Originally Posted by Khadra
How is that any more ridiculous than god not wanting to be proved that he exists?
It's ridiculous because we're talking about religion here. Religion is the reason that a lot of people die all over the world everyday. It, for some people, depending on their beliefs, determines their eternity. Religion is a way of life for many, many people... And you're challenging that with a pot of gold who apparently has the ability to think?
Originally Posted by Khadra
Why is a person's devotion dependent on faith? When you have a friend that you trust it is because you've been able to get to know them and have logically found them to be a trustworthy person. You wouldn't trust someone you've never talked to, which is what god is the equivalent of.
Because if you can believe in God and put your trust in him based on what the Bible says, that's true devotion. But if you have to have everything displayed before you before you even think about believing, you would have never been devoted to God in the first place.
And Christians do talk to God. Prayer. In Christianity, you're meant to have a relationship with God. You pray and he answers, no, not verbally, but he answers. And as soon as this is read, some people will say, "Well, what about those people who pray for something and don't get it?" It's because God has a different plan. It's not about us, remember? Just because we want something doesn't mean we always get it.
If a five year old goes into a pet store and asks their father for a dog, does the father HAVE to get the child the dog? No. The child may not understand why daddy won't get them a puppy, but the father has his reasons.
Originally Posted by Khadra
What if I said my 5 heads were invisible but that they existed? How is that any different than god saying he exists but won't prove it?
It's different because I don't care whether or not you have five heads. If it was something that might change my life or future, then yeah, I'd care about it.
Originally Posted by Khadra
And again, since you didn't answer it the first time, why someone who has something good to offer not want to prove it so that everyone can reap the benefits of it? Wouldn't a good person/entity do everything they could to help everyone to heaven?
I did answer the first time. Here was my answer:
Originally Posted by ThereIsHope
Back to the faith thing... God wants his followers simply to believe in him and trust him. The Bible goes on and on about faith. And the Bible is what God wants us to live by. If the religion itself wasn't based on a foundation of faith, yeah, I'd want some proof. But since there is so much talk of how important faith is in the Bible, I believe that God, once again, wants his followers to have faith and trust in him, not ask for proof.
It's not about everyone getting to heaven. It's about those who follow God and believe in him by faith, like the Bible says. God would like for everyone to be able to make it into heaven, but unfortunately for them, there are people who need proof for everything, particularly religion.