Hiya! Welcome to TeenHelp! I'm Gareth, and I'm a
Buddy. Buddies welcome new members to the site, and we're here to answer any questions you have, so don't hesitate to contact me or another Buddy if you need help.

I replied to your thread about telling your mother you're depressed, and I wanted to congratulate you again on taking such a big step if you choose to do so, and I hope it works out okay!
It looks like you've been posting already. I think you should post a thread in
Arrivals and Departures to introduce yourself. Just tell us a bit about yourself if you want, and posting a thread there might help you get to know some people around the site.

You should also check out some of TeenHelp's other features if you haven't already! These include...
Social Groups
Chat Room
I hope you enjoy your time on here! Feel free to
VM me if you need help with anything. Take care!