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Re: My girlfriend's parents... - December 28th 2012, 01:20 AM

I think you should talk to her mom. You should sit down, have a real conversation with her where you tell her what your intentions are, how you feel about her daughter, and that you would never do anything to betray any trust she may or may not have for you.
It sucks that you can't do things with your girlfriend, but as I'm sure you're aware it's really up to her parents to trust both you and her until she turns 18. You just need to earn some trust, and that can usually be done by being honest and sincere. Parents are just looking out for what's right for their kids, and if she sees you as a potential threat right now then she's not going to trust you at all, you need to let her know that you're a friend not an enemy. You need to let her know that she's not the only one who wants what's best for her daughter, but that you want the same things for her.
Really what it boils down to is you need to have a real conversation with her mom and let her know that you're trustworthy.

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