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  1. iloveanime
    May 11th 2013 04:58 AM - permalink
    Also, thank you for replying to my thread, I can't reply on there because I have no idea where that thing is and I only got to read it once. I can't really remember what it said but thank you so much for it cause I remember it said some really great things. You're so nice and kind and warm and amazing and just one of the best people I've ever met honestly. You're great and gosh you just you are the best friend anyone could ever ask for ever.
  2. iloveanime
    April 16th 2013 05:13 AM - permalink
    Thank you. Well I just typed it out and showed it to my mom. It's okay, I really try not to think about it cause I get sorta nauseous. Mostly the relationship has gotten pretty okay with them but I still feel a little uncomfortable with my dad. I especially feel uncomfortable when either of my parents compliment me, I can't help but feel that they are only saying so because they know of my SH. Yeah I think they were really surprised cause I didn't seem like someone to do that. Thanks, you're great Yeah, I think they sort of are starting to let it sink in. It's okay, I don't really understand depression though, I mean yes I am sad but, isn't everyone? Well we haven't really talked about anything too important, I've only seen her twice. The first time we talked and she asked me some questions and what not, which I felt uncomfortable with cause I hate talking about my feelings. But the second time we talked about things that I enjoy so I had a nice time. I don't remember when I'm going to see her next but it's soon. Yeah, that's what I don't understand, its just thins are going decent, why don't I feel glad about it? Thanks, feel free to talk to me anytime you also feel this way Well that's all I do practically is things I enjoy, mostly my day is spent reading and drawing. But I like to do those in solidarity and don't really wanna be near anyone else. Oh I'll try that though! That sounds like a fun movie marathon. Thanks haha yeah, I thought you were tired of talking to me or something, it's happened before. Thanks It's great to hear from you too! Yeah that's so crazy your mom won't let him get one. I'd be getting mine ASAP. Oh okay he's good at confiding in your parents. Yeah I get it, I wouldn't wanna do that either especially if I had a strong relationship with my parents. Yeah I hope she does too. Yeah I mean he is an adult and he's just trying to comfortably transition into the adult life that will be ahead of him. Haha why thank you, I take pride in it You're also super amazing. I wish you lived where I did *sigh* Yeah they were really strict on her. Yeah she's scared I'm gonna go mess something up, especially since she sort of messed up any career she could've had when she got pregnant with my brother Jordan at 17. Yeah I am too. I guess they stopped talking for awhile but I think when I was about 5-6 they came back into the picture.
    Thank you. I'm glad you like it very much. Yep I looked like I had just created Frankenstein yesterday Yeah I should have gotten some, I payed the price today by coming home and almost immediately crashing. Thanks, you too. I'm glad to get to be here for you <3 Thanks you're one of the if not the best person I have ever met. I am happy you enjoy our conversations as well
  3. iloveanime
    April 15th 2013 08:54 AM - permalink
    I told my parents about my SH. And I'm know seeing a therapist. Apparently I am depressed. Life's been interesting though. My parents well, my dad took it horribly. I got yelled at and really scared and stuff. I think it was the worst experience of my life. Right now though, I haven't cut at all since I last talked to you. But honestly, I really really really really want to. I miss it so bad, which isn't a good thing. Basically though my parents are one of the main reason I haven't started up again. They'd take away all means of communication with the outside world and look through all my things. That's what they were gonna do when I first told them but then I told them part of why I was SHing was because of how I felt about myself. So life's been, good but bad. Like I've been happy cause I got some video games and my parents have been nicer to me I guess, but I'm just not happy no matter how hard I try. :/ Have you ever felt that way? I'm glad I finally heard from you though! I missed you! Thanks for the concern by the way. I will actually, that is my plan for the pencil! Yes, girl code is the guideline which girls use to have decent relationships with other girls. Yeah I'd be going crazy too if I were him! That's so weird though that your mom thinks that, completely deaf people drive too. Really? I didn't know that. Yeah, if he's super responsible I think they should let him get his license, plus he is a legal adult. In fact, why doesn't he just get one himself despite what your parents say? Yeah I'd be worried too, but who knows, maybe she'll ease up over the years? Sweet! I would be so proud to get that trophy, it'd be my pride I'd probably like have it in a glass case in my room, take pictures of said case, then put the pictures up all over the place Haha I'm glad to amuse you, my life is complete. Lol yes we definitely need to put some TLC when planning these! Thank you Lol that is such a perfect scenario! That'd just be great and thank you, you are amazing I know right? ahh my mom is crazy sometimes. Yeah they don't. Yeah my mom had like next to no freedom though, she was Pentecostal so she really couldn't do much. And her parents were very strict. Though they're like way different now, my grandparents I mean. Yeah someday they'll understand.

