Thread: Triggering (Suicide): Grieving my exbestfriend...
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Re: Grieving my exbestfriend... - December 20th 2012, 11:35 AM

Hey there,

I am sorry that this happened. It can be so hard to lose someone but you have to try and remember that you deserve to live. You have so many people in this life that love you and want you around that if you were to harm yourself they would be hurting.

I know that when a person is struggling with depression it can be really hard to see past the depression but remember this sadness will pass. Also, I honestly don't think that your friend would want you to harm yourself. I know that I think about harming myself sometimes but I could never fathom one of the people I've cared about in my life doing the same thing.

Is there anyone you can talk to about this? I know it might be hard to do but reaching out could do so much good. Maybe you could talk to your brother about this and explain why you snapped at him and go from there? I think that will help with some of the guilt you are feeling and it will probably give you someone to lean on.

Also, do you think you could try making a reasons to live list? I know that in the past this has helped me and maybe it will help you. Here is the link to teenhelps reasons to live link check that out and then try and make your own link and remember that no reason is too small.

I hope that this helped and if you need anything please feel free to PM/VM me.