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Evanesco Offline
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Name: Harrison (or Harri)
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Re: Help! Period early?? - January 6th 2013, 11:51 AM

Hey there,

Not everyone had regular periods all the time. Your period might be early for a number of reasons, including stress (which is probably true in your case). It is very, very rare to have a period whilst being pregnant, and if you are pregnant and you have a period, it's usually a lot lighter than your normal one, so if this time round it's just as heavy then it's very, very unlikely that you are pregnant.

Tracking your period needs to be done over a period of time... No pun intended. It's great that you've started keeping a track, but I highly doubt that you have enough information to predict when your period is due after only one month. Keep tracking it, and after a few months you should start to see the trends.

Condoms are 98% effective in preventing pregnancy when you use them correctly. If you are really worried, the only thing you can do is to take a pregnancy test. That's the sure fire way of knowing whether you're pregnant or not.

The chance that you are pregnant is absolutely tiny.

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