Never had a girlfriend -
January 13th 2013, 03:59 PM
17 years old. Never had a girlfriend or been kissed before. What exactly am I doing wrong? I'm overweight but people tell me I don't look unhealthy. That I look like a football player or bodyguard. And bigger guys and much unhealthier guys than me can get a girlfriend but I can't. I'm not the stereotypical nice guy, to the point of letting people walk all over me but I'm not a douche. Students in my school seem to value material and physical things over mental. This puts me at a significant disadvantage. I'm Nigerian American and in mostly college level classes. The few nice, decent girls in my school are all taken. I don't have Jays or Nike's or "shoe game" as its called because my parents don't want me to have a job during the school year and I rather not use their money on something like shoes and clothes. If I want it, I want to earn the money to get it. And the girls who don't use how expensive someone's clothes to determine if they are dateable automatically assume that I am ghetto because I am black. These are usually the top students(asian and white) As a result, most of them look down on me. Once they get to know me, they start calling me funny, smart and friendly, so I'm automatically friendzoned before I develop any feelings for the girl. What am I doing that makes me so unattractive? Is it my looks or my confidence?