Originally Posted by Khadra
So if you're an intelligent person who wants to be able to back up their claims you're not worthy to go to heaven? no matter if you're the nicest most honest and caring person in the world? How is asking for proof an "unfortunate" thing? How is blindly following something ever a good idea? If you met a stranger who said if you jumped off the bridge with them you'd go to a magical wonderful place called heaven, would you? no of course you wouldn't. Does that make sense to you because it sure doesn't to me. You wouldn't apply that same leap of faith to anything on earth, so how can you justify it in the case of an unprovable god?
You're missing one very important point: Christianity isn't about morals, it's about obedience. Throughout the Bible it is stated time and time again that all sins are equally bad as they are all transgressions against God's will. The upshot of this is that there is no means for telling the difference between a moral and an immoral action other than whether God says it is moral or immoral: if we have no criteria for ranking the sinfulness of an act, how else can we decide what is and what isn't a sin? The "good non-believer" is therefore an oxymoron: the only concept of "good" in Christianity is obedience to God, which naturally includes believing in God's existence.