No period yet, I might be forced to get fat (TW) -
January 30th 2013, 05:23 PM
Hi, I'm 16 years old. I am 5'2 and at a low healthy weight. I haven't had my period and I've been at this weight for a year. if it doesn't come back by september (long time away I know, but bear with me!) I didn't just have a distorted body image, I was actually fat.. I know I'll be forced to gain weight, I don't know how much but I can't handle weight gain! I'm finally happy with my body and thanks to my mother fucking hypothalmus the weight i'm at isn't enough to produce enough estrogen for a period and not heavy enough to support a fetus. I don't get it, I seem at a good weight... .. if the doctor goes my growth charts im supposedly suppoesd to be in the 75th percentile which leads me to be a tad clinically overweight. HELP..? Has anyone been through this.? Will I have to get fat or gain just a little?
Last edited by kashiee322; January 30th 2013 at 08:59 PM.