Purr Purr Purr.
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Jessie
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Re: Replacement for cutting? -
January 24th 2013, 12:48 AM
Hey Lilli.
It's brilliant that you're here asking for different things to do instead of cutting when you have the urges to self harm. I think it's a positive step in the right direction! I hope we manage to give you some idea's that you like.
The first one I'm going to talk about it something I picked of of another young person while I was in-patient. It's pretty simply. Buy some glow sticks. I normally have the ones that you wear around your wrists. When you have an urge to self harm, snap one and wear it. Now, you're then not allowed to self harm until the glow band has stopped glowing which is normally around 8-12 hours later by which time, the urges would have hopefully passed by then. I found this so helpful at one point it was unreal. And if you wanted too, you could tell the people closest to you about this, and then when they see you wearing a glow band, they would know that you're struggling with the urges without you having to say anything and they might then be able to do something nice with you too. 
The second one is to make a happy box AKA first aid box. Get a box and decorate with pretty paper, photos etc. And then fill it with things that distract you, help you and make you happy. For example, in mine I have glow bands (of course!) a little cuddly toy from when I was a child, worry dolls, a dvd, a book, photo's, letters from friends, positive quote and things like nail varnish. When you feel low or have the urges, turn to the box and do things out of it. Hopefully it will distract you and make you feel a little better.
The last one is the paper chain project. Basically, every day that you go with out self harm, add a colourful link to your paper chain. When/IF you relapse and self harm one day, add a plain white chain to your paper chain instead of a colourful chain. And the over time, you'll begin to see your progress in recovery and if you struggle one day, take a look at the paper chain and see the progress you have made and use it to inspire you to keep going.
I hope you like these idea's and most importantly I hope that you find them helpful,
Stay smiling,
’Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.’
Big sis, always and forever, 15/04/2018
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