastia at the age of 12
Profile pics that are taken from deviantart, very suspicious…
August 12th 2024 03:49 PM |
strange questions |
Re: Gigantomastia at the age of 12
🥰😘❤️ Love you Enikő!
August 11th 2024 09:40 PM |
Arabesque- golfing girl. |
Re: Gigantomastia at the age of 12
Hello, I am sorry that this is happening to you and I really hope that you will be okay soon. Would you or your mother be able to help you to find a different doctor or someone who knows about this to help you to be okay? I wish you the best with the waitlist and hope it comes fast for you. When the girls are being mean to you at school, try not to get upset and just walk away. They are always going to have someone be hurtful to you over all kinds of things. If you don't let them see you get upset and you walk away, they will stop and if you ever wanted to tell someone at school what the girls are doing then they can help you.
August 10th 2024 07:20 PM |
GM Girl |
Re: Gigantomastia at the age of 12
Originally Posted by Ennui.
Has your doctor said why your breasts have grown so much such as hormones, genetics, or medications? It might be worth finding out what the root cause is so it can at least be stopped while waiting for the reduction and so maybe they won’t grow again after.
Hormones are the cause.
There are a few drugs they suggested, but non of them had any positive effects (didn't slow down the growth), only bad. They made me throw up constantly, give me strong headache and other fun stuff.
So the doctor made me stop taking them, I don't use any medications for months now.
August 10th 2024 07:03 PM |
¯|_(ツ)_|¯ |
Re: Gigantomastia at the age of 12
Has your doctor said why your breasts have grown so much such as hormones, genetics, or medications? It might be worth finding out what the root cause is so it can at least be stopped while waiting for the reduction and so maybe they won’t grow again after.
August 10th 2024 05:23 PM |
GM Girl |
Gigantomastia at the age of 12
Hello everyone!
I am Enikő, I'm 12 years old and I have gigantomastia.
In the past 1 or 1.5 years my breasts have become absurdly, abnormally large.
I can't wear bras anymore (we would have to buy them in custom sizes ans we can't afford that or even if we could, they grow faster than the companies could deliever 😅 .
You see, I'm very skinny but my boobs weights a LOT. This
cause me a very bad backpain.
We are currently on the waitlist of a breast reduction
surgery. But we still don't see when it will happen. Maybe a
few months, but maybe years.
Some girls at school make fun of me, because they are ignorant/jealouse (as my mother says🙄 .
But here is the funny thing: my cousin (his username here is "strange questions") has a similar (?) health issue with his genitalia. His penis and testicles will grow all his life. So I guess in comparison, my problem is not that bad, because I need only one surgery (if everything goes right), while he needs God knows how many. 😅
Anyways, if there is anyone who has the same issue or knows someone who has, or just want to talk about it, I'm here for it! Because girl, it is not easy to live like this that's for sure!