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LGBTQ+, Sexuality and Gender Identity This forum is for you to explore your sexuality and identity, whatever that may be.

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TH's Queer Dictionary! - January 5th 2009, 09:19 PM

Welcome to TeenHelp's Queer Dictionary! The list is organized by "Gender", "Sexuality" and "Other terms".

Disclaimer: The Queer Dictionary is meant to serve as a helpful guide. Terms and people do change and evolve over time which means that the following information is not absolute. Identity is a personal thing and ultimately a person can identify with what feels best for them.

* Denotes a word that is considered outdated.


Androgynous – A term used to describe an individual whose appearance is not immediately indicative of their gender identity or biological sex—that is, a person who, at first glance, cannot be determined to be male or female. Androgynous is also a self-identity, for an individual who does not identify as male or female, or identifies as both.

Assigned Gender at Birth - The gender one is given at birth based on genitals. While most people can be easily assigned either male or female, some cases may not be as clear (see: intersex). This designation may or may not correspond with the individual's gender identity later in life.

Bigender – A gender identity which includes people who do not identify as male or female, but as both.

Binder – A binder is a shirt which compresses a person’s chest and alleviates feminine curves.

Cisgender – Sometimes used in trans discussions to mean an individual whose gender and sex match.

Trans man – A trans identity claimed by many female-bodied, male-identified people. A common alternative is female to male (FtM).

Hermaphrodite – A term once used to describe intersex individuals, this word is now considered antiquated and offensive.

Gaff – A garment used to mask the presence of a penis.

Gender – Largely a social construct, gender is used to classify people. The most common, and most widely used, genders are male and female, but more include bigender, transgender, gender neutral, gender queer, and others.

Gender Binary – Most people’s understanding of gender is binary. That is, that there are two (bi) genders—male and female—and nothing else (nary). See gender spectrum.

Gender confirming surgery/Gender affirming surgery – The process of surgically altering one’s body to agree with one’s gender identity. This process legally changes the definition of the individual's sex in many places. Previously known as Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS), but this term is considered outdated.

Genderfluid - Someone whose gender identity fluctuates continuously over time. The person may identify as male one day, androgynous the next, female another day, and so forth. Genderfluid may or may not be embraced as a gender identity in and of itself.

Gender identity – A person’s innate sense of gender, often male or female, but the options are limitless. Gender identity does not always match biological sex or the gender a person is assigned at birth by doctors.

Gender neutral – A gender identity used to describe a person who does not identify with any gender, male, female, or otherwise.

Gender non-conforming – A phrase used to describe all individuals who do not conform to social expectations of gender—that is, a male-bodied person with “feminine” tendencies, or a female-bodied person with “masculine” tendencies. A gender non-conforming person is not always trans identified, or queer in any sense.

Gender spectrum – A more accurate depiction of gender than the binary, the gender spectrum suggests that gender can be represented by a continuous line on which people fall, somewhere between, and even outside, of masculine and feminine.

Genderqueer – A trans identity, often considered an umbrella term, used by individuals who do not identity as male or female, but as a “third” or “other” gender, as both, a mix of genders, or no gender.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The process of replacing the hormones naturally produced by one's body to achieve a desired gender presentation, such as taking estrogen for a more feminine appearance or testosterone for a more masculine appearance.

Intersex – An individual whose sexual or reproductive characteristics do not fit the traditional definitions of male or female. This may be identifiable at birth or may become apparent later on in life. In cases where it is identified at birth, medical procedures may be performed so that the child can be assigned a binary gender (either male or female).

Trans woman – A trans identity claimed by many male-bodied, female-identified people. A common alternative is male to female (MtF).

Neutrois - Someone who identifies as neither male or female and seek to lose the physical characteristics that cause them to be seen as male or female.

Packer/Packie – A phallus shaped object worn to give the appearance of a penis. Some packers are also stand-and-pee devices, allowing the individual to pee standing.

Read/Pass - When a trans person is seen as a cisgender member of their identified gender by others. To be read as a member of one gender is to be seen as a member of that gender, whether it is correct or not. Many prefer to use this term rather than 'pass', as it puts emphasis and responsibility upon the 'person who is reading', rather than on the person being read to conform to gender stereotypes.

Sex – The biological system of classification for a person, based solely on genitalia. Sex is often confused with gender. Currently only two sexes exist by medical definition—these are male (penis) and female (vagina).

Stealth - To live as one's identified gender without anyone knowing that it is not consistent with one's sex assigned at birth.

Trans Feminine – Used to describe a trans person who may not identify with a gender, but instead leans more towards the feminine side of the gender spectrum.

Transgender – An all-inclusive umbrella term to include all people whose innate sense of gender does not match their assigned gender at birth, or biological sex. Also known as Trans.

Transition – The process of changing one’s behavior, appearance, and sometimes body, to more accurately represent their gender identity, creating a shift in outsider’s perception of their gender and, often, sex. Not everyone chooses to transition.

Trans Masculine – Used to describe a trans person who may not identify with a gender, but instead leans more towards the masculine side of the gender spectrum.