    I will definitely email you tomorrow. I got the short hair cut so I will send you a picture of the girl and me with it. I would now, but my hair's been in a beanie all day and it's sticking up like a mad scientist, also because it is 4 in the morning I'm excited to hear your opinion. Yeah same here, me and girls that go to my school don't really mix, they are not so much like I am. Aww I'm glad it means a lot to you you're a great friend and I'm glad to get to talk to you again, it seems like its been forever!
  4. iloveanime
    March 11th 2013 09:19 PM - permalink
    I told my parents
  5. iloveanime
    March 11th 2013 04:25 AM - permalink
    Yea I know I thought so too! I'm glad I could find someone to make me one!
  6. iloveanime
    March 11th 2013 04:24 AM - permalink
    and I can send you a pic if you have an email? I really would like to see your opinion on it
  7. iloveanime
    March 11th 2013 04:24 AM - permalink
    And omg that sounds like a great idea!!! I will cherish this pencil forever!!! Yeah I hope it works out that way. Lol well thank you for respecting the rules of girl code Aww thank you He doesn't have a drivers license? That's crazy, I could never live past 18 without a drivers license!! Why won't your mom let him?? Yeah, well that's good he could brush it off, but maybe if he tried really hard to convince your mom he should get one then he could, like being passionate about something, y'know? It's nice to know you understand Your welcome Ikr we'd blow the other losers away like a hurricane Lol that'd be the best thing ever!! One day I will make us a trophy and ship one to you!! I promise! And yep it'll be like when in shows and stuff old people are on the porch reminiscing about their life, except we'll be young and we'll be drinking soda and thinking about how freaking great that sleepover was! Yep, lots of thinking involved I've never done something like this with anyone though so it's definitely fun! Yep Chloe does not condone jerks! You think so? Thank you, I've never really had anyone compliment my name I don't think I dislike it that much that I would change it, but who knows? Really awww I've never really imagined anyone wanting the name I had!! You rock! Lol I know right! I used to get so confused when I was little!! Yep doors finally back on after 3 weeks! Thank you, lol I will do that since my mom already threatened to take it back off if I wasn't good this week. Yeah that's true. Thanks, yeah it just really disappointed me Awwww I'm so sorry to hear your parents did that!! You probably looked freakin awesome!! Yep trapped would be a perfect word! I came up with suffocating earlier... yeah I don't know it's like I want them to approve the things I do/want to do but they just won't try to see it. I told them that I really really wanted it and they just said no. I havent tried that though so I will ask! Thank you for he ideas! I know, I thought I had that freedom! I mean I let them choose what I wear, if I wear make up (i don't), my social plans. I thought I could at least choose what I wanted to look like! Yeah I know that does help me sometimes, it just 5 years is so far away! I was so excited about doing this and it just didn't work at all
  8. iloveanime
    March 11th 2013 04:09 AM - permalink
    ok first picture of hairstyle do you have an email I can send it to?
  9. iloveanime
    December 29th 2012 09:00 AM - permalink
    Yeah definitely, right when you think you have it figured out, the opposite happens. I have lost many bets this way haha
  10. Validity
    December 29th 2012 08:46 AM - permalink
    hahahaha, maybe. It's certainly confusing at times.


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