Thread: So Lonely...
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Re: So Lonely... - January 29th 2013, 06:11 AM


I agree that you should never lose hope because through hope great things can happen. I know that not having any luck finding friends can be difficult but remember that college is just one part of the rest of your life. You said that you transferred for your senior year so that means after this year you will be done. I know that when my brother got done with college he made a number of friends at his new job. There are numerous places you can make friends and that doesn't just have to be college.

Do you still talk to your old friend or family members? This might be beneficial when you are struggling with feelings of loneliness. I know when I am struggling with making new friends I will talk to my family or my current friends. I realize the situation is different because I am not living away from them but it might help if you have those people to lean on even if it is online or by phone.

Maybe you could try and work on setting up a study group with people within some of your classes? I have found that study groups are an amazing way to start making acquaintances that can slowly build into friendships. It can be a challenge to figure out who the best people are to include in the study group or it can be a challenge to approach people about a study group but in the end it really can be worth it.

I hope that this helped in some way and I am wishing you the best of luck.