June 16th 2024 01:35 PM |
¯|_(ツ)_|¯ |
Re: What is your favorite board game
I’m merging your thread with another board games thread that we already have open.
June 16th 2024 12:01 PM |
Astro04 |
Re: What is your favorite board game
Thumbs up for exploding kittens.
My favourite is UNO.
June 16th 2024 04:42 AM |
Matthew851 |
What is your favorite board game
Is it a classic like Monopoly or something like Exploding kittens(Yes that is a real game)
I will start, my favorite board game is Trouble
July 29th 2023 10:25 AM |
Mindfulness. |
Re: Board games
I like playing Monopoly.
July 12th 2023 06:29 AM |
BrianL |
Re: Board games
I like playing video games.
January 24th 2023 02:47 PM |
hocus pocus |
Re: Board games
Clue is my favorite. We collect different Clue games. I like Yahtzee and any dice game as well. I'm also a big fan of card games like Uno and some others.
Also....I used to play Candy Land when I was little. I didn't have it anymore, so I bought another just for the heck of it.
January 19th 2023 02:19 PM |
eaty |
Re: Board games
Clank! Is fun!
Oh gosh, I have a ton of board games. Some of my favorites:
Mysterium, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Sheriff of Nottingham, Life, Clue, Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, Dead of Winter.
And a couple card games:
Gloom, Exploding Kittens, Uno.
January 18th 2023 06:35 AM |
Starseeker |
Re: Board games
I like board games a lot. My favourites would be 7 Wonders, Clank!, and Dune, but also Cluedo, Scrabble and Monopoly. I like chess too.
January 17th 2023 09:15 PM |
Celyn |
Re: Board games
Monopoly, cluedo and scrabble! Also themed games like Jurassic park and back to the future
January 16th 2023 11:17 PM |
Arabesque- golfing girl. |
Re: Board games
I love to play, monopoly, monopoly junior, clue and
I've been playing go fish with my five and seven year old cousins.
January 16th 2023 10:31 PM |
¯|_(ツ)_|¯ |
Re: Board games
My favorite board game is Sorry or Clue.
January 16th 2023 09:58 PM |
DeletedAccount81 |
Re: Board games
I love playing Yahtzee and Rummy 500. There's another one but it's escaping me. Too many games spent playing with my niece and I forget the ones from my childhood!
January 16th 2023 09:53 PM |
Everglow. |
Board games
Do you enjoy playing board games? If you do, what are some of your favourites?
I love playing Articulate and Yahtzee. I also like monopoly, but it's banned in my house because it always ends up with an argument as we're all very competitive!