Transsexual – A trans person that is usually pre- or post-op, but also may be non-op, that desires gender confirmation surgery or has already undergone the procedures.*

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January 5th 2009, 09:20 PM


Aromantic - A person who does not experience romantic attraction. See: Romantic Orientation

Asexual – An individual who does not experience sexual attraction. An asexual individual may or may not desire a romantic relationship, and may or may not enter a relationship with a sexual person. Asexual as a sexuality is a very broad term. It includes people repulsed by sex, people indifferent to it, people who will not have sex and people who will.

Biromantic - A person who is romantically (but not sexually) attracted to two or more genders. For example, this may mean someone who is attracted to men and women, women and nonbinary people, or something else. See: Romantic Orientation

Bisexual – An individual attracted to two or more genders, or one who experiences attraction regardless of gender. For example, this may mean someone who is attracted to men and women, women and nonbinary people, or something else.

Demisexual - Is part of the asexual spectrum. A person who identifies as demisexual does not experience sexual attraction unless they have a strong emotional connection with someone. It's seen a lot more in a romantic relationships but isn't confined to it. Demisexual is a term that means in between sexual and asexual.

Gay – Usually used to describe male-bodied people, although the term can also be used in reference to trans men, who are attracted to or desire a relationship only with a male-identified individual. Gay is sometimes used as an alternative to lesbian, although lesbian is never used to describe a gay male.

Grey-a is an umbrella term that describes individuals on a spectrum between experiencing sexual attraction to not having sexual attraction. Demisexual is a type of grey-a.

Heteroflexible – A person whose self-identity is straight, or heterosexual, but who may enter a relationship with a person of the same sex.

Heteroromantic - A person who is romantically (but not sexually) attracted to the opposite sex. See: Romantic Orientation

Heterosexual – Straight. A person who is attracted to or desires a relationship with someone of the opposite sex.

Homoflexible – A person whose self-identity is gay, or homosexual, but who may enter a relationship with a person of another sex.

Homoromantic - A person who is romantically (but not sexually) attracted to the same sex. See: Romantic Orientation

Homosexual – Used mostly within the medical community, homosexual refers to people with same-sex attractions.

Lesbian – Usually used to describe female-bodied people, although the term can also be used in reference to trans women, who are attracted to or desire a relationship only with a female-identified individual.

Panromantic - A person who is romantically (but not sexually) attracted to others regardless of gender or orientation. See: Romantic Orientation

Pansexual/Omnisexual – A person who is physically, romantically, and/or emotionally attracted to anybody regardless of sex, gender, or sexual orientation. This sexuality actively acknowledges attraction to trans people, while bisexuality does not.

Romantic Orientation - Most often used by, but not limited to, asexual persons to describe one's object (or lack of) of romantic (but not necessarily sexual) attraction. See: panromantic, heteroromantic, biromantic, homoromantic, aromantic

Sexual – A person who experiences sexual attraction.

Sexuality – A person's self-identity which labels their attraction to others.

Straight – An individual attracted to only the opposite sex.

Undefined/Unlabeled – A person who has chosen not to label their sexuality, for whatever reason.

Last edited by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯; June 13th 2022 at 12:29 AM. Reason: Updating.
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January 5th 2009, 09:20 PM

Other terms:

Civil Unions or Domestic Partnership – Two phrases used to describe a same-sex couple’s long term union, which may or may not be recognized, and protected by, the government, depending on the location.

Community – (gay community, queer community, <your choice of word> community) The concept of queer people coming together over a shared identity.

Cross dresser - Someone who often dresses up as the opposite gender for a variety of reasons. An individual's reason for cross dressing usually falls outside of entertainment purposes. Cross dressers may be trans or gender-conforming, gay, straight, or any other identity.

Drag - Individuals who dress up as the opposite gender. This is usually done for entertainment purposes. These individuals usually present with a stage name and take on a whole new persona when in drag. When individuals do drag it does not necessarily have to do with the individual's sex assigned at birth, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Heterosexism – Prejudice against and/or discrimination of others based on actual or perceived identity.

– The fear or hatred of people based upon their actual or perceived sexuality.

– The acronym I lovingly call Alphabet Soup, used to describe the queer community. It can include letters such as LGBTAIQ (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, asexual/androgynous, intersex, queer/questioning) and more.

– Used to describe the person one has entered a long-term, committed relationship with. Alternative to boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/etcetera.

– A controversial concept, even among members of the queer community, which includes pride in one’s sexuality or gender identity OR pride in the movement, and achievements, of queer people.

– An all-inclusive umbrella term which can be used to describe both non-heterosexual sexualities and gender non-conforming identities. While the term has been largely reclaimed and is often used in academic literature, it is still considered offensive by some.

Same-sex marriage
– A controversial topic in many countries, same-sex marriages would allow queer people to marry and be recognized by their government.

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) - A feminist who leaves out the right of trans women when advocating for women's rights. This is usually because they do not see trans women as women. While the term TERF is usually applied to these people by others, they might choose to self-identify as gender critical instead.

– The fear or hatred of people based upon their actual OR perceived gender identity.

Last edited by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯; October 12th 2022 at 10:15 PM. Reason: Updating.
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