im 19 and showing signs of being pregnant but tests say negative. -
February 7th 2013, 05:23 AM
i am hoping someone can please tell me their opinion. my last period ended December 19, i went home for my christmas break December 23 and had unprotected sex with my boyfriend, and he did not pull out. i have a regular period usually, but i have not gotten it since. i have been getting a small belly and its kind of hard. i have also been having mood swings, hot flashes, my stomach has been upset, my breasts are sore and have grown a little bit. i have taken 2 pregnancy tests that came back negative but have not seen a doctor yet. so i do not know if i am pregnant. i was pregnant 2 years ago but the tests came back negative when i was almost 3 months, so i dont know if it is doing that again. i am 19 years old. and i am in need of your opinion.