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I can't get enough
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Name: Brandon
Age: 34
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Pronouns: Apache helicopter

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Re: Making my relationship with my girlfriend more healthy. - January 7th 2013, 05:56 PM

My girlfriend and I have been together for almost two years, and I can relate. When you have a limited amount of income, you have a limited amount of things that you can do. After a year, which is a long time for a relationship, you've probably done a lot of things: go to movies, go to arcade places, have picnics, etc, and eventually you start doing things in repetition. We're young, and therefore our available time is limited. This isn't a problem in's inevitable. At some point, things aren't so new anymore. There's gonna be times where you'll wanna go out and do stuff, and other times you'll want to sit inside. For the most part, you may feel like your relationship isn't getting anywhere because you aren't doing anything -- that's not merely the case. My girlfriend puts it very doesn't matter what we do, as long as we're together. It took me a while to accept the fact that doing nothing all day with her is still doing something for the relationship. Of course, she's not always going to want to stay inside and watch tv, which you should keep open communication. If she really wants to do something or go somewhere, she'll tell you. You can still have fun inside. Take baths together, play old school Nintendo, play board games, etc etc. Over time, you'll know what your girlfriend enjoys doing, and you can branch off of that. I know that my girlfriend loves video games, so I'm fortunate enough to have gaming consoles that I can bring over and we can play together. Don't feel like you need to be an adventurer, to always have a plan, because there's not always a plan going into something. That's the beauty of being spontaneous. If you already thought of doing something before you actually do something, it's not spontaneous anymore